Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

09 Nov


Originally posted by Blinkyscookie

I’ve got a guy throwing games with the tag: NoWinStreak what do I do about it?

You don't have to do anything more. We'll take a look!

08 Nov


Originally posted by AmirsDadsLegs

As do we! The upstairs neighbours though.. probably not as much

Send them my way. I’ll handle it. 💪


Hey Chapeaux, Thanks for much for pointing this issue out! We have a fix for this issue that’ll go live in our next “major” release.


This reminds me of when I used to do LAN parties with my friends playing Halo. Great Pic!

07 Nov


Originally posted by PlayerNameT

This is pretty standard among most games with a ranked mode. In the lower ranks you gain significantly more for winning than you loose for loosing a match. This allows the average player to climb low ranks rather fast.

The higher you climb the less of a discrepancy you'll see to the point where you can not rank up without having a 50%+ win rate. To the best of my knowledge most games either use this system or placement matches.

This is exactly how our system works. As you get higher you are going to find it a lot harder to maintain if you don't win more than you lose.


Originally posted by NETFLIX-ad

Really, the game isn't stable for people yet. Personally I haven't had any major issues (knock on wood), but others have been.

Bear in mind we are testing Ranked right now to ensure it's ready to stay on. We're very interested in people's experience!


Originally posted by roka100

Hey so why does Nintendo have to approve a bug fix in yalls game?

This is how console publishing works I'm afraid. Once we make changes to the game, it is sent to the publisher (Nintendo) where it's reviewed and approved.


Originally posted by FLDUMMYY

about time

This is a Test of the Ranked Beta system to ensure it's ready. Let us know your experience!

06 Nov


As soon as we can make it happen. Right now we feel very strongly a few key issues need fixing before it's turned on. Hang in there!


Originally posted by mrkoraytosan


The hotfix only fixed one issue that could cause the Dahlia linking issue. Any details you have around this we'd really appreciate.


Originally posted by Academy902

ETA for ranked?

We still do not have an ETA for this right now. We want to ensure these fixes address the largest issues before turning that on.


Hey Rogues! We are in the process of rolling out some fixes to each of the various platforms you are playing on. PC and PlayStation 4 are already available and Xbox should follow in just a little while. Switch players, we have submitted our fixes to Nintendo and await their approval. Once we have it, we'll release that as quickly as possible.

Below you'll find the changes which were made to each platform, but please note there are still more fixes in process.

  • Fixed an issue where Dahlia could not relink to a teammate if they have disconnected. We are still working on another issue which may cause this to happen.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the store would not populate certain items
  • Fixed a crash which would happen when players acknowledged pings
  • Fixed a series of crashes caused by out of memory errors
  • Fixed an issue where PC would not save the selected Region after a crash
External link →

Originally posted by Haze360x

Any idea on an ETA for a fix? Shes my main and she's currently unplayable

We don't have an ETA at the moment. We were able to fix one aspect of the issue in the client that just went live for PC but are still investigating other parts.

05 Nov


Originally posted by xhiggzx

I fully understand the ranked delay.. but the whole game being completely UNPLAYABLE? this is something that should have been addressed & fixed within the day...

Right now we've identified a series of crashes impacting PlayStation 4 specifically. They are very technical in nature and required the elimination of a lot of different possibilities such as Rogue, Map, modes (such as the Shooting Range) font changes in various languages. We even investigated the new background to see if that was creating a problem.

The team will stay focused entirely (there is nothing more important right now) on these issues until a fix has been put in. At that point it will need to go through the standard approval process required by Sony.