
Runescape Dev Tracker

23 Nov

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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!
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The RuneScape Black Friday sale has begun!

22 Nov


Originally posted by Wolvian

Did you happen to find any made out of jam?

No jam slime waifu I'm afraid.


Originally posted by The_Wkwied

So, spill the beans. What's your favorite color.... of the search subject? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Blue. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by Hirykell

I see that the idea of the main tank only taking melee damage is scrapped. Could we at least make it so that the magic hit is delayed so we can at least swap prayers in time?

Possibly, how long do you reckon you'd need?


God damn it Pi. How am I going to mask my wild magic PK on Vorago player links now...

But yeah, Pi doing gods work.


Originally posted by Sspockuss

Well shit, I need to learn to read more then. Feel free to downvote this. Thanks for the change :)

All good man! Did you hop on to give the changes a try?


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

Nice. Can we have a permanent beta server exclusively for testing out pvm changes in a safe environment?

I asked but sadly it's not viable to keep it up at all times but not to say never.


Originally posted by justucis

Thank-you Ramen! It's really nice you brought in a beta server for us to test.

:D It's an opportunity I could not pass up on! Big thanks to /u/JagexEasty for letting me do tbh.

Feedback like this is crucial to success, especially when it's tweaking something that has been in the game for almost 2 years.

Plus, Nex is my baby just as all my other projects are and I feel bad for neglecting her as long as I have!


Originally posted by LastGrove

When basing I noticed that she gives me 0-4 shield icons on me and on top of that a mage hit, she never splashed once in all phases. It might be simply that she never splashes now but I feel like she also gave me higher melee hits..

I like that she forces melee distance in last phase.

I don't see the point in giving her more hitpoints when while phasing we don't attack her anyway as we are busy with reavers/amalgs/minions etc PLUS we do 1% damage during that time. Also it is annoying that she also attacks while phasing..

New ice mechanic seems nice.

Glad you like the new ice mechanic, seems to have gone down well!

Can you explain more about the 0-4 splashes you had? Nothing changed with her hitting the base tank, I did stop her hitting them with mage attacks but reverted that before upload to beta.


Originally posted by cellyme

just tried an hour it actually wasnt, and smokes are comming earlier now, something seems wrong with smoke timings

Which smokes? The black pool or the smoke blades (lines)?