I'm having difficulty understanding what the sound team is trying to achieve here.
Sounds, as physical phenomena, are pressure waves that obey the principle of superposition. That is to say, they are simply additive; in the real world, one important sound will not somehow make other less important sounds "quieter." In general, the primary factors determining how loud we hear something are (a) its original volume and (b) its distance to us.
If our monkey brains hear an "emphasis" on a certain sound, we simply interpret that sound as being closer. If you're putting emphasis on sounds for reasons other than their being closer (i.e. because you think those sounds are "important"), we still interpret that as being closer, only now we'll also experience a disparity between what we hear and what we see on screen. Every "HDR" tweak that isn't motivated by real physics is something that pulls the acoustics further away from realism.
In Rocket League, posi...