
Runescape Dev Tracker

13 Feb


12 May 2017 - Next Gen logo leaked during RuneScape stream. PC Gamer article

PTSD intensifies


He looks like my cat (who would be doing exactly the same).

12 Feb


Originally posted by DiscombobulatedDelay

I think one of the mods said it most likely wont be during the first quarter. So April at the earliest. Plus they want to release teaser vids beforehand.

None of us here should be even hinting at a new date, so if you heard one of us saying that, either they misspoke or what was said was misinterpreted.

When the new date has been announced, it will be clear and obvious (and I really hope we can announce a new date soonTM - the stream yesterday suggested it might be announced later this month).

We are still planning to release a Road to Archaeology video series ahead of the skill release, so there should be enough time for anyone making plans to play from launch/taking holiday, etc.

In the meantime, feel free to drop into the #archaeology-discussion room on our Discord server.


Originally posted by Torezx

Ah good, so hopefully the last Monday this month.

I think given the push back that happened already, they'll have the poor Mods working overtime to meet that deadline.

A part of the reason for the push back (or, at least, a byproduct of it) was so that we could finish to the level of polish we feel everyone (you and us) deserves WITHOUT needing to rely on overtime. In fact, the overtime I'd already put in pre-Xmas I've been able to claim back as time off in lieu. I know others put in some overtime and may not have claimed it back yet, but they're able to.


Like you said it doesn't even have to be Sunday, I would like to see these back as they were a way to just play, have fun and chat with a Jmod.

I hope they come back :)


hey there,

I just want to drop in myself as well and let you know that I've seen and read the thread.

I'd like to echo what Mod Osbourne has already said and we can look into better acknowledging the frustration in chat around certain topics (in this case the Archaeology Release date).

Likewise it can be tricky what questions to ask or not to ask from chat. Saying 'there are no questions' is probably not the phrasing I should have used yesterday, my apologies for this.

If we ask questions from chat, we want to make sure those on the couch remain comfortable, we are able to provide a decent answer and the response we give is true or something that will happen. Balancing all these can be quite tricky and we can only get better at this the more we do it.

On a side note, we can deffo look into the phrasing and naming of our Livestreams and whether we call them a Q&A or something else.


It's still the plan to release a Road the Archaeology video series in the run up to release. I'm looking forward to it.

In the interim, if you want to ask me any questions, you should drop in to our Discord server's #archaeology-discussion. I'm only answering general questions and talking about our overall progression for now, until we start that video series, but feel free to pop in.


For Smithing, I'd recommend always training in the Falador Artisans' Workshop on world 70, to benefit from luminite injector buffs and earn respect towards unlocking benefits from Egil's shop, like the blacksmith's outfit (the helmet upgrade also provides daily free coal and teleports to the Workshop). has a handy list of items that improve your Smithing efficiency, such as Varrock armour and an...

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11 Feb


I mean, it would have been great but it was an Epic Jam project which had no guarantee of release so that's just the way it is! Maybe in the future!


Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

Interesting, but the wiki didn't state this despite some changes that were made available in the patch notes. So therefor I was confused by this. Also how long was it even before it was fixed until the app was made obsolete? If a year or even less then a year is kinda shocking to have such vulnerability being a thing for possible ages.

Timeline wise I’m not sure but it was absolutely fixed I can tell you that for sure


Originally posted by JagexOsborne

Not sure what I’ve done to deserve that, but I will take it

Take this silly reply and get out you bust your ass and deserve the love!