
Rust Dev Tracker

07 May


This post just got someone FIRED, I hope it wasn't a modded server

05 May


Originally posted by Specialist-Light-394

how are nvidia night filters still not fixed? its been months

We're currently exploring avenues to prevent this abuse.


Originally posted by hunted5

still bare feet sounds client sided? So you were just patronizing when you said this:

This was resolved in our testing in the March update:

• Fixed phantom footsteps continuously playing

• Fixed incorrect sfx footsteps playing

If others report this is still occurring we'll reinvestigate.


Originally posted by Shriv3rs

doesn't look like they fixed soft siding. Sadge

It's fixed, changelist note "Fixed several overly strict antihack configs resulting in unable to damage construction"

21 Apr


Facepunch Staging is online, you need to use the Rust - Staging client version which is available from your Steam library.

We have two versions of Rust, the Release version - which is the common version that everyone plays.. and Staging - which is the development version.

The Staging version has all of our latest changes, but might have bugs. The Release version is the most stable version - and at any one time should be the most bug free.

You can install the Staging Version of Rust like the regular version. If you own Rust you should see "Rust - Staging" in your games list.

The staging version isn't always compatible with the Release version, so you won't be able to join Release servers in the Staging version at times.

10 Apr


We're rolling back today's update now to resolve this issue, a new update should be available on Steam.

07 Apr


We're aware some players are experiencing crashes after today's update, we've identified the issue and will be releasing a fix in 50mins.

We're continuing to look into this issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Originally posted by aLegionOfDavids

[BUG]Same issue as everyone here - play for about 30 seconds and game freezes. Owned Rust for 8 months never had an issue till now. Literally tried everything at my wits end here!

Please can you post your system details?

We've identified the issue and will be releasing a fix in 50mins.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Originally posted by lawzu

When I load into any official server, I will be able to walk around for maybe 30 seconds and then the game freezes and stops responding.

Edit: AMD processor, NVIDIA GPU

Edit: Verifying game files and restarting does not fix the problem.

Looking into this currently.

We've identified the issue and will be releasing a fix in 50mins.

We're continuing to look into this issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

16 Mar


The player was never unbanned, the player received a 48-hour temporary game ban which doesn't display on the Steam profile and then 9 hours later the ban was switched to a full game ban which does display on the Steam profile.

05 Mar


Originally posted by p0nygirl

[BUG] Mounted players can't hear instruments that require a player to be mounted - for ex. sitting in a couch you can't hear the drumkit or piano, or playing piano you can't hear the drumkit.

Thanks for the report, we're currently investigating this issue.


Originally posted by PostEditor

[BUG] The "kick passengers" button on the taxi module does not work. It hasn't worked for a few updates now.

Thank you - we've now got this fixed internally now, expect to see this fix live in the near future.

03 Mar


Originally posted by ciljo

[BUG] when i try to fish i get disconnected from server (RPC Error in Server_RequestCast) playing on vanilla official server

This is a problem with Oxide. Oxide is a third party modding platform, they've pushed a fix for this issue - You'll need to inform your server owner to update their Oxide version to the latest.


We're aware AMD GPU users are experiencing degraded performance with the latest update, we hope to have a fix ready within the next 50 minutes.


Originally posted by WestWorld_

[BUG] I have 3 frames per second now, down about 97%, usually get around 80-100

Please can you list your system hardware? CPU and GPU.

Update - we've got a fix building currently, ETA 40minutes.

Update - We've now released a fix.


Originally posted by rmichaelsm

[BUG] We have not seen NPCs at loot piles in a few wipes. We are running oxide for admin plugins, but I checked before we applied oxide and did not see any NPCs at loot piles. Are other servers seeing the loot pile NPCs?

Thanks for the report, we're currently investigating this issue.

26 Feb

04 Feb


Thanks for the kind words Nordee and an additional huge thank you for your continued bug reports from Staging.

While we're not robots, we as game developers need to be open to criticism, whether the criticism is beneficial or not we need to always learn and listen from the Rust community, we need to try to balance our vision of the game with that of the Rust community. If we ignored the Rust community and never addressed concerns, it's my belief Rust would likely be in its grave by now.

Reddit at times can have a loud minority, sometimes the most upvoted opinions here are greatly different to that of other Rust communities. We're going to make mistakes from time to time and we'll learn from that and take that experience with us as we move forward.

We're going do stuff that makes zero sense, sometimes we're going push the boundaries a little and experiment which is going upset people. Be sure to tell us when you think we've messed up but also be open to us...

Read more

03 Feb


Originally posted by IntelligentComputer4


reskining with ammo ar attachments with the new ak, it resets the attachmensts and sets ammo to four. unloading the ak and reskining it also works as a ammo duping method.

Link to my friend showing it off:

Thank you for the report - will fix.