
Runescape Dev Tracker

21 Nov


Originally posted by TheCrystalJewels

so ppl can just join the winning clan for a month for 6% extra xp?

If they so wish, that's the appeal of winning clans (and what previous winners have done before)


Originally posted by Bazzaminxer

I will try do my best to be blunt and quick to the point. These types of things would normally interest me. Especially since it allows over 200m xp tracking.

However in the past jagex have failed or been profoundly bad at giving out the rewards for these competitions.

I would like to participate but I will not bother until I can see this pilot has some integrity and professionalism this time round.. I understand Shauny is taking the reins this time so I hope him all the best. I just stopped putting my trust into hoping something works correctly > Waiting to see it does anymore.

Have faith in me these prizes will be delivered quickly and efficiently, I'm passionate as all hell about this and I'll do my damnedest to make sure it has integrity from the get-go


Glad you liking it :)


Originally posted by TheFluffyDeer

Have you thought about Brimhaven agility?

As in the tickets for agility XP? Yeah that won’t add to your total :)


Originally posted by Thogcha

Seriously, I would love to hear how they chose agility. The contest is literally going to be who can get the most shortcuts in a hefin hour. Plus 2 better agility training methods than this won't even work according to the posted rules (wildy and silverhawks).

I chose it, this is why I’m pitching it as a pilot, Agility isn’t that fun to skill and with this I’m hoping it’ll incentivise clans to try train it a bit more and see how they get on :)

We’ll see how it goes


Originally posted by TheCrystalJewels

clan stickied thread in recruitment and 12% xp boost/100% faster capping, and a specific player title that displays their clan name for a month.

uhhh really xp boosts to the winners?..

Yeah as I mentioned already, this is a cup reward that we’ve done for the last two clan cups at the very least :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


It’s the same reward we’ve given in past clan cups. In essence the winner always got double.


Originally posted by RottedEden

This idea seems real messy.

How so? Curious to see your thoughts


The Ultra water quality setting actually does what could be described as ray tracing (using modern shader functionality, nothing to do with RTX) to produce the caustics effect visible on ground beneath water and on objects above water (such as sides of some ships and under the lumbridge bridge). It might not look like it, but it's a dynamic realtime effect and not an animated texture like most other games use

20 Nov


Originally posted by Pulsefel

just tell me that the 50% respect per blacksmith piece price is either staying the same or lowering. its a MUCH appreciated change from the 100% it was before. now a full set and mod will only take 3mil xp to get not 6mil.

Yeah that's not a bug.


Originally posted by Veginite

I have another question for /u/jagexjack

The rocks will receive a visual overhaul for different areas, right? They look incredibly out of place right now. I understand this is a beta, but I just wanted to make sure.

In theory that's already the case. Look at desert rocks compared to trahearn, for example.


Originally posted by ezgihatun

In Advanced, various settings can be set and saved as a preset. Beware, you may cause some strange looking effects. Sun colour, sun ambience, fog colour and depth as well as volumetric light colour and density can be set to custom values.

The new layout looks great but more importantly custom skyboxes are here y'all! I'll be playing around with these for a long while :) Thank you u/JagexEdge!

Question edit: The values I alter affect the lighting/color of the ground, but the sky itself remains unchanged. When I alter a value, I can actually see a brief moment of change to the sky, but then the sky reverts to how it used to be, while the ground and objects on ground are changed. Is this intentional? It feels like the sky is rejecting the changes :D

A couple of pics to help illustrate my point. 1st picture is altered dawn, 2nd is default. The changes don't apply to t...

I am afraid the skybox is lit independently to environment. It would be best to pick a skybox that fits the appearance you are looking for.

But am glad you like it :)


I would love to see what everyone creates with it :)


Originally posted by Meet_Dave

The large lamp is the only reward?

The shard of the needle will have uses in future content. Some of which I am working on right now. ;)


Originally posted by junkmutt

Which mods were responsible for this quest?

Mod Osborne wrote the quest. Mod Krista (now left Jagex) did the original quest coding and flow. Mod Helen did the current implementation of the needle interface, allowing us to reuse it in future much easier. Mod Grace did the music and got the voice acting done. I did the final stages of coding to bring it from prototype to final product.


Update and addendum to this comment (and why I shouldn't look up code and post on discord just before I go to bed...)

If you're running enhanced devoted and devoted together, devoted can only roll while enhanced devoted is active. There is a very small 1 cycle internal cooldown that both devoted and enhanced devoted use to ensure you only get one roll of the perk per cycle. Enhanced devoted rolls first and then applies this cooldown and this stops devoted from rolling after. If enhanced devoted us up however, it does not apply this cooldown and the code falls though to devoted allowing it to trigger.

I'll pseudo code below to better explain:

if (enhanced devoted applied) set improved prayer reduction
else if (devoted not rolled this cycle)
    if (enhanced devoted  roll is true)
        apply enhanced devoted effect
    Set devoted rolled this cycle

if (devoted applied) set improved prayer reduction
else if (devot...
Read more

19 Nov


Originally posted by 5-x

Big thanks for /u/jagexosborne, Mod Krista (gone but not forgotten), and /u/darkhearted_raven. It's a sad tale but it's beautiful. Absolute top quality storywriting. The word input form got tedious after a while (the input line has this annoying delay to it) but it's something fresh, new, and a completely new way to experience a quest, so it's a plus in my books.

Overall very well made quest. Thank you. More of this type of stuff, please.

Glad you enjoyed it. :)


Originally posted by kittymiu

I cant con up the hill it's blocked by plants

Logout, then log in again. Then go up the stone walkway by the house over the river.