
Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Nov

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An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!
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An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!
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An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!
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An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!
    /u/ on News - Thread - Direct
An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!
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An in game event in Rimmington called 'Slime is of the Essence' is commencing, where is it about? It sure is slimetastic!
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In-game maintenance is coming, read on for more!

21 Nov


Originally posted by Xhaell_

Last night, my very good friend was killed by a drunk driver who smashed him head on, killing my friend instantly. My friend was an avid runescape player, i actually met him through runescape and ive known him and his cousin for the past 6 years of my life. He might have not had all 99's but thats not what he cared about, he was a big quester and got quest cape multiple times since they release new quests here so often. What im trying to say is, this game makes memories, and i have plenty of amazing memories of my friend with this game that ill never forget and he will always live on through these memories. I miss you man, rest easy, and i promise one day ill finally kill araxxor. Even if its not with you, i know youll still be there with me when i do it.

Edit: Thank you all for the support, it really means a lot to his family, his friends, and me. Theyve all seen this post and are very happy of all the kind things youre all saying and all the support youre showing. Runesca...

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I'm so sorry.


Originally posted by Seismicityplaysrs

Have my kids Mod Pi, i love you

I have one already and she already cuts in to my PvM gainz enough so I'm alright thanks!

(In all seriousness she's awesome and I wouldn't change her for the world, future youngest final boss title holder incoming, what do you think /u/Shaunyowns wanna race? Lyris vs Maisie, who can get Final boss first? )


Originally posted by LoLArtaphernes

Man comes back to combat for a few hours and instantly fixes some annoying bugs that have been in the game for legit years. Please put him on a permanent combat development role.


Aww thanks guys, you're the best <3

This sort of stuff is why I love doing what I do so seriously, much love!


Originally posted by Mini_Nub

So the Demonic Skull will work?

I thought the consenus was that no form of bxp would be allowed.

It may shock you but the Demonic Skull actually doesn't give XP in the form of "BXP", only when it's DXP it does that :)


Originally posted by Danger_Dawn

agility is a bit of an rng shitfest, tho

i believe hefin at 99 would offer the highest base xp so everyone will be doing it during hefin hour with the agility juju pot which makes the person who gets the most free shortcuts the winner

i believe hefin at 99 would offer the highest base xp so everyone will be doing it during hefin hour with the agility juju pot which makes the person who gets the most free shortcuts the winner

The best base XP will be from Wildy course with Demonic Skull/Wildy Sword 2, so if your clan can keep you safe as you go through the course that's the best way to go or play it safe with Hefin :)


Originally posted by Mini_Nub

Honestly chosen the worst skill possible to pilot the skilling cup. I know some people like Agility, but I'd confidently say that the majority of players hate the skill and half of the reasoning behind why you chose Agility is kind of laughable.

Which means that it could be fun because of the associated clan rewards behind it! :)

No, that's not going to make doing agility for the skilling cup fun at all.

I would have thought that something more XP intensive and grindy, like woodcutting, mining, hunter or Runecrafting would have been chosen as the XP would have been more 'intense'. ie: Regular woodcutting vs Crystalising Acacia trees...Where as for agility you're just doing Prifddinas agility course during vos.

Where as for agility you're just doing Prifddinas agility course during vos.

Not true whatsoever, VoS is disabled and in this the best XP would actually be a Demonic Skull with Wildy Sword 2, however that carries a risk vs reward.

So there's options to take here :)