
Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Originally posted by sherwien14

Also something to add, yesterday we had no problems with the random aggression of AoD when we tested it out. It came today with the patches.

It was a problem yesterday too, nothing I changed today would have effected aggression. I explained on a comment below:

Basically during that special, Nex has a long period where she isn't attacking anyone which effectively takes her out of combat, meaning she has lost focus of the original person she is targeting.

Will find a way, i'm sure /u/JagexPi can think of a funny way of keeping her in combat in a cheeky way :P


Originally posted by sherwien14

Yes, i never got a red message that i was iced on screen.

Interesting, will investigate. Thank you for giving her a go!

What did you think of the other changes?


Originally posted by sherwien14

Hey mod ramen, what are according to you the new phasing points of AoD. Like the current aod has 2.1m, 1.8m and 600k as phase points. With the new aod what are the new phase points according to you and is it possible that Amalgamations spawn during a different special thats already going on?

Extra 500k split between all the phases so add 166k to each phase.

She phases based of the % of her max lifepoints.


Originally posted by sherwien14

was more referring to this video

was in same team and we were testing earlier today.

Yeah I've got this saved, thank you. I know what it is, it's just workout how to get around it.

Basically during that special, Nex has a long period where she isn't attacking anyone which effectively takes her out of combat, meaning she has lost focus of the original person she is targeting.

Will find a way, i'm sure /u/JagexPi can think of a funny way of keeping her in combat in a cheeky way :P


Originally posted by ThtGuyTho

Stealth camo is op.


Originally posted by SnerPnNerf

It’d be great if this was a weekly event. Spend 2 hours on a Wednesday afternoon cleaning out bots. Rotate which ones are targeted so it’s an even purge.

Moving forward we shall be doing this, but feel free to nag me if an area needs looking at.


Originally posted by sugn1m

Just wish they would trace any player involvements with these bots as well. Follow the gp/items traded.

Maybe they do already, I'm not sure.

We do :)


Originally posted by bravesther

Does jagex try to go further and find out which accounts are benefiting from the bots?

Yep - these are usually picked up in our more in-depth Real World Trading checks, especially for gold farming bots such as these.


Originally posted by ImRubic

I just want to make it clear I have nothing against you, and I truly believe you do learn from your mistakes.

These were just my observations based on the limited info I had, so I’m very grateful you clarified all of it and explained everything in detail.

I’m sorry if I’ve said anything out of line.

You didn't say anything I wasn't already thinking so don't worry yourself. As a professional I should be able to read critical comments, break them down and learn from them. I don't blame you for any of your observations or conclusions you made, I'd probably have the same given then same information.


Hey, these have now been banned. Apologies for the grief they've caused you.


Originally posted by ImRubic

It may be rude of me to say, but I’ll say it now since it seems the most appropriate.

I do not think Mod Pi is a good game designer. Nearly every piece of content he seems to have control over always ends up ruining a core portion of the game.

  • Runespan threw actual runecrafting out the window.
  • EOCs initial design and concept had a multitude of flaws.
  • All PvP updates have caused situations in and out out of PvP to be worse.

That being said I think Mod Pi is brilliant when it comes to implementing cool concepts and ideas. It’s almost always really creative and has an interesting approach to introducing content.

I think he plays a really important role at Jagex in implementing updates and providing interesting ideas for discussion, but I don’t think he should be the one deciding the exact implementation from a balance perspective.

That is just my personal observation though. I could be complete wrong on the actual ...

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Thought I'd retort here to what is some very useful and very fair feedback from Rubic here. These are also points I’ve wants to say for quite a while and I still to this day kick myself for but I live my life by a set of rules and one of these rules is that I can forgive myself for my mistakes provided that I learn from it and don't make it again. That said the points that you have raised specifically I do have more info that I'd like to share it has been a while and we have learned from what we did wrong with these updates.



Initially the aims for the runespan update was to release a minigame which the players could do for some runecrafting xp to break up the grindy-ness of the skill. When I approached this I raised that this will not fix the players issues with runecrafting in that it is a very dry skill that is not fun to train. One of my designs for a minigame was a game where you siphoned runic energy out of barriers that broke...

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Originally posted by HELPeR_Venture

It's ok, you don't have to pretend. This is a safe place.

nervous jmod sounds


Originally posted by ScopionSniper


NSFW link btw

(´・ω・`) I made the mistake in googling 'slime girls' when looking up reference material for the event.


Originally posted by Varsit4

Well okay I am not a developer and I dont really know how much time stuff takes, but would you be able to "make" a boss from a design you made before hand, in about a month? Like if you had several people working on it :-)

You could get a working prototype in that time. Possibly even looking tolerable, but you'd need longer to get the balancing and feel right and to get the full graphics in place as well.

Then of course there's the rewards...


Originally posted by Radyi

im pretty sure with infinite time and infinite resources nothing would get done... the scope of the project would grow to infinity...

That's quite likely. Looks at certain kickstarted games


Originally posted by Fe0lo

Is this new event available to do by btw accounts?

Yus, you won't be able to get the physical armour set though.


Originally posted by GodsAreTired

This last stream was the first in a long time and it was excellent to see. Important questions got answered and it goes a HUGE way to bringing back player confidence in the game. It helps when we see that the jmods know what they're doing and that requested features are being worked on.

At the end Shauny said he'd like to do more general Q&As but immediately said "not every week or anything". Wtf why? It worked great in the past.

I retracted my every week comment because we’d struggle to splice together general Q&A plus retaining a focus on the core content.

However there is room for the general Q&A questions, always so let me see what I can do!


Originally posted by Varsit4

I am not even joking with my post, I think they could bang out some great stuff in 2-4 weeks if they were allowed to just be creative!

I think they could bang out some great stuff in 2-4 weeks if they were allowed to just be creative!

So, 2-4 weeks is really not much time. We could do some bugfixes and maybe one or two tiny things, but 2-4 weeks is I'm afraid not going to get you much.

For context, most of the updates we release have a dev cycle of about 3 months, with the bigger updates taking longer. That time is needed for the design, scriping, graphics, audio and QA and even then we're often really up the the wire with time.

I mean obviously I'm totally on board with me just being given infinite resources and infinite time to just add whatever I would like to the game. But realistically it's sometimes good for someone to be able to shake their head at me and tell me no. ;)


Originally posted by TheCrystalJewels

not a single mention of seren godbow spec surprise surprise

Hey I poked people about seren godbow today and I'm going to bug Daze every day until he improves it :P