
Rust Dev Tracker

19 Dec


Thanks for all the comments and feedback - we'll be considering them carefully for the January patch.

18 Dec


Originally posted by KyrocoreTV


We released an optional server update yesterday which greatly reduced their splash damage against construction.


Originally posted by RunarM

Hope they bring back the normal Christmas Lights next week.

We currently have no intention to resell the original xmas lights.

There could change in future so don't take that as we'll never resell them.


Originally posted by wademcgillis

Happy Holidays everyone!

Happy Holidays!

09 Dec


Originally posted by Cstark21

Out of curiously how many “unique” accounts is rust seeing every month?

In November we saw over one million unique accounts.


Originally posted by Methos_

While banning blatant cheaters is great, there has been a huge surge in legit cheating (recoil scripts/no shake). Until that's fixed Rustafied main and servers like it will continue to be hack vs hack.

Third-party applications to combat recoil are regularly detected, EAC bans hundreds of users weekly - this is not an area we're ignoring.


Originally posted by peerosanical

Thanks for responding! It's always good to get insight on the other side. Its good to hear there's more going on behind the scenes than we originally thought, a lot more! Glad to hear you guys are doing so much to try and alleviate this problem. The analyst approach seems like a really good one, better than moderators. Honestly anything to help lower the amount of abuse on the servers. Although I do have a question, would the Rust+ verification idea work? Have you guys thought about that before?

No problem - it's not always an easy subject to address.

would the Rust+ verification idea work?

Possibly - it's something we'd need to discuss internally and weigh up the pros and cons.


Originally posted by Melonaid1

How does the system work? I was on the same server US east Facepunch large when I was triple headshot from 1337 meters by AK, and it took the cheater over 24 hours to be banned? How does an automation system not pick up on this? The cheater was also point blank range, which doesn't make since at all because he killed me point blank inside of a cave.

The distance of the projectile as seen in the combatlog can be manipulated via the client and thus unreliable data compared to the data seen by the server. Unreliable data cannot be trusted to a high degree but can be used to build up a larger dataset which takes time.


Anticheat is a hugely complex issue, and it's a topic we have to be vague discussing deliberately.

Recently we've seen more cheats become active, which happens more often during this time of the year with the growing player base and holiday period. Unfortunately, EAC did fall behind the curve as of late, I have voiced my concerns to them last week and this week. Monday and today the majority of cheats were hit with ban waves and efforts against the others continue.

Over the last 12 months, systems have been put into place to collect and analyze player data to combat aggressive cheat play styles to prevent an impact on the larger server population, and these are often known as the three-day temporary bans. There are many plans to expand on this data collecting to make it more accurate and quicker.

Reports are fed into this system, so I encourage anyone who believes they encounter a cheater to report. Players cannot be temporary banned based on reports alon...

Read more

07 Dec


Originally posted by Substantial_Living98


Buttons don't work to open card doors after you enter them sometimes. Leads to you being indefinitely stuck in the room.

Which monument(s) specifically?

06 Dec

04 Dec


The £787 is from what we've raised by ourselves - direct donations from family, friends and work colleagues.

The $80k+ is from selling the in-game moustache item throughout November. Far as I'm aware this money has yet to be donated but will shortly.


Originally posted by serial77

Amazing height map work sir!

You saying I have a fat head?


Originally posted by aLLkiss_ismyname

[BUG] Sleeping in redcard room on both oilrigs once again work. People on my server have been doing it now several times (playing on official). They go to sleep in it after it is cleared and then it will respawn and they just start the crate, wait 15 min and then leave with the loot.

We plan to address this in the near future

03 Dec


Originally posted by IfOnlyIWasADoorknob

[BUG] When you bring 125 scrap to a fishing village you can't buy a small boat and only have option 2 which is "125 scrap is too much..."

We'll be releasing a fix for this issue shortly.

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by Ohydius

Not only static workbench at Outpost but in my own base too. Research table also kick me from server and researched items are lost

Update: After server restart bug is still occur with another error.

Interesting some players has no problems at all

If you encounter this error you'll need to restart your client otherwise you'll be kicked from the server when reaccess any workbench.


Originally posted by Ohydius

Server kick me with "Disconnected: RPC Error in RPC_TechTreeUnlock" message when trying to unlock item on Tech Tree.
Is this related to Oxide/Umod ?

We're aware of this issue.

This occurs when unlocking items at the Static workbenches at Compound and bandit camp. Once the server restarts the problem will rectify itself. If you encounter this error you'll need to restart your client otherwise you'll be kicked from the server when reaccess any workbench.

We advise server owners to restart their servers when possibly.


Originally posted by carny666

The server throwing "MissingFieldException: Field 'Network.Server.MaxReceiveTime' not found." like whoa.

Make sure Oxide/Umod and Rust are both on the latest version.

01 Dec


Originally posted by Apollo6976

30 ak shots? A f**ken mag? The script kiddies are gonna have fun with that

As a point of reference:

  • Wooden armour is 16
  • Roadsign armour is 16
  • Metal chest plate is 29

The downside to hazmat is that covers the full body thus would take more shots but it's still double the durability than anything within its tier.

Rustafied tests of 30 shots were done within 10m. Projectiles fired at distance deal less damage thus less conditional damage to the armour. In reality, the hazmat could sustain easily 40 or more hits in real-world PvP.

30 Nov


Awesome job - Now you can craft Tier 2!