Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

06 Jun


Originally posted by mordechrist

Thanks for all you do man! Keep making an amazing game :D

Thanks for playing! <3


Looks amazing! Nice one, OP :D

04 Jun


Originally posted by MelodicFacade

Quick thank you note! You guys are awesome, even though I don't play your game as often as I used to, what you guys created is true art and I have so many fond memories! It makes me happy seeing your comment here and being involved with the community still!


03 Jun


Ooh nice concept, nature is neat!

29 May


Originally posted by Halfway_Dead

Thanks for the comment! I'll try to sticky it in the video underneath my video to make sure people can see.

Input buffer size is not the same for everyone. It tries to grow or shrink depending on network jitter (variance in latency)

If that is true, then does that mean the server accepts inputs from some players later than others? That doesn't sound too fair to me. Or does your statement mean, that the client simulates even further ahead to create a bigger buffer for the inputs?

The issue you are seeing is not the actual ping going up with increased FPS.

I hope I didn't make it sound like I thought the real ping is higher just because it shows higher on the scoreboard.
The reason I made my assumption with the calculation was that I pinged the IPs of the servers manually and they gave me exactly the ping that I got at 60FPS but I guess that could've just randomly worked out and it's just inac...

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If that is true, then does that mean the server accepts inputs from some players later than others? That doesn't sound too fair to me. Or does your statement mean, that the client simulates even further ahead to create a bigger buffer for the inputs?

What it means is, if a player is averaging packets arriving anywhere between 100 and 125 ms of latency (25 ms of jitter), they have (ideally) 25ms of input buffer to ensure they always have enough inputs in the buffer to last until they next packet comes in. This keeps the input buffer as small as possible so we aren't adding too much extra delay to processing their inputs.

If another player has very high jitter (packets taking anywhere between 100 and 150 ms), they need a 50ms input buffer to handle the 50ms of possible lull between incoming packets.

25 May


Great video as always! I wanted to clarify some things mentioned in the video:

  • Input buffer size is not the same for everyone. It tries to grow or shrink depending on network jitter (variance in latency).
  • We allow up to 10 frames of input history to be sent on every outgoing packet. We don't send inputs that the server has already confirmed. You were probably only seeing 4 inputs because you had a low ping and the server had already confirmed the older inputs. If you increase your ping, you will see the game sending more inputs per packet.
  • The networking options currently don't work because we chose to disable them via the backend while we narrow down server issues stemming from the last update. The networking options will be re-enabled shortly after the next update goes out.
  • A fix was just checked in to our dev build a few days ago that coincidentally fixes the scoreboard ping issue too. The issue you are seeing is not the actual ping going...
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28 Apr


Hello! Thank you for this investigation. The heavy car issue is an elusive beast and we appreciate any community help in resolving this matter. Connecting to PsyNet with high latency should not have any effect on player input, but I'll try it out on Monday to see what happens. To aid in your investigation, here are some points regarding things mentioned in this post:

  • PC has only been using websockets since April 24. Prior to that communication with PsyNet has been through stateless https requests. So unless your issues just started in the last few days, I wouldn't assume websockets are the culprit.

  • ConnectionQualitySave just tracks your latency, packet loss, etc to the game servers over multiple matches. This information is used to display a pop-up linking to a support document if a user has recurring connection issues. It is not used to affect your connection settings.

  • The PsyNet.ServiceCalls metric is just metrics we record that me...

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03 Apr

    Dirkened on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Patch Notes v1.43 (Tournaments Update) Find the full Patch Notes in our announcement at:

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28 Mar


Originally posted by JCRicheson

Just curious do you still have any of the early concept versions of the cars? Would love to see them!

When we made SARPBC there were only 10 of us in the company, and a concept artist was not one of them. These cars just evolved as I worked on them and got feedback from people.


Originally posted by Swagblu

I love Scarab since SARPBC, I wish you the best things in life sir

Thanks, friend. :)


Originally posted by CapitanSauce

What was your inspiration for this thing of beauty?

It was 11 years ago but I think it was something like...

"Wait, they want me to make HOW MANY cars?!"

Nah, just kidding. Honestly I just liked that it was unique and fun and that the wheels connected differently than they normally would in a car.


As the person who made the original Scarab for SARPBC you're my new favorite person.

05 Mar

    Dirkened on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Patch Notes v1.42 [img][/img]

  • The DC Super Heroes DLC Pack[] is now available on all platforms
    • Battle-Cars
      • ‘'89 Batmobile’
      • ‘The Dark Knight Rises Tumbler’
    • Rocket Boost
      • ‘Speed Force’
    • Decals
      • ‘Aquaman’ (Breakout)
      • ‘Batman’ (Paladin)
      • ‘Cyborg’ (Roadhog)
      • ‘Flash’ (Venom)
      • ‘Green Arrow’ ...
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07 Feb

    Dirkened on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Patch Notes v1.41 The Headlines
  • Please read our Spring 2018 Roadmap[] for more information on future features and our new Update release format!
  • Competitive Season 6 ends and Competitive Season 7 begins
    • Wheels are being distributed as Season 6 Rewards
  • Victory Crate’ has been added
Complete list below...

New Content General
  • ‘Victory Crate’ has been added

Changes and Updates Competitive Season 6
  • Competitive Season 6 has ended. Titles and items will be awarded for your highest rank achieved during the season...
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09 Jan


Of all the plays you've posted on the subreddit, this is probably my favorite.

26 Dec


This is pretty amazing! Merry Christmas and happy holidays, r/RocketLeague! :D

20 Dec


Originally posted by usedwolf

It's not super obvious what is happening in the gif so I was hoping the name could help clarify that. I much prefer "Wolfdash" :)

Wolfdash sounds like an awesome food delivery service. :D

13 Dec

    Dirkened on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Patch Notes v1.40
  • [Nintendo Switch] Reduced the default Controller Deadzone to 0.15 from 0.3 to better utilize Joy-Con analog sticks
  • Reduced volume of the Batmobile Goal Explosion
  • [Nintendo Switch] Adjusted world detail to improve average resolution in Handheld Mode
  • Optimized the following maps for Nintendo Switch and PC:
    • Utopia Stadium (all variants)
    • Farmstead
      • Maps are optimized on PC when using ‘Performance’ World Detail setting
  • Improved the field texture visuals for the following maps on Nintendo Switch and PC:
    • Champion’s Field
    • Wasteland
      • Visual improvements on PC apply when High Quality Shaders are turned off
  • Fixe...
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25 Oct