
Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Dec


Originally posted by MarkAntonyRs

When I said medium animals I meant medium dinosaurs on the ranch. I get more baby jadinkos and slayer dinosaurs in the med pen than I do salamanders in the breeding pen, when I thought breeding pen had better breed rates and small animals breed more often than medium?

Salamanders just seem out of whack in comparison. Today will be the 4th day with no eggs lol.

I've given the code a quick look over and I'm not seeing anything that should be making salamanders behave differently. There is a luck element involved though, so I suspect that's the case here. I'll keep an eye on it, but there's nothing that makes them behave differently to other animals.

03 Dec


Originally posted by artemiskes

Excited about the daily challenge overhaul and the pet poll - although could you edit that reindeer clue scroll pet, it's wrongfully credited to me (I wish I could draw that well!), I think the pet is called Artemis though :)

Ah my bad. I definitely saw it on there, put 2 and 2 together and made 5. Apologies to the correct artist - it looks great!


Originally posted by I_Kinda_Fail

Plenty of ideas myself, but balancing and deciding whether it's worth making is a whole other beast.

For example, they could add upkeep to the house for free ways to train various skills. Water your garden for a bit of free Farming XP. Feed your pets for Summoning XP. Tidy up the kitchen for Cooking XP. (Or hell, even season a pot once a week? I dunno.) And just give an option to turn off house upkeep by having the butler do it, so players who don't want their homes to look filthy can do it themselves. I'm thinking something akin to the Mazcab forest, where you run around and get a bit of XP across like 5 skills.

Obviously they could add more rooms like the aquarium. Add a Thieves' gallery that gives perks for each unique piece of art of heirloom stolen. Add a greenhouse for Farming that has its own loading zone like the aquarium, and let us have a few allotment, bush, flower and/or tree patches in there. Add a proper trophy hall that gives minor buffs to Slayer, Fi...

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Can I just say that I personally really appreciate posts like this and that your suggestions are sensible and appropriate. Thank you.


I've been designing and coding a better nightshade method today actually, so yes.


Originally posted by killer89_

Speaking of Easty's farming project...

It's from january, but likely still applies.

We've spoken about that recently (I was the developer that had to mess with all the farming code for this project). We both agree that his rework of the system needs yet another rework and all of the relevant farming data would ideally all be placed into a lovely, organised relational database.

The current system is full of pitfalls, bad code smells, and ridiculous scripting practices from over a decade ago where there wasn't much other choice.


Originally posted by MarkAntonyRs

Is it normal that 2 studly 100% happy/healthy salamanders haven't bred for over 3 days in the breeding pen? My medium animals in the medium pen breed more often than salamanders...

Yes. The animals on the ranch out of time have quite long breeding durations.


Originally posted by AfrostLord

I get that, but I feel like a better route would have been to lower dragons, say to 1200? And have dinosaurs start at a similar price to dragons, increasing with tier. Achieves a similar result while not making dinos feel worthless

I honestly don't think nerfing the existing beans rates would have gone down too well.

It's largely a moot point anyway, new values incoming shortly.


Hello everyone - thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are investigating, and will update you when we can - there are details on what you can do if you have pending rewards too. In the meantime, we'll look to disable the Super Rewards tab so nobody sees a similar error message as soon as we can.


Originally posted by Frostypancake

I know theres a risk involved, but with the pipeline in place (used for mining and smithing) to test major changes against the playerbase why not start refactoring code relating to item management? I can only imagine how monumental of a task that would be, but thats all the more reason to start chipping away at the technical debt.

Yep! Part of our workload is eliminating technical debt. If we can create an 'inventory-lite', which essentially only stores the object ID and the amount, then we'd be free to make many variations of these bespoke inventories.

Seed vaults. Herb bags. Rune pouches. Ammo quivers.

Containers for 'simple' objects would be mostly become a non-issue. Things like storm-barns that store farm animals would still fall under the same memory concerns as the objects stored are 'complex' and contain much more information.


Originally posted by CptBrian

As for internal save data of your profile, adding, let's say... 1000 more bank spaces should only be 25-50 KiloBytes in data(ID/Amount/Tab/Etc), and only if the player actually uses said space, which is rare, so it's hard to excuse the current lack of bank space unless it somehow affects performance of the game, which it shouldn't if it's done properly.

Maybe a JMod could chime in, but I'm pretty sure with how the bank and profile is set up in its current state, adding bank space is essentially tweaking a few numbers in various locations, and I think changing all bank boosters from +50 to +100 would solve a lot of problems and make them more appealing as a win/win.

Any unused inventories still require the memory to be allocated. Every single object in this game also has the potential to have variables attached to it (durability, charge, etc.).

We wanted to do something like the OP but got shot down by lead techs, rightly so. They're looking into a more formal solution for an 'inventory-lite' for things like this in the future.


So we'd gone for relatively low bean amounts on launch as these sit alongside the existing bean amounts you get. I.e you get the dragon AND the dinosaur, whereas before you would have just gotten the dragon OR the dinosaur. But we were keeping an eye on it to get a sense of how it feels.

As it stands we think the small bean amount was the wrong approach, so I'm now working on a hotfix to get more appealing numbers into the game which will make them more satisfying to sell on.


Originally posted by EmuofDOOM

Im curious what u/darkhearted_raven thinks about this

My stance hasn't changed. The discussion is still ongoing, the removal was necessary as a safety feature as it literally could have led to anything going wrong with those inventories which is a much bigger risk. Something like this needs careful consideration because it's implications go beyond this simple interaction.


Originally posted by 1337_Tuna

@Mod Osborne what shampoo do you use?

It's Christmas, so eggnog