"In the next few weeks" ? Huh?
So let's say I'm short a couple thousand Viewer Points from getting the skin I want now I have to wait weeks to get it? Will this be done before the VS resets?
How is this ok? You think simply giving the VP later makes up for people not getting them in time to get the items they wanted from the VS?
It's not just being unable to vote, I got locked out of voting for games that legitimately existed in the VS store and happened the next day!! How do you compensate me for the loss of the items I wanted to get due to not receiving the VP. How about the issue with not reeving the VP on time as well? Quite often this year the missing VP were distributed weeks after. Sometimes past the VS store rotation.
Calling the VS store anything but a joke is not doing justice to how how bad it is. This taking into consideration that it's not your first year implementing the VS!!