
Smite Dev Tracker

14 Jul


That’s rough(for the other team) buddy.

10 Jul


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

Pon, I love the insight you provide as always but regarding ranked conquest and joust I’ve always wondered why a minimum number of matches played in those respective gamemodes isn’t an additional prerequisite? I know having a player who has absolutely never played conquest before trying ranked isn’t necessarily common but why make it even possible?

Mostly a matter of the frequency of a absolute new player to Conquest playing Ranked Conquest is uncommon. Additionally any requirement can be bypassed given time. Someone having an account in S4 playing Conquest and then jumping in late S7 has a lot of learning to still do, but they can queue.

You may want instead a "X recently played" but this is a decent undertaking for something that we know statistically doesn't occur often. Could be discussed more though.


Originally posted by IPHE7VOM

If you lower the starting MMR, and lower everyones MMR gains from wins/losses, the issues around sorting new players have not changed. They are the same, they will just happen in a more concentrated way, and at a lower MMR.

And if you're telling me that it is a problem that absolutely can't be fixed, and that it just has to be part of the sorting process, then what is wrong with making it happen at a smaller increment of MMR rather than ranging from 900-2.1k?

If this HAS to happen regardless, you would ruin less peoples games if you could keep it at an increment of lets say 900-1400 MMR rather than 900-2.1k?

Why am I dealing with this problem in mid diamond 2.1k MMR? How can I have masters/gms in my games and people who are buying Fatalis Xing Tian who are just barely learning Smite? I've put in the work to get out of low ranks, I know I'm a good player. That type of matchmaking is just unacceptable. Yes selfishly I don't bel...

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If you want a Matchmaking system that does the two following things :

  1. Distributes players based on their skill to provide fair matches.
  2. Attempts to maximize the speed at which is does this.

Then yes, this is a problem that cannot be fixed. We can tweak 1 to maybe start players based on some other skill (Their casual conquest performance for instance) but that adds noise into the system that will potentially provide more accurate initial placement but noise gets distributed throughout the curve lowering quality overall. We can tweak 2 to slow people down, but this means people will be at their unintended MMR range for longer. Rather than being pretty confident after 10-20 games and being very accurate at 35-40, you delay pretty confident to 35-40 and very accurate to 60+.

When a player enters the pool we don't assume they are average, instead their MMR really represents our confidence. We have 0% confidence we know their skill so we plac...

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07 Jul


Originally posted by VillacherGimpl

do you mean echrome? I could be wrong lol

lol yes


The Phase 2 Circuit Playoffs are kicking off THIS WEEKEND! This three-day online playoff event will see the top Challenger Circuit and Open Circuit teams from NA & EU go head-to-head on the Battleground. Here's a quick guide to everything you need to know.

Circuit Playoffs Schedule + Where to Watch

Circuit Playoffs will begin on Friday and run all weekend, with different rounds of the bracket happening each day. Rounds are listed in the order they will be streamed:

  • Friday, July 10 (11:00 AM ET): EU Quarterfinals, NA Quarterfinals
  • Saturday, July 11 (11:00 AM ET): EU Lower Bracket Round 1, EU Semifinals, NA Lower Bracket Round 1, NA Semifinals
  • Sunday, July 12 (11:00 AM ET): EU Lower Bracket Round 2, EU Finals, NA Lower Bracket Round 2, NA Finals

Like all SMITE esports events this year, you can watch these matches on ...

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06 Jul


100% not ok. Forwarding this over to support right now

30 Jun


Originally posted by -zax-

No amount of buffs will make her viable as long as anti-heal can be stacked above 100%.

Bear charge can now execute, as being charged by a bear is bad for your health.

29 Jun


July 24! Website schedule & sync-friendly calendar data should be made available this week.

26 Jun


What's up Gods & Goddesses!

PTS for the Mid-Season Update is LIVE for the weekend!

You can find the full Update Notes here.

Be sure to post any bugs or issues found from PTS in this thread, and please leave any feedback you have about any of the latest Conquest, god, or item changes. Also, be sure to check out the Avatar: The Last Airbender Battle Pass!

If you would like to participate in the PTS click here to find out how.

Thanks so much for helping us test all the new changes coming to SMITE!

See you on the Battleground.


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Originally posted by AdoesntalwaysequalC

I don't know about how anyone else feels, but I love watching the update shows with these 3. Isiah, Pon, and Ajax are just awesome.


23 Jun


It's been so awesome seeing the community this excited and wanting a follow up from this crossover before the first one is even revealed!

When we started planning for the Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover, one of the biggest things we considered was the feedback we got on the RWBY Battle Pass. Taking all your comments into consideration, we really wanted to go the extra mile in capturing the personality of these beloved characters and the way they move and fight. From the jump we knew that we wanted to put in extra effort and love into these skins to take them to the next level. We slotted in way more work for each of these skins animations and FX a lot of which exceeding the level of a Tier 5 skin (much greater than the past Weiss skin for Freya).

The amount of work we knew would be required to execute the product we wanted just wasn’t feasible if we were to reuse the same Battle Pass structure from our last crossover. So we began planning knowi...

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Originally posted by Avernuscion

I'm surprised they didn't get his old VA back, I assume they were just too busy or something?

There are tons of added elements that come into play when working on a cross-over of this size, especially when you're talking about a series that’s over a decade old. Unfortunately due to several extenuating circumstances, we were unable to work with the original voice actors for Aang and Zuko on this project (we were able to work with Janet Varney, to voice actor for Korra!). Both the Titan Forge crew and Nickelodeon understood this at the beginning of the project and were excited (but yeah, we were a little bummed, too) to move forward on the collaboration.

We have great partners at Nickelodeon that worked alongside us throughout the entire process. They reviewed auditions, helped us cast the actors featured in the Avatar Battle Pass, and were even involved with directing and overseeing the voice recording sessions. Both Titan Forge and our friends over at Nickelodeon are really happy with the results, and we can’t wait for you all to get your hands on this exciting batt...

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22 Jun


100% there is a my cabbages global emote in there. I GOTCHU FAM!

19 Jun


Here are the first ones that come to mind for me (sorry, I don't know each community artist):

Ice Queen Aphrodite

Godscylla Scylla

Spirit Guide Artio

Shell Shock Agni

Enchanted Boyfriend Cu Chulainn

Necromancer Persephone

Fallen Lord Chronos

April Showers Discordia

Chef Vulcan

I'll try and update this list as I find more and talk to people who have been at Hi-Rez longer than me. :)

17 Jun


Originally posted by dangheck

This corrected the same issue for me on console.

I killed the game and rebooted it. Didn’t receive a notification but it unlocked.

Thanks for confirming! Happy to hear it fixed your problem!

16 Jun


Originally posted by DeeJay_8

Same I didn’t get my voice pack for him instead I got 3 day booster

Please send me your in-game name if you still dont have it, and you've purchased the Season Pass.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Please send me your in-game name if you still dont have it.


Originally posted by JerkIzAllPro

That is a same here

we need to make sure we get it

Hey! Can you please relog? Let me know if this doesn't work for you, please. :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey! Can you please relog? Let me know if this doesn't work for you, please. :)