Space Haven

Space Haven Dev Tracker

04 Jun


Originally posted by Jaysyn4Reddit

Not a fan of video only updates, especially at work.

It's not a video. Reddit seems to grab the trailer from there, don't know how to turn that off.

26 May


Hey there =) Due to how the game has been designed, and the plethora of issues regarding technical problems, overall game play and user awareness; we have opted to stick with a single plane to build on. So right now we don't have plans to add z-levels.

02 May


Yep! You can do it from:

Choose the featured Alpha Crew Member or a higher tier and you'll have access within 24 hours =)

22 Apr


Thank you for this!

I have been so positively surprised by how understanding so many of you have been. It really does mean a lot. We devs often have to fight our own fights to make things happen, and there definitely was battles to fight out to make this Alpha happen on time :) Systems needing to be set-up, new things to learn, waiting on payments to go through and rigorous checking that everything seems to be in order.

There was literally about a 100 messages mailed back and forth to get everything done.

And regarding the Alpha. Getting messages like: "There's a bug here but it's still early days!" feels awesome, it just makes it all feel like we're in this together instead of piling up a sh*t ton of pressure for us to deliver. As a game developer you're always a bit afraid that the game will not be enough.

Having someone take the time to say something positive is fantastic. So thank you! Players like you make game development a lot more fun.

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