
Spellbreak Dev Tracker

18 Jul

17 Jul

Originally posted by zayoe4

I hadn't played in a while and saw Ilya on the Spellbreak discord so I decided to hop onto steam and run some Dominion with them. I had a lot of fun and have been playing about one game of Dominion ranked a day. It's been really fun.

Glad to see ya back and it's awesome to hear you had fun! What changes did you notice and like since the last time you played?

Originally posted by PixelArtMark

This game is dead lmao the devs have completely given up.

Sorry to hear you feel this way, but rest assured, the team has not "completely given up". There'll be some news coming up pretty soon!

Originally posted by [deleted]


Your post has been removed from the Spellbreak subreddit (/r/Spellbreak) due to violating the following rule:

Avoid making comments with the sole intent to create strong, negative responses. (e.g. dead game)

We strongly encourage you to review the subreddit rules. Keeping the Spellbreak subreddit a place for actionable feedback, respectful conversation, and fair play is our top priority. Let's work together to create a community everyone wants to be a part of!

Originally posted by AfroFlower

How long until ch3 does drop?

Will be revealed very soon👍

16 Jul

Hello! I love this idea. It's one I'll be more than happy to pass forward to the team!

Hello there! This is an option we've heard a lot of feedback on and hope to implement in the future!

15 Jul

14 Jul

13 Jul