Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Dev Tracker

22 Aug


weird... what season/day is it?

04 Aug


I love it... a very beautiful and faithful rendition! The cello and piano are perfect for this. Thanks so much for sharing it with us

31 Jul


Hey, thanks for the kind words about Stardew Valley! I'm really glad you like the game so much and it's bringing you joy, magic and happiness. I'll keep doing my best to make great video game experiences for as long as I can, it's what I live for! I wish you all the very best

09 Jul


Originally posted by Starrywisdom_reddit

Been a few weeks, any update?

The updates are still in the certification loop. Could be ready tomorrow or could still be weeks, depending on what happens

02 Jul


Originally posted by missmermer80

I'm committed to not allowing Switch updates to come out before Xbox/PS4 in the future

Why not hold PC until all ports are ready as well? A lot of new console players, especially ones who have bought the game since the update for PC/switch/mobile and watch YouTube videos (most of which are played on PC), are expecting the same game experience as what they see online. It is frustrating to a new console player to be trying their best to activate an event/quest and it not happen...only to find out that their platform isn't completely updated and they dont have that content yet. It's also frustrating to long time players to have to work hard to avoid spoilers from PC players, especially those on YouTube...and Reddit... who don't give (and don't care to give) spoiler warnings or even mention that it's from the newest update. Most of the frustrations that come from console players could be completely removed if ALL ports were released at the same t...

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I totally understand why console players are upset, and I'll take responsibility for that. I also apologize for the lack of communication. I don't intend for that to be a middle finger to console players, and I'm really sorry if it comes across that way. I want the console players to have the multiplayer update very badly.

Releasing on all platforms simultaneously is the ideal, but there are also some benefits to releasing on PC first... namely that PC is a much more open platform, and if there are bugs they can be fixed immediately. Whereas on console, releasing a bug-fix patch is much more involved, and at the very least it has to pass through the whole certification process. So releasing on PC first allows any bugs to quickly be found and resolved before entering the lengthy console release cycle. I still think it's best to minimize the time difference between PC launch and console launch as much as possible, and that's what I'm going to shoot for in the future.


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27 Jun

25 Jun


Hey, that tiny update was just to add in a couple of steam stats for today's steam summer sale event. I couldn't reveal that because the timing of the summer sale event is confidential, but now that it's out I can say it.


if you go to %appdata%/StardewValley/ErrorLogs are there any error logs there associated with the time you got the crash? If so, if you could send them to me or just paste the contents here I'd appreciate it and maybe can help


Originally posted by EsotericGroan

Unfortunately there is no error log for it. Sorry I couldn’t be of help. If there’s anything else you would like me to check just let me know.

On another note, keep up the good work. Love the game so far.

that's interesting, no error log suggests a different kind of issue internally which is also a useful piece of information. I think this will likely be fixed in the 1.4 update. Thanks!

24 Jun


Originally posted by charisma_blackhole

Can you at least help provide some context as to why this is taking so long?

I get that you're not personally QAing these console updates, but it might help alleviate some players' frustration if your partners provided some context.

A year+ is a pretty long time for a player to wait for an update as massive as this one when other platforms have it. It feels pretty unfair to be expected to just wait it out with little to no communication from the developer and their partner(s).

The multiplayer update is a difficult thing to port, because under the hood it kind of completely changes the way stardew valley works. It's transparent to the player, but for the porting team it means a lot of work and extra problems that have to be solved, compared to a normal content update. That's why the actual porting work took so long.

Also, the XBOX/PS4 versions got started a little late because of some behind-the-scenes business "misunderstandings" (which I can't get into for legal reasons).

Working with consoles is just slow in general compared to PC.. Unlike something like Steam, you have to pass "certification" for each platform, which has specific technical requirements. So in order to do that you have to do a lot of back and forth QA, etc. in addition to the regular development time of the port itself.

So the main reasons why it's taking this long: 1) multiplayer update is a big change to the stardew valley code and difficult to port. Each ...

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Hey everyone, XBOX and PS4 updates are in certification, which typically means that they could be out within the next couple of weeks, but I can't guarantee anything.

...the reason I haven't tweeted about this in a while is because, in the past, unless I had a concrete release date, it seemed to just frustrate people more than anything else. If I say "it's in cert now" then people will ask "What does that mean? How long is that?" and then I'll have to give some kind of estimate, which then, if it doesn't pan out (which can always happen if the game fails cert a couple times), people will be angry with me. It's complicated. I'm sorry about the radio silence. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place with this, and it's not always easy to know what to do.

Part of the problem is that the way the whole QA/cert cycle works, it's really really difficult to say "It will be out on X day" or even X month. It's also difficult because, as someone else mentioned here, I...

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hey sorry about the crash... if you go to %appdata%/StardewValley/ErrorLogs is there an error log that you can associate with the time of this crash? If so, if you can send it to me or just post it here, that would be really helpful and hopefully it can be fixed for the 1.4 update.

16 Mar


Originally posted by Jadziyah

Hey! I just hit this bug too! Went to sleep, can't get past day 6...this is a huge problem. Any updates /u/ConcernedApe ?

Thanks for the reports. I'll pass this on to the mobile porting guys and hopefully they can get a fix out ASAP

03 Mar


Originally posted by The_Raven81

OK so I just tested this out, and had this confirmed with my own eyes. So yes, I would definitely label this as a bug. I saw it on PC, and my friend who plays the game on Switch also confirmed this in his game. So IDK if he's labeled it as something he's going to fix at some point.

Gunna tag u/ConcernedApe for awareness of this.

Thanks for the report, I'll check it out. My goal is to fix any & every bug for the upcoming 1.4 update

19 Feb


Congrats! I'm glad to hear that Stardew helped you achieve your goals, and It's always heartwarming to hear that Stardew is a special & magical place for people :-)

15 Feb


Hey everyone, trying to figure out if this only happens on consoles, or if it's on PC, too. Can anyone who's had this bug respond with the platform they had it on? Thanks a bunch

10 Feb


Never thought I'd see a cask of amontillado reference on this sub... I'm very pleased

08 Feb


Originally posted by sercomxlive


Sorry, there are stains. :/


I recorded the game, but they still exist.

ah, okay. I swear I fixed that... but I must've forgotten to hit "save" or something. I will fix it again!


Originally posted by sercomxlive

(Please undetstand my English is poor...)

Seasons - Winter

Many thanks for fixing the winter graphics were corrupted.

Alone this time spots appeared everywhere.

Thank you very much for trying to fix it.


Language: Turkish

PC/Mac/Linux: PC

should be fixed now!


Originally posted by yusuf0808

Language: Turkish

Summary of Issue: Game crashes while choosing slime hutch from Carpenter's Shop.

To reproduce, just make the language Turkish. Create a new save file. Go to Robin. And scroll through the buildings.

No mods. And PC version.

Errorlog here.

whoops, accidentally introduced that bug back into the game. Fixing right now...