
Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Mar


Thanks everyone for your feedback so far. I've updated the main body of the thread with an update our end.


Originally posted by DustyTurboTurtle

I would perform sexual favors to find out what ruthless and relentless do

They sound like they're going to be pretty good just judging by their names and the requirements to get/use them

Just keep your pants on and move along please.


Hi there :)

I've been able to reproduce the issue and have now got a job in to get this fixed! Sorry you experienced this :)


Mod Forza


I love it! Gives me some Macho King Randy Savage vibes

24 Mar


Just to try and allay any concerns, the rewards are designed to be specifically very minor. We're very aware of the race to 120, in particular there are some elements of the skill that happened to coincide with good design for the race, and know that we don't want to have a major impact.

I don't know if I'm allowed to say exactly what there is but its something you could earn in-game normally within 10mins (and this number goes down the higher level you are).


EDIT - update, Wednesday 25th.

  • There will be a fix coming very soon to enable Linux users to install the client This is now complete - Linux users, please try now to download the client!
  • There has been some asset server outages (and ongoing issues) over the past couple of days, that cover a lot of the loading and login issues players have been experiencing – this is being looked into and we’re hopeful of being able to mitigate before Monday
  • There are widespread global bandwidth issues that may be contributing to poor in-game performance or loading times
  • More ‘individual’ issues will be investigated separately


Hey guys.

We're trying to get some more information on the performance issues some players are currently experiencing. We posted ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by nosi40

Hi Warden,

Thanks for the response. I understand that events and updates are planned out ahead of time and that future updates might have the changes you're talking about.

I believe that even simple things like a graphical rework can be tied into the story. A few years ago, catherby was updated graphically. And more recently, burthrope. But there is no in game story behind those changes. Some may feel there doesn't have to be. And to some extent I agree.

But, wouldn't it be nice to get an update that is actually connected to the story. Maybe there was a natural disasters that destroyed that town and you need to use construction to help rebuild it. And that could take maybe 5 minutes from the players perspective but once the rebuilding is done, the area becomes graphically updated.

It's things like this that will go a long way.

make sense as well. I have shared this post with the design team. I know they love story and narrative as much as you do, will nudge them to chime in :)


Dude, this is so cool. Good job on the paint.


u/Captain_Gainz, can you comment a few more details so we can look into this please?

The team could do with knowing how you opened the Zodiyak Track interface and how far into the game you've progressed (any tutorials you might not have done yet etc).



Hey - sorry you're having problems.

We're aware of network issues affecting some people in different areas of the world and we're working to try to identify and resolve these.


Hey - sorry you're having problems.

We're aware of network issues affecting some people in different areas of the world and we're working to try to identify and resolve these.


Originally posted by Anzaman

Logged back in to check, no box.

Edit: Scrap that idea, just arrived as I posted.. lol. :P

Great, must have been a funky hickup on the system, glad it works now!


We're investigating what has happened

Update: Did some stuff behind the scenes, could you guys let me know if you've received it now?