
Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Nov


Originally posted by RS_Lebareslep

Is it correct that scattering infernal ashes does not work for the bury-remains task? (Even though they're listed in the description.)

It's currently bugged, but a fix is in the pipeline (has to go through QA, RC QA etc). For now it does work if you use POH altar, if that's any help.


Correct. If you change your mind after buying the Premier Pass you'll get a 2 bond discount on Premier Club so you don't lose anything :)


Originally posted by FireTyme

Hey camel can you possibly give an ETA on the hotfix for wasteless herblore not working properly with grenwall spikes? It was supposed to be this morning according to u/jagexbreezy but i havent found anything about it so far.

Love the update so far! going to be a grind and a half on some stuff but i'm sure this gives more room as well for more reward space, its been great and cant wait to see what more will pop up in the future!

It’s already been hotfixed!


Hey, sorry about this - it was due to a last minute change to revert functionality of escape when used with the powerburst of movement. Unfortunately it left a bit of a stain... we have hotfixed this issue since, and escape should be worknig as intended again. :)


Originally posted by DeguRS

when you say "improved" do you mean more common?

Yes :)


Originally posted by scoobysam

ETA on this fix? I’m withholding on doing my extreme range pots and want to get started on 3k ovls 😬

It was hotfixed earlier today :)


I can confirm that the drop rates were improved when the update went live.


Originally posted by MikeAtGaming

Yea I assumed, just kinda weird. The thing I think of is having a fixed seed on the rng, but if you think it's good then it's all just a crazy coincidence.

Yeah I think it's just pure coincidence in a comical fashion, I'm not too concerned. The important things (traits) are all different anyway, so even if it were true it's a trivial issue that's already solved itself (unless we're only seeing Peter's in which case let me know).


Originally posted by maczampieri

Hey Mod Raven, do we know when you guys are releasing the drop rates for dino eggs? Thanks!

I had no immediate plans to, I'm not generally a fan of giving out the hard probabilities as it doesn't really do anything except for when a person goes "but I have done X that should guarantee me a drop!" which of course is not actually how probability works.

Give it a couple of weeks and then poke me on twitter and I might change my mind.


Thanks for the feedback - we're glad to hear that it worked for you! :)


Originally posted by Blackrock2318

So this is a confirmation that mouse support will come to rs3 mobile? Is there an eta on that? I just dropped a bit on an otg adapter and if its too far off i'll just return it

Yes, some degree of mouse support is available in the next update, which should hit the Play store in the near future

Edit: Now available :)


Originally posted by YeahhhhhWhateverrrr

Hey fellas, was wondering if they finally allow gilded altar to work with double xp? And if not, why is it that we never do?

The gilded altar already gives 250% of the xp, so I think there are concerns over balancing if it were to be made more powerful on DXP (as you'd essentially be getting 500% of standard prayer xp).


This is something we discussed, eg a toggle with a cooldown after you turn DXP off (so you can't turn it back on for an hour or however long makes sense), which would reduce pressure to skill if you just wanted to log on to chat, quest etc. I think for this time we wanted the change to be as simple as possible and not introduce too much complexity at once but I can definitely see this being an option in the future :)


Originally posted by Freakin_Magic

what's the purpose of the left click option?

Since there isn't one Make-x where the Blessed Flask creation happens vs. something like with Masterwork, the left click option is essentially the instruction on where to go whereas the examine here was reserved for the reference :D

For a few ingredients for the Blessed Flask this is done via the left click or the examine, for example the Blessed Sand's examine.


If you love whoever did this, then you now love Mod Tomb.


Originally posted by JagexPoerkie

We're taking a look

We've applied a hotfix and you should be able to hand your items in again.