
Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Originally posted by -Selvaggio-

How about fixing the service that you make us pay for? Can you share further details on that?

If you've got any information about RuneMetrics not working I'm happy to take that back to the team.


One thing is for sure here: They are not happy with the recent attention the public API has been getting and are up to something shady. You can't hide from a logging server Jagex....

We should get a JMod to explain what they did to the API, maybe it's something good, maybe it's not. We don't know and they should communicate.

This isn't true. Any limits in place have there for months if not years and have sadly affected several other 3rd party developers over time who have had to make appropriate changes to their use of the API - RuneClan being one I am aware of.

After reviewing the rate limits I can confirm they are reasonable, though I won't be sharing further details.

11 Feb


Originally posted by VolumeEarly1698

tysm Luma!!! it means a lot for me your comment since it was the front you worked on!!!



A couple of others have already commented our thoughts.

The animation re-use here and the VFX being different for the incantations is very intentional by design.

The idea of an 'invocation' is that the entity/power in which you're invoking would change, therefore the VFX, but the actual animation of invoking something would stay the same.

The commanding is basic, because the focus is on the conjured spirit itself.

10 Feb



Poor Radimus had to pay well over the expected rate in order to get men to deal with the extreme population; in-fact he used the entire quarter's Legend's Guild budget to keep YOU safe, that money was supposed to go on remodelling the garden, but no.

And all you have to say is you 'stand with the bears ?!

Go stand with the bears, see what happens. Have you ever seen a bear rip a man's face off?
Radimus has.

Don't show your face around here anymore. The Legend's Guild will not accept such insolence.


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

Additionally, switching the active loadout only costs 80% of the Chronote cost of each Relic harnessed to that loadout, saving you 20% of the cost when you swap between your most commonly used sets!

Oh no

You guys missed the whole point

There was 2 aspects of Relics that were commonly pointed to as causing frustration

  1. The Chronote cost to swap
  2. How long it took to swap between sets.

This system should solve the second point in the majority of player cases but when it came to the cost we didn't want to undermine the chronote economy overnight as they were built into the skill as a intended reoccuring cost and while annoying maintaining gold sinks like this is generally better for the long term health of the game.

While its not a removal of the entire cost, getting 20% off swapping between your main sets is a reasonable reduction and now that the system is in place there is a precedent for future reward spaces.


Swapping around Relics, gathering Love letters and getting ready to show your combat mastery... busy week!

Check it out here -

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  1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.
  2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.
  3. Do you have any additional information that would be useful?
  4. ...
Read more External link →

07 Feb



03 Feb


Time to polish up and share those UIs!

Check it out update here -

To assist us with monitoring any issues that arise please use the following template to help us gather data and find your issues quickly.

  1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.
  2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.
  3. Do you have any additional information that would be useful?

Please also include your display name (RSN) and continue to submit in game reports to assist the team with resolving these issues.

External link →

30 Jan


Originally posted by 5-x

A new rune is a lot of checklists, I hope the team finds the time (lol) to tick all necessary boxes such as

  • time talisman, tiara, and staff
  • feed it to wicked hood
  • new altar, maybe miniquest to locate it?
  • put time runes in pouches
  • add time rune to ZMI
  • check new spells with greater runic staff
  • V's boost and moonstone ring effect on crafting time runes
  • rune shops?
  • vis wax ingredient?

and so on and so forth.

It would also be a great idea to bring back miasmic spells such as miasmic barrage - they slow your opponent down, it's a great thematic fit!

Important to mention that all endeavours with 110s have a principle that the player, you, are the "pioneer" of these new resources. You might be the only one, or one of very few, who knows how to put your skills to use and find, harvest, harness these 100+ resources

As such, not everything is exactly a "plug-in" point and that could be down to that principle or a bit of narrative, and or allowing the design space to do interesting things without necessarily being tethered to all existing content and mechanics as a checklist.

For example, if you are currently the only person or one of few who knows/finds out about Time Runes, it wouldn't make sense for them to just appear in shops


Originally posted by auswish133

Out of curiosity, does the weapon imbue involve traveling to all of the altars, or will there be a difference in speed/weapon effect/xp/damage/etc for imbuing at particular altars? While I understand it would likely cause a lot of balance work, it would be really flavorful if the altars utilized imbued weapons differently.

We had a fair bit of discussion on this, considering how this might look for potentially retro-fitting to levels below 100 in the future. While it's still subject to change, there is a small bonus for going to elemental or catalytic altars as part of the skills new levelling benefits


Let's take a look at your picks for the Golden Gnome Awards finalists!

Check them out here -

External link →

Originally posted by Dickbutt11765

This looks real good to me, we haven't had a new Magic rune since really Astral Runes (Armadyl doesn't count). I can't wait to make jokes about the time altar having come out several years in the past.

I think a couple of the skilling spells need to be renamed and possibly condensed though. Fast Rockertunities and Longer Lumberjack's Intuition definitely sound like placeholders and possibly expose the game mechanics a bit too much. "Seek Rockertunities" follows the verb schema of most Lunar Spells (like "Fire Urn"), though "Seek/Improve Intuition" is a bit more clunky.

They're definitely placeholder, it was actually just this week Mod Frosch was brainstorming names with the rest of the team!


Originally posted by Pulsefel

bear jail in witchhaven soon

Unfortunately the respondents can bearly fit them all in and will have to resort to other alternatives...


The residents of Ardougne have complained for years about the bear infestation that has taken place on the outskirts of their city, destroying the local scenery and threatening innocent adventurers.

A dispatch team has been called out to deal with the situation. Updates to follow. More news at 11.

27 Jan


Originally posted by Lord-Ice

If I might offer a humble recommendation: The Enchanted Lyre has a customizable quick-tele option, perhaps you might be able to use that item's implementation for a customizable quick-tele for the next default left-click?

Will give it a look - TY


Originally posted by Objective_Toe_49

Hey Sponge! Thank you that's great to hear! Sorry if this came across as rude it just felt like the perfect time to ask, the update today will definitely make RC better!

Not rude at all - just felt it would answer a lot of questions by addressing immediately


Originally posted by Objective_Toe_49

The Passing Bracelet's first option is now rub instead of wear and the first Actionbar option whilst worn is also rub, instead of teleporting to the Hanging Gardens. The hope is to make it slightly less annoying to use whilst Runecrafting in Um.

Thanks for this, and I dont mean to sound ungrateful, but this update really emphasises why it would be nice to be able to select the default option for items on the actionbar.

I remember seeing a Jmod on twitter work on this along time ago, is there any plans to pick up this work again i the future?

Yo - I'm going to relook in the future at this + other tele items being more customisable in the future, but as this was done and more or less an improvement all-round I didn't see a need to stop this change prior to further updates