Why did you and u/Draco9990 reply to me with the exact same comment? If this is a generic reply that you guys are all echoing as a response to all the comments, you’re making the problem even worse. You punished Sleek for Triple’s wrongdoing. She didn’t go about it in the prettiest way, but it had to be done or else nothing would have changed. You guys can say “Oh we would’ve did something even if she didn’t make a post” but seeing how you guys are handling this, I’m very much doubting that.
Now you guys are sending a scripted response to the community you’re supposed to represent in hopes of putting a band aid on the giant gash you just made. Have some god damn humanity and individuality. How dense can you guys be? I went from little hope to none.
I'm too tired to talk about other points, but just wanna mention that the reason why we replied the same is because I didn't understand what Nim told me in a private chat.