
Rust Dev Tracker

28 Nov


Originally posted by -NOiCE-

I know things are subject to a heavy amount of change, but I logged into Staging to test it out and the only thing that concerns me is the techtrees being launched while missing some perhaps-forgotten items.

Things i've noticed so far (this is just Tier 1)

  • Smart Switch

  • Smart Alarm

  • RF Transmitter

  • Telephone

So basically all of them are 'role-playing electrical items' sure, but in the old system at least you could roll the dice at your Tier 1 and still have a chance at these items. (Also these are all sold @Outpost, but so are a bunch of other items that did make it to the T1 or T2 techtrees)

All of these items are fairly new, and I just made the post to drum up awareness in case it was an oversight while putting items in the techtree.

They're not forgotten - just we're still evaluating how we're wanting to handle orders.

We wanted to get techtrees on Staging for testing, the balance we'll continue adjusting over the following couple of days.


Originally posted by RealLinja

/u/Alistair_Mc Could you look into this?

When downed at 0hp you'll be given 5hp. The opposing player got you to 0 then you were give 5hp due to the downed state, 0.6 from regen.

You never never got the opposing player into the injured/downed state so he had lower HP then yourself.

This is all intended behaviour and not inconsistent.

26 Nov


Originally posted by monkmasta

Is voting behind a scrap paywall?

..not yet!

06 Nov


Originally posted by WestWorld_

Too many safezones everywhere... every safe monument will shoot you on sight 1 grid away for thirty minutes if you killed a naked in a rock fight and then walk too close to a fishing village.

This is something we'll discuss internally and look towards making changing for the next patch.


This is something we'll discuss internally and look at changing for the next patch.


Originally posted by farcry15

[QOL]rain doesn't water planter boxes placed outside

We'll look at introducing this in the next content update.


Originally posted by woodyplz

[QoL] you decided to add models for your legs that you can see in first person. I really liked that change, however you stopped there and didnt change the upper body parts. You can still look inside your shoulder and your arm sticks out wierdly when chopping things.

We don't have any plans to expand on this - Few limiting factors and a design decision to allow easier alt-looking.


Originally posted by eligitine

[QoL] You can switch seats out of the taxi module and dome the guy who's driving.

Adding a lock to the vehicle will prevent this.

05 Nov


Originally posted by riad_thunderbolt

how does the mustache work? is it like the santa beard?

is it like the santa beard?



Originally posted by ohsama_


This appears an Oxide/Modded server related problem - We're still investigating to confirm.

Update - We've confirmed one issue is on our side, we'll have a fix out soon as possible.

Update #2 We've released a fix for this issue.

04 Nov

28 Oct


Originally posted by matt_fp

Yep :-)

shhh ;-)

26 Oct


This was a mistake on our part - We'll have a fix out shortly for this.

02 Oct


Some fantastic ideas in this post & comments, we'll make sure to implement some of them for the next update!


Originally posted by CrazyMike419

You guys qre usually a little more helpful. The cynic in me would think it was because this was related to a dlc.

Anyways the cause appears to be that along with the skin for the hazzy a game item called hazmatsuit.spacesuit was added. I assume during testing/development. This caused crashes for servers using mods like magic loot where the spawn of random workshop items was enabled. Disable these plugins or get the updated ones (magicloot now fixed) and it will resolve.

when I originally posted the reply there wasn't much information to go on to give a complete and detailed answer I'm afraid, I had only ruled out this wasn't an issue on our end.


Originally posted by ajhockey88

[BUG] Due to the new pickup mechanics, we are no longer able to rotate tool benches as it will now pickup the tool bench.

While this is a bug in its current state we're going completely remove the ability to rotate workbenches now players are able to pickup.

The only practical use rotate on the workbench is to clip boxes underneath or into construction, this is a bug in itself.


Originally posted by IhaveNoLifeTrustMe

[BUG] I cant rotate a workbench because holding E now removes the item.

While this is a bug in its current state we're going completely remove the ability to rotate workbenches now players are able to pickup.

The only practical use rotate on the workbench is to clip boxes underneath or into construction, this is a bug in itself.

01 Oct


Originally posted by S-Rorvik

[BUG] i cant open the menu on the HBHF sensor because holding E now removes the item. I can exclude and include authorized people without using the menu, but i can't do anything with non-authorized people

Thank you - we'll take a look at this.

Update - we've now released a fix.


Originally posted by LunchboxABQ

[BUG] Only tested on modded servers. Equipping new spacesuit skin'd hazy causes server to crash and nobody is able to join. Must clear inventory of players before anyone can rejoin the server.

Due to this is a modded issue we won't be investigating this, you should try contacting the server owner/admins.


Originally posted by ShiftlessDrifter

[BUG] As a result of the Exit button now providing a bit of power without a source input, the door at the dropdown below Launch Site will open on a fresh server restart without having to activate the other switches in the puzzle.

Thanks - We'll take a look at this.