
Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Nov


Originally posted by Vexed192

So any update on the spikes?

A fix is being done as we speak. It will be hotfixed tomorrow morning.


We currently have no plans to scale this to 120. I believe it should be the same for various other D&Ds.


Originally posted by Maxed_Iron

Why are they all halloween related?

We were going for "Dark Fantasy" (think Dark Souls/Bloodborne) as the overall theme, we tried to avoid anything specifically "halloween"-ish


This isn't a bug. As far as i'm aware, Mod Daze intended for this to be the case. If you have ultra compost stored, it will take one from your Tool Leprechaun as a priority over super compost.

... however i do believe the messaging/wording could be better in this case. As for toggling flower patches off - this would have to consist of you removing your cape for flower patches regardless of if you have ultracompost stored or not.


Originally posted by ItsLuckyDucky

Which means they should implement it properly. We have no idea what could go wrong if it was just left in the game.

Just wanted to reply to say, this.

We removed the change because it wasn't intentional and therefore could have caused all manner of catastrophic problems down the line. It was a change we hadn't tested (because it was unintentional) and therefore it was a danger to everyone's game.

We'd need to look into the balancing of a change like this, among other things, as whilst it's nice and convenient the long term effects could be really bad for the economy. However, it's potentially something we might consider adding back in future *IF* we determine that it's safe for the whole game.


Hey guys. Apologies you've been experiencing difficulties. If anyone who was affected could send me their player names via DM, we'll try to investigate.


Originally posted by meztek

Having the same issue since I woke up this morning, runescape-launcher apparently updates itself and does not use the package manager giving Jagex the power to break installation on systems which are not running the latest version of your Linux distribution without informing you or giving you any time to prepare, whenever they feel an update is in order. libssl1.1 is available in Ubuntu 18.04 and derivatives, not available in Ubuntu 16.04 and derivatives. I can't find a backport. So, in the middle of DOUBLE XP WEEK, you wake up one morning and can no longer play Runescape until you reimage. Unless someone can find a backport of libssl1.1 for Ubuntu Xenial derivatives, you're stuck until you can find the time to do a full system upgrade and every big software package you run has complete support for 18.04.

Ubuntu 18.04 is the new minimum requirement as of the big Linux update: It was coincidentally working on your 16.04 system for a couple of weeks due to library update we forgot to apply. This was at the expense of many newer systems - it is a balancing act, and to help ensure forward compatibility we must favour newer libraries

If you can't update to 18.04, you may be able to build from source, or possibly even install the libssl1.1 package from Debian 9. Anything like this is at your own...

Read more

Originally posted by Jaffa_girl

Oh wow... :D Should I go do lottery? Thanks for the math! :p

It depends whether you believe luck is a temporary buff that lasts for a set duration, in which case you should probably get a ticket, or it's a one off flag that is unset once used. In which case your luck is likely gone now.


Originally posted by Leonantti

Where can you check out your Farming guild reputation?

Click the watering can on the farming guild interface.


Originally posted by WhiscashRS

So trying to turn in hard task stuff to Zaida w/ an unchecked zygo will dc you

Looking into this now.


Originally posted by CatsAndFacts

You're a beautiful man.



Originally posted by Chrattac

As I edited later, the issue was just as your obvious question pointed out. Thank you for your time and sorry for being the dumb boomer type of a customer here. ;-)

No worries, it happens. I cannot tell you the number of times I've gotten furious at the code only to realise I wasn't even working in the right stream....


Originally posted by blazin1414

how many skips does it give per bond

You can get 10 tokens for 2 bonds. Iirc 7 of the tasks are "fun/silly" tasks that should only take a couple of minutes at most, and everyone starts with 2 task tokens.


Originally posted by DolphinatelyDan

I love you granny



Originally posted by Chrattac

Ok, here: Used mobile client

Following setup:

Whip is augmented with Wise 3. And pots were saplings. And I think the amount of urns were 50, if I can recall correctly. All the patches asked cactus spines (amount 8) instead of coconuts.

EDIT: Nevermind, just went to back and apparently I failthumbed and have placed yew trees which I didn't see with mobile client. My bad and sorry for bothering you!

Assuming that image is directing me to the elf city patch, I'm still getting 25 coconuts as the request. Obvious question is obvious, but you've definitely planted a magic tree and not accidentally planted a yew tree right?

We haven't changed any of the core tree code to my knowledge, so this issue has us all stumped (pardon the pun).


Originally posted by jorgelucasds

I'm looking into this one right now :)


Originally posted by SouetoReborn

This would be great. It's certainly a QoL feature. Doesn't even increase XP/h

Yeah for sure!

We have been talking about it internally.


Buff bar took days and days of investigation from content developers, gameplay programmers, QA and more.

The BoB hotfix, by comparison, was a walk in the park.