Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

19 Feb


Originally posted by won_vee_won_skrub

They definitely make it sound like you want to stick to Legacy unless you have bad connection.

Not exactly. The new methods are just that - new - so we just didn't want to oversell them until people get some hours into testing them out in a variety of real world conditions.

The new stuff is closer to how Overwatch does latency mitigation, which has some advantages over the Legacy model in theory, but real world is always different.


Originally posted by joyrida12

Any chance of one of y'all giving a GDC talk about this? That last one from /u/Psyonix_Corey was eggcelent.

Also worth watching Tim Ford's talk on Overwatch architecture (Network stuff around 25 minutes in)

12 Feb

07 Feb


You are correct, the ends of longer cars have a higher velocity than shorter cars when dodging. However the bulk of the impact force between the ball and the car comes from the extra forces that we add after the collision response is calculated by the physics engine, and these extra forces depend entirely on the relative linear velocity between the car and the ball. Angular velocity does not factor into the extra forces.

31 Jan


Originally posted by euronate

Thanks Corey! I copied the following from my edited comment, but just trying to throw the idea out there. I hate to complain about something without trying to think of a possible solution.

One of the suggestions that I had was to reset your casual MMR to whatever your highest MMR was in a competitive playlist at the end of the previous season. It'll get inflated again probably, but at least it would reset somewhat regularly.

Our tentative plan is to 'squish' the curve to maintain everyone's relative placement, but reduce how extreme the outliers are on the top end numerically so it plays nicer with Matchmaking.

It will probably be nonlinear so we can account for the extreme edges of the MMR curve without putting them right back into a situation where they have few valid opponents in queue.


Originally posted by euronate

Can you please do something to re-calibrate unranked MMR? I have over 2200 unranked MMR and my highest actual rank is C3. I can't find casual matches anymore without waiting at least 5 to 10 minutes.

Edit: one of the suggestions that I had was to reset your casual MMR to whatever your highest MMR was in a competitive playlist at the end of the previous season. It'll get inflated again probably, but at least it would reset somewhat regularly.

This is something we'd like to address soon. I don't have a firm timeline on it right now to give you yet.

22 Jan

18 Jan


“wHy DoEs ThE oThEr TeAm AlWaYs GeT bEtTeR pOwEr-UpS, wHy DoN’t I eVeR gEt SpIkEs???”

14 Jan


Originally posted by ytzi13

Thanks. Someone already linked that to me elsewhere and for some reason I thought it was an older comment. Oops!

Still, my question extends beyond that response.

Will they be adding a "Party up?" quick chat? Will we have to just send them an invite and hope they respond? Does this special waiver apply to players across platforms who are in our club? Do these waivers apply to private matches where it would be implied that players communicated outside of the game in some way already?

This also seems to be indicative of the usefulness of a "stay as team" button that Psyonix did mention they would look into once RocketID matured a bit, in which case I'd be curious how that would work in a 3v3 where only one teammate agrees.

u/Psyonix_Corey I guess you'd be the guy to ask.

Lot to unpack here, here we go:

  • No "Party Up" quick chat, but something I can circulate internally for adding.
  • You send Party Invites to Friends (platform or RocketID) and they'll get a notification they can accept asynchronously. If you're talking about inviting non-friends, you'd need their RocketID and have to friend them (and they have to accept) before you can party up. Given that you can't chat cross-platform by default, this is tricky, however...
  • There's a "Recent Players" tab in the in-game Friends List you can use to friend people you played with recently without them having to chat their RocketID to you. The Friends List is part of the bottom panel next to Party Chat and can be accessed mid/endgame, you don't have to go to the Main Menu to use it.
  • Chat Waivers aren't unique to any particular qualifications e.g. Club Membership. It's simply only allowed for Party Chat specifically. Private Match "open chat" would require us to ...
Read more

11 Jan

09 Jan


Dat form! Dat poise!!

03 Jan



30 Dec




Dig the clear line style on Merc!

29 Dec


Q U A L I T Y M E M E 👌

26 Dec


No chill with that skill. 🥶👍🔥