
Smite Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Usually the god we choose for this exercise is one we know the community is interested in but not one we immediately plan to use. So no plans for Epona in SMITE yet. Anything can happen tho!


Thanks for posting this, Savvy!


Originally posted by Tayloroids

That’s because they don’t. They get a bit of power online and treat it like an actual job. It’s sad tbh.

Yeah, I agree, it's really sad. Like they should just get a life.


Originally posted by Kuchinawa_san

I got banned from SMITE Twitch on first offense because a mod found something I said offensive. Havent looked back.

Y'all need to reassess your mods. I dont even want to get unbanned, but imagine all potential followers youre losing or viewers because of your mods going trigger happy.

Theres a balance in moderation thats not being met.

I got banned from SMITE Twitch on first offense because a mod found something I said offensive. Havent looked back.

A completely different team moderates their twitch, and AFAIK, they are actually employed by HiRez.

We have no contact with them otherwise.


Hello miltwinz and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

600 minute bans occur only after multiple deserter penalties in a row have been applied to the account.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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Hello imscaredandconfusion and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):


Your Memes are too dank for this subreddit! Please post to ...

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While we understand this is a recent situation, to not fill the subreddit with separate posts from everyone we encourage users to rather comment on the original post.

Of course, you can always send us a modmail if you have a specific question.



Originally posted by Monotarium

I have always thought it weird that Smite let's their game subreddit and discord be entirely run by someone who had no official affiliation with them prior. He has a higher "role" in Discord than most of Hi Rez employees. Whwn i joined, he personally banned me from the discord for disagreeing with him. The toxicity he displayed when talking to me as "head mod" nearly made quit the game entirely, as for a while i believed that Hi Rez knew about Triple's behavior and were supporting it.

Not commenting on other points, but he has a higher role in discord than hirez employees because he owns the fan discord server, he literally can't have lower roles.

On the other side, the official discord server is different, but his permissions there aren't as big.


Originally posted by Dergen-Bergen-Kergen

So uh... when are the other mods gonna like... acknowledge this because this needs to be talked about.

Most mods are aware of the situation. We are talking about it, but we don't want to make any rushed decisions in the process if we don't have to.

06 Jan


Originally posted by Bozzkurt69

Will we see the map tomorrow?
