Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

02 Nov


Originally posted by danlg

I love you to pieces, hope my comment didn't come off angry or aggressive - i just love you all so much

Not at all. It's always nice to be able to deliver on requests from the community.

19 Oct


Originally posted by JimMcGreevey

In an era of gaming where most developers behave like politicians, we have Psyonix; the company that brought us a game with as much replay value as any, at a third of the cost. The fact that Mike was even willing to open the message, let along click the link and listen to the song, embodies everything about Psyonix. They listen to the fans, and they do a phenomenal job at giving us what we want... and have yet to charge an extra dime for core content. I can honestly say Rocket League is one of the best twenty-dollar purchases I've ever made, and even if Mike was just hoping the song sucked so he could make a quick five bucks off my money-back guarantee, it wound up making a big difference for my buddy.

Also, if any of you guys wanna play 2v2, hit me up on Steam.. my username's the same over there. I kinda suck, but I'm a solid teammate.

Thanks for reaching out to us dude!

We are huge fans of supporting smaller artists here... I know first hand how hard it is to actually get people to listen when you're starting out, and we know first hand at Psyonix how hard it is to get that one good opportunity. I'm just stoked Rocket League was able to help Andy and DeAnna be heard. It's an amazing tune and they both are super talented. I'm happy to see credit go where credit is due!

Much like Ether, Kev Frey, and all the other artists that have gone into Rocket League, we are just happy to build up others when we can. :D

13 Oct


Originally posted by CloudFuel

No promises just yet, but we're looking into alternative payment options.

The PayPal portal is now available for those that prefer that payment method:

20 Sep

09 Sep


So... in this patch we fixed the Doppler Effect (the sensation of something pitching up as it gets closer to you). An unforeseen side effect was that your local sounds were always right in front of you unless you were sliding around, so they got pitched as though they were going to Doppler past you.

I'm sorry this didn't get caught, but we are working on a fix and will try to get it out to you as soon as possible! Sorry for this!


Originally posted by Arsid

I paged /u/Psyonix_Soundguy in a different post of mine. Didn't get a response, but it is pretty late.

I just want my favorite rainbow trail back :(

Responded to your other post :P


Originally posted by Arsid

Hey /u/Psyonix_SoundGuy, is the rainbow trail supposed to sound like it's dying? Or is that a glitch that you guys are (now) aware of?

Edit: apparently the sacred trail is having the same "dying sound" problem.

So... in this patch we fixed the Doppler Effect (the sensation of something pitching up as it gets closer to you). An unforeseen side effect was that your local sounds were always right in front of you unless you were sliding around.

I'm sorry this didn't get caught, but we are working on a fix and will try to get it out to you as soon as possible! Sorry for this!

07 Sep

    Dirkened on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TRD | SplinterV: Is this just serverside or does it come with the rumble update.
It will come with the Rumble Update, which is set for being released tomorrow
    Dirkened on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Party Skill and Matchmaking Updates, Round Two Design Director - Corey Davis

We wanted to share a few changes we made to how we match parties of players and update their skills.

Weighted Average Party Skill We have changed Party Skill to use a weighted average instead of using the highest skill present in the party. In this case, a “weighted average” means a blend between the average and highest skills in the party. A party of similar skill will have a Party Skill close to their average, but a party that’s farther apart will match closer to their highest skill.

If you’re wondering why this is necessary, our match data shows that when parties are matched against opponents at their average skill, those parties have a win-rate advantage. And the further apart the party members are in skill from each other, the better their odds get. Similarly skilled teams, like a (Challenger 1, Challenger 3) party, have acceptable win rates, but more disparate te... Read more

02 Sep


Originally posted by Wotoko

Could I get the Import Dominus in a crate even if I don't have the Dominus?

Yes you can. Receiving an "Import" car is not dependent on owning the existing DLC vehicles.


Originally posted by won_vee_won_skrub

Why? Doppler Effect or something?

This comment wins the day for me.

19 Aug


Interesting... Well... The deeply sorry vocal quip is supposed to be for when you lose. I will have to look and see if that is repeatable. I personally have never seen that happen.

Do you have specifics to game you were playing... anything you can give us to repeat that result will be useful!

Thank you for pointing this out!

08 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]

Psyonix!!! Great f**king event, amazing matches!

Edit: Thank you brother, this gold is for psyonix, I'm just the proxy!


Thank you to everyone who watched this weekend, either online or with us in Hollywood! We are constantly humbled by your support and it was incredible to meet all of you amazing people.

This really was a team effort. We could not have done this without our partners, sponsors, on-air talent, professional athletes, and all of the hard-work and support from the best community anywhere.

Thank you everyone for all the feedback, and we're looking forward to a bigger and better Season 2!

31 Jul


That is the version from the game. The intro was slightly shortened to time our properly for the game start, but other than a bit of intro removed, it is in fact the same song!

11 Jul


Really glad to hear Steve is still improving and we can't wait to have him back making us all smile! Keep up the great work Steve!


Also, thank you to all of you in this community for being so diligent in keeping everyone informed on Shalthis' progress. It is truly inspiring to see a gaming community come together as a family and take care of each other.


Hey there /u/KardelSharpeyes,

Let me try to clear up some of the confusion for you. I will attempt to be thorough, so please forgive me if I go over information you already know.

The Basics

Each season is comprised of 2 Qualifiers; think of these 2 halves of the regular season. Each Qualifier is comprised on 3 parts: Online Open, Group Stage, Online Final.


  • Online Open - Huge open elimination tournament where any team (within the specified regions) with a full roster of 3-5 players may compete for a shot at the Group Stage.


  • Group Stage - The top 8 teams from the Online Open enter Groups and play round-robin format, where they are awarded standings based on their Win/Loss. At the end of Gro...
Read more

09 Jul


Congrats on the achievement! Truly one of the more impressive feats. wp

07 Jul


Originally posted by Forest-G-Nome

Hey /u/Psyonix_josh sorry for messaging you here about it, but I've been trying to contact anyone at psyonix for months, and your support hasn't sent a single response! Do you know what I should do or who I should contact for help? This is getting incredibly frustrating not being able to play parts of rocket league, and seemingly being completely ignored by your customer support (or lack thereof).

Sure man, shoot me a DM and I will see if I can help.