
Runescape Dev Tracker

14 Feb


Originally posted by tectail

How hard would this be to make a toggleable option. I like the idea of it for newer players or players that just don't know how valuable a herb/seed is off the top of their head, but it does add clutter to the interface that I think makes it look less streamline.

Of course if you find a way to pretty it up i' m cool with no toggle.

Another idea would be to make it so when you hover the seed it brings this up.

TLDR wonderful idea just don't want the interface to be cluttered.

Thank you! To clarify quickly, I wouldn't be making it a toggle. There shouldn't be a challenge when using this interface to try and remember all of the current G.E prices and their cleaning XP rates, that is not its purpose. So even for players who have remembered those details, this will still release the burden and reduce their cognitive load. I did try a few variations of layout, including just the icons where the text was on tooltips (tap for mobile) but this current layout consistently came out as the ideal approach for ease of access/usability.


Can you pastebin the full contents of the crash report (click "Report..." when it crashes and copy+paste the wall of text)?


Originally posted by Its_CharlieC

Any chance that the upgraded part could have tick boxes too so you knew exactly what was being picked up, what is being burned and what is being left on the floor

I did improve the auto-pickup wording yeah. It now says "Auto-pickup unselected herbs:" which should make it clearer how the system works. It confused me too when I first looked at it


Originally posted by [deleted]


The G.E values in the screenshot are from test servers which do not reflect the live G.E prices. (Though it would be amazing if it did!)


Hi there!

I'm investigating this at the moment! Would you be able to PM me your RSN and I shall take a look :)

Mod Forza


This is a lovely boost for DPS, I just worry that today's current boss times are about to get absolutely annihilated even more due to more power creep.

Also nox prices are about to rocket, either way, Arch hype!

Oh and Scavenging 4 it seems


We'll give out some stroopwafels too (The perfect Valentines gift)

on a side note we made a small trip to the blue moon inn too.

See you all at 13:30 & 17:00


Just R&D to gauge interest right now. Initial reaction has been positive so will be keeping an eye out :)

13 Feb


Originally posted by Torezx

Tremendous, I just feel like all major updates these days feel like the take a long time to come out (and by that I mean from their announcement until release) - not meant as a criticism but you can really feel the work going on in the background as the standard has become much higher.

There's already so much pressure on you guys from the community I can only guess that there's pressure from Senior Figures down to meet 'our' expectations.

Do you think the skill will come with a release date given a couple of weeks (or longer!) in advance? Really would love to book the day off and just get stuck in for hours uninterrupted :)

You'll get advance warning, for sure; should be enough time to book holiday days.


Originally posted by 5a1amander

Will any other items be going on sale before dxp weekend extended?

Not before DXPW, no. We thought these items would be helpful ahead of next Friday!

If you have suggestions for other items you'd like us to look at, let me know and I'll pass them on.


Originally posted by Lielac

It'd be nice if there was any indication how long this sale would be going on, or when it started, or if at some point between now and DXP pulse cores will be going on sale and so I should keep my oddments until that happens.

Hey all - apologies, from what I can tell the wrong banner was added to the store and we're fixing it now - it should indicate the sale now.

Just to confirm: this will finish at 23:59 on Monday night (17th).


Originally posted by WNTG-Leo

That’s interesting, I haven’t heard from anyone in game or seen any posts from anyone asking for it but it’s definitely possible I missed all the people asking for it.

Also, genuine question, what would it take to give players an option to toggle forced camera shifting upon teleport? Not only to wars hub, anywhere that the camera is force angled upon teleport.

Not possible with how they're currently implemented unfortunately :(