
Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Originally posted by RavenClawRS


We've not made any changes to this.


*[Remote] Fistbump*


Knowing that we were going to make them available with the skill and from training the skill, we were able to factor them both into the balancing of the skill (as opposed to other elite/xp outfits). We felt it better to release them with the skill than in a separate update months down the road.

25 Mar


Originally posted by The_Five-O

Haha, really good to see Poerkie becoming more and more comfortable in his position. He's been doing increasingly well as time goes on imo.

Cheers pal! Much appreciated


Hey all - quick note to say we've just implemented a fix to allow Linux users to download and access the game. Please let us know if you have any further issues.

(I've changed the pinned post on the subreddit to reflect this).

External link β†’

Originally posted by Lp_Baller

now that this interface is created for relics can we get some quality of life for totems? a singular place to bless them each week

Sounds like a good suggestion for the ninja dojo


Hey. Thanks for letting us know. We've set up a thread for this, if you could let us know here (I've added in an update, and it looks like it may fit this criteria...

There has been some asset server outages (and ongoing issues) over the past couple of days, that cover a lot of the loading and login issues players have been experiencing – this is being looked into and we’re hopeful of being able to mitigate before Monday we're investigating. Thanks for your patience.


We're investigating what has happend


Hey - sorry to hear that. As Mod Forza mentioned, we'll be looking to fix this now.

In the meantime, could you submit a Lost Items ticket please? We'll take a look.

If you could DM me your RSN too, that'd be handy.


The last road to Archaeology Video, what are everyone's thought on this video series?


Originally posted by Esp724

There will be a fix coming very soon to enable Linux users to install the client

Is there somewhere or something I could watch in order to be aware of when this happens? Edit: It's apparently out!

More specifically, will there be a client version update? Would the updated client happen to be 2.2.7, or will it keep the 2.2.6 version number on the download URL?

Would the updated client happen to be 2.2.7

Yes it will be 2.2.7 in the repo