
Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Feb


An update I did in TAPP years ago allows you to hide player hitsplats (should be in game settings and in combat I think)!

That'll help a little I hope?


I joined the stream towards the end and I was a bit confused to hear that there's no questions to answer especially when seeing the chat being absolutely slammed with them.

I'm also confused as to why there appears to be a 3 month follow limit on the chat which really limits new user experience, I mean 3 months is way too long.

An acknowledgement at the least should have been done, even if they can't answer it otherwise you get frustration like this.

Also gutted to hear no real Archaeology news yet :(



I feel for you here.

While you could have taken more time to read through the purchase, I do believe it is terrible UX on our part that all three of the teletabs and the lucky charms have a similar silhouette and shape-design.

I will put a job into the backlog to add a 50% refund of dungeoneering tokens if you decide to destroy the teletabs, in the same manner that Chaotic weaponry does.


Originally posted by chattii

Totally fair, but forcing skybox change for low req pc's is a nightmare i stopped doing the ambassador because of that my screen turns black in midfight and eventually dies when i try to change skybox to mid-day

Those changes are done because that's what /u/JagexOrion wanted to enhance the visuals of the fight which I can't fault him for, it's better for it.

If there was a way to revert the skybox back to the selected one afterwards that could be nice!


Originally posted by GoAwayK

Freedom camera mode on telos resets every single phase i hate it

I recall there's some camera script done for when you enter each phase to position it nicely, here's hoping this gets sorted!


Camera issues like this have been a thing for a while now, I seem to recall something being added to stop the camera being moved around in Prif, etc.

But yeah taking that freedom and shifting a camera for you seems forced and I can see why it's frustrating.

Here's hoping it can be sorted!


Originally posted by Remmes-


When I first made the Skybox tool in 2017 I wanted to keep the Skybox and make it persist, however the environment artists wanted the map squares to still show off their work which is fair


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

If you don't mind asking, how much of your free time did it take for Curse of the Black Stone, roughly?

I gave up several weekends and stayed late most nights for at least a month. I don't remember exactly, I wasn't testing how long it took to make so I wasn't really recording that.

10 Feb


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

Other than Mobilizing Armies being removed, I never thought I'd be okay with removing stuff from the world / moving things around to declutter the game make due to the change it would make, especially an area like Burthorpe / Taverley being so useful with Jack of Trade aura, but by gosh man you did a wonderful job.

Thanks very much! I feel working with other players helped a lot with that. Did a lot of design validation over Discord in game jam and follow-up over the subsequent months.


Originally posted by WasV3

Scrimshaws of sacrifice don't even work in EDs as it uses the LS mechanic for drops

You sure? I'm pretty sure it was patched in


Scrimshaw doesn't work during DXP if I recall!


Goodness I really hope not, at the very least I'd like an invention perk that actually adds more variety to the other ultimates that don't really get used in-game!


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

Stu, you've made the most updates / QoL changes that make playing a fresh account feel exciting again.

<3 Thank you!