
Runescape Dev Tracker

31 Aug


We hear you on this, especially so when it comes to Ironman players who have wracked up a lot of Oddments and need something to do with them.

The team are looking into options for Ironman rewards for the future in Hero Pass and/or discussing ways we could make the Oddments Store better for Ironman players based on the feedback so far.

It won't be something we can address for Hero Pass launch, but we're working on this and looking at what we can do. If you have any suggestions/thoughts on Ironman based Oddments uses, please do share them as we can add them to the discussions.


You should be able to access it here: if you click on the "Members Founder Pack" link and sign in with the account you want to pick it up on, you can do so there.

I haven't seen the Founder Pack in the Marketplace myself, but I already have it so that might be why for me, specifically.


Very weird! I've put a bug report in to the team about this one this morning, and we'll be looking into this one!

30 Aug


Originally posted by dreamgzer

You are right, should have been more transparent. But you are doing a pretty good job regardless of that. Dont let this massive L(which I think removing dailies is horrible) drown out the sea of Ws you are swimming in

Appreciate you, and the feedback.


I agree with you here. It would be inappropriate to balance the game around assuming the buffs are active. That's a big part of why the charge system exists, to make sure that the buffs are a limited thing and not something that's just "always up" for highly engaged players.


Originally posted by b_sen

Thank you for the prompt reply! Even if this lands in "Investigating" for a while, I appreciate the communication.

I look forward to seeing more of what Necromancy - and RuneScape as a whole - has in store. (Yes, I've seen the Hero Pass news, but that's not really something chosen by the development or community teams.) :)

The Engine team are aware of this one, and it's on their radar! I wouldn't be able to give an exact timeframe of if/when this would be addressed, but I've flagged it up and the team will be able to look into it! I appreciate you bringing this to my attention again. Have an amazing rest of your day!


Originally posted by EsCanavi

We had an update on monday ? 🫢

No, this Monday that's coming up! 😅


Originally posted by Federal_Ideal1296

Still hasn't been fixed. Any plan to fix it still?

Yes! Checked with Mod Ryan and we've got a fix and should (hopefully!!) be in with Monday's update.


Originally posted by Remarkable_Trust_848

/u/JagexDoom still broken :')

Dang! Mod Ryan has mentioned that they've got a fix in, so I would assume that it will be fixed with this Monday's update!


Every day that Legend Arts posts is a good day. I love these! Very cool, the bat wings on the temples are particularly great!

29 Aug


Responding to some questions for clarity as i've seen them crop up, i'll edit this comment as i go:

Daily mission time - i stated around 40 minutes on stream, this is if you aren't doing the skill mentioned on the mission. If you do, this'll be cut down by half and only take around 20 minutes. You can also use the lamp in any skill you'd like so you could do one skill to complete the mission, and use the lamp on a complete different one.

Note on rewards - Not sure if we saw it on stream but there are also a set of Combat ability overrides for a few abilities in addition to the Conjure ability overrides

ED4/Zamorak buff - The buff will not record kill times, enrage increases, or hiscores

How do i obtain charges for content buffs? - Each buff has a limited amount of charges per pass, and will have 3 sets of charges awarded throughout the pass. So using fake numbers, imagine the Bountyh...

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Originally posted by toddhoppus

It may be a large update, but it is in no way shape or form a GAME update. I seriously don't know what level of mental gymnastics you have to go through to even come up with this conclusion? It's actually insulting that Jagex thinks the community is this stupid..

It is an update to the game. From speaking with Hooli, I think we agree that the perception was that it was presented alongside content updates, and so it was seen through that lens. That's something we can definitely take learnings from.


Originally posted by Chemical_Molasses_93

Are we losing the free 3 daily keys from premier? (Not the daily challenge keys)

No those are unchanged.


Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

Hero Pass is a brand new part of the core RuneScape experience, designed to make the game even more rewarding whenever - and however - you choose to play.

So that was a lie? See:

And while the bonus progress skills or objectives required to complete Daily and Weekly Missions are assigned randomly, you can use Vis Wax to re-roll Daily missions into a particular Skill, to optimise your Mission progress in synergy with what you're already doing.

If objectives are assigned at random then you can't look straight into my face and tell me that I can play the game however and whenever I want. I do not want the game to tell me what I need to do. At least yak track got this right with skill & kill task, I can almost play the game however I want, from skilling, killing to clues and even minigames. I also bet the option to reroll them into what you actually want is nothing more than introducing a problem and later se...

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That refers to specific Mission benefits that just give you double progress.

All Daily and Weekly Basic Missions can be progressed by playing anything in the game - this just allows you to use Vis Wax to re-roll the double progress skill to what you are doing if you really want to. This is purely for optimisation though - the Daily Missions for example are balanced at 40 minutes for all 3 reward Tiers doing whatever.

Only Special Missions and Weekly Content Missions - which you have for the entirety of the Pass, with one added each week for Content Missions - are more specific. They are not compulsory for progress though.


Originally posted by b_sen

Gentle reminder: ( /u/JagexDoom ?)

As per both last week's stream and recent newsposts, you're looking at combat gameplay issues even if they're not specific to Necromancy, such as Invention XP rates and Revolution not handling some abilities correctly. So might I request another fix in that category?

Right now, using modifier keybinds can trigger multiple actions, and there's no way to turn that off. I wrote up in detail how this client behaviour is preventing me from using Full Manual as a disabled player (it's not really tied to ability queueing but I can't edit the title). And I'm sure it's also wildly counterintuitive to new players who are expecting the same sort of input handling as typing.

Please for the love of Guthix, can we have the option to turn that off?

Hey, thank you for bringing this up. I'll get this in front of the team to investigate first thing in the morning.


Originally posted by Inside_Menu_2967

It should never have been displayed or hyped as a Major Content Update. Something as simple as "Yak Track Rework" would have been sufficient, or even "Hero Pass Announcement" So we in the community had sufficient expectations.

ANYTHING that includes MTX should not be slated as "Major". A lot of people in the community had thoughts this was going to be increasing combat skills to 120's, new boss, major rework of something else (skill related) in-game.

I'm sorry for you, Mod Doom for all the negative feedback you're going to get. As a premier member, even I feel back for people. I think F2P or Regular Members should still get something at every level (Like the old Yak Track) but Premier Members / People who pay bonds get a secondary reward too..

Totally valid feedback. Thanks for this.


Originally posted by ghostofwalsh

However, we also don’t want to drive more ‘Dailyscape’ pressure.

Also Jagex:

Every day that you log in to RuneScape, you'll have a Daily Mission to complete, with three tiers of potential rewards.

EDIT --> So instead of dailies that take a couple minutes to do we get "missions" that take a lot more time? Yay I guess? Just what RS needs is more dailies.

If the design didn't include any Daily Missions, players who play regularly naturally would also be asking us to provide them something. There's always a balance.

The difference here is Daily Missions are designed to be good hits of Hero Pass Points, but not essential every day for progress. You have Weeklies (which stockpile even while you don't play / login), Special Missions and the ability to progress through general play outside of them.

The intent of the team is that you can progress playing on your own terms, but for those players who already like to log in every day, there's still some additional Missions to progress.

The inclusion of Lamps does change that design intent a little, but as we mentioned on stream, the team didn't want to go so far as to remove XP entirely from Dailies without further discussion/feedback from your time hands on with Hero Pass once it's out.


Originally posted by xBHx

You must've known... Right? Like the level of detachment from the playerbase cannot be this big in the office?

(referring to the reaction when you called this a core gameplay update)

I had this conversation with Hooli for days on end over this! While I agree that it's certainly a large update, we should have been more transparent - hindsight is 20:20!


Originally posted by Pernyx98

I'm so sorry mods, its gonna be a long week

4 day working week, though, we did have Monday off!