Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

19 Nov


Hello! Your friendly sound guy here... one of a few at Psyonix now actually! ☺ I assure you that this has not fallen on deaf ears! In the audio department we do listen and take into account any feedback you guys send out for the sound.

I know it seems like giving a lot of granular control over for the sound in the game is easy, but unfortunately that is not really the case. This is why you don't see games do this very often. When it is done, it is frequently limited to one area of sound or simply giving toggle on/off of certain aspects of the sound. (I would be curious if you have examples of games that have given more extensive control well? We would definitely look deeper into them.)

That being said, we are always working to better the sound in the game and I promise you we will take all of the thoughts on this thread into account. You should A/B from the original ship! It's quite a difference and a good chunk of that is from thoughts you guys had!...

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13 Nov


Rocket League does not use variable timesteps.

09 Nov

02 Nov


® or bust!

Seriously, though. This is pure, unfiltered awesome!

01 Nov


For what it's worth, I've struggled with mental health issues as well. I'm opening up about this because we DO care deeply about our player-base, and I want you to know we're human, too, and that we sometimes suffer as well.

I'm glad our customer care team was able to help you! If you feel you need to seek professional help then please do - there's no shame in it (as is often the way it's made out to be). I got professional help when I was in need of it and it was a great help to me, and I'm happy to admit that I did seek help.

30 Oct

29 Oct

26 Oct


Originally posted by VarekaiRL

Wow, thank you! This means a lot coming from you. You made my favorite car! It's the only one I have a miniature of.

Thanks! I'm happy to share a mutual appreciation for each other's art then. :)

25 Oct


That is incredibly well done!


Originally posted by [deleted]


How do I upvote something twice

24 Oct


This is amazing. Well done 👏

22 Oct

16 Oct


Originally posted by linkoflinks

Is anybody else having problems? I get the following message:

>We apologize. We are unable to complete your request on this device.

>So that you may continue to shop, we recommend using a different device (laptop, phone, tablet, etc.). Using a shared device? Make sure >you’re logged into your Ticketmaster account.

I have no other devices I can do right now. I literally had the best seats I could ask for in my cart and after selecting my payment options it forced me out and is giving me this over and over. I see others are getting tickets.

This error can occur due to high traffic to the website, keep trying and it should resolve automatically.


Hey all!

Tickets for the RLCS World Championship event in Las Vegas, Nevada are out NOW! Check out this link for more info.



Venue Info

Orleans Arena

4500 West Tropicana Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89103


Ticket Info

-Tickets will be $45 (plus applicable fees)

-Tickets are assigned seating (like #LANdon)

-One Ticket gets entry for ALL 3 days!


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10 Oct

25 Sep

21 Sep

12 Sep


Hey all,


Please use this thread to look for teammates for the Rocket League Renegade Cup, the latest event announced by Psyonix.


The Renegade Cup will feature a series of four successive monthly tournaments from October to January that will be created by RL community organizers and culminate with one final, three-day online event, hosted by Psyonix, known as the Renegade Cup Finals.


For more information, please check our blog announcement here.


To look for teammates, please use the following for...

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