
Runescape Dev Tracker

23 Nov


Originally posted by Gamez_X

You're by far not the only person to think so. Last time i compared those 2 different sets i had literally like 400 people all saying the same thing. That the older sets where better in design and concept, and that most of them werent even aware there was older designs. Ofcourse these concerns and wave of support where completely ignored though. Wouldnt even consider actually asking the wider community which direction they thought was better

Would be so easy to swap around the locations of where each set is gotten from but that would mean the mods admitting they made a mistake in not asking the community as a whole what they thought and wasted 2 years going in the wrong direction

This is why i said at the bottom its important for you to speak out on things you think have gone wrong too in your own posts here or to the mods or the discord. If theres more than 1 voice saying the same thing, they cant ignore it forever =P

Last night I was up late updating the documentation to make sure it was correct. I posted it on Discord, and Lioness posted a list of 8 or so corrections or clarifications she thought I should make. Of those 8, I agreed with 2, and implemented them. On later thought I then agreed with another one and implemented that too.

My point is that "a player said something" does not mean" it will be done" nor that not doing the thing is "ignoring the player". You continually and consistently confuse "disagree with" with "ignore" because you want to feel like a victim whereas actually you're just someone giving opinions, some of which I agree with and some of which I don't.


Originally posted by Gamez_X

As far as the design direction, its not a case of "people who think the same are too few and far between" at all. Last time i brought this up i have literally like 400+ people coming in saying the same thing before the post disappeared from the front page, that said they agreed and they didnt even know there was a previous design. The fact the switch between the 2 seems to have been done relatively outside of the public eye with seemingly little asking of the general public's opinion on either before or after is a clear problem. If they're making a point of asking what people's opinions are on the whole direction of a huge update then they should put a poll out or something asking everyone. Not just "whoever happens to be in the mods twitter feed that day" or whatever it ended up being, its no wonder so many people where out of the loop on what was going on

Having a full selection of weapons IS important, it doesnt matter how much work it would be to make them all, its what...

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it doesnt matter how much work it would be to make them all

You're pretty much proving his point here.


Originally posted by Vesuvisus

Keep it 1k stored charges please.

Just to help us understand, how come?


Originally posted by Calming_Emergency

So when making a masterwork armour piece in the forge you just stand there for 60s, no movement or anything. Is that meant to happen or is it going to be fixed?

It's a bug,.


He's so fluffy and dedicated. I want him.


I’ll get this sorted shortly :)


Originally posted by Rago_Base

I chose gnome ball over vorago and someone wasn't happy about it

Name checks out.


Originally posted by LoLArtaphernes

keep it, makes base actually take damage, could make a case for making it flickable but perfectly survivable on live in any case with people bringing barely any food.

It's being kept, might be adding a delay. Will see how feasible it feels and go from there.


Originally posted by Sozzet

this is a step in the right direction rs3 needs a permanent beta!



Originally posted by sherwien14

Hmm, weird tho because we had 2.1m phase point on 2.5m, 1.8 was around 2.1 and 600k was between 700k and 850k.

Will have a gander!


Originally posted by Sspockuss

I'll be doing it later tonight/tomorrow. I've got some stuff to do today :(

Have fun!


Originally posted by ghfhfhhhfg9

grim pages being too rare/expensive (limiting use of the grimoire via practical efficient use) and as a consequence, the grimioire keeps dropping. There needs to be more pages in the game for the grimoire to stay valuable as it requires grim pages or it's essentially useless.

We've got a test going out soon to see if we should increase drop rates on the pages to fix this problem.

Want you to know I'm aware and looking to fix the issue! <3


Originally posted by MonzellRS

"Only doing QoL updates on AoD" ahhahahahah



Originally posted by KingChoof

What do you mean could designed boss right ? Max reaver has always hit 3500.... 3500 x 2 = 10.5k since bloody when ? Soooo glad you put this in beta imagine all of this happening to people live 🤭

Yup! As I said, I need to check it out and see what it could be :P


Originally posted by RunicLordofMelons

1.Accuracy and hp still need balancing

Leaving her defence as is as Statius warhammer is viable here.

Good, AOD is honestly right around where defense for end-game bosses should be at. Not too tanky to the point where it makes combat just feel like luck at times, and not so defenseless like Solak to where he literally has the defense of low-level bosses. And with the Ingenuity of Humans sigil coming out, I feel like alot of the complaints related to accuracy will be soothed (given some sort of Aura rework though)

Yeah, didn't want to devalue anything further and after actually taking an in depth look into what players were doing and upcoming updates like Ingenuity of Humans sigil it didn't seem logical to change.


Originally posted by sherwien14

The changes are fun, i havent enjoyed AoD this much since release. Fun to see changes and figure out what to do.

Much love <3


Originally posted by Zechi

Should have a permanent beta world that would get updates a week before the live game. So instead of updates that would go live on Tuesday, they would get pushed to the beta and the live game would get an update that was from a week prior.

This will let people find issues that may normally fall between the cracks of QA and they can be ironed out before it reaches the live game.

Would love to but its not feasible at the moment.


We have a fix for the incorrect tap issue coming out next month.

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