@okasion2012 @cripplednerd90 Thanks! <3
@FuturisticMiku @Grurim2k Welcome to the community then! Feel free to poke us if you need any help. :)
@FuturisticMiku @Grurim2k Have fun! This galaxy is yours to toy with, and don't let any other species tell you otherwise. :>
@FuturisticMiku @Grurim2k Well. It sounds like it's time for genetic modifications or terraforming! Nothing organic is sacred. ;)
@funbaker You mean the blocker from the base game, yes?
@asgaardson @SinistrusOculus @Lambert2191 Not from a casual. ;)
@FuturisticMiku @Grurim2k The Worm event is a little unique. It can turn all your planets, in your capital system into Tomb Worlds and make your species adaptable to them. :) This is the result.
As for low-habitability, try to acquire different species and use them for colonization. :)
@Lars76036682 2/2 Once we're ready with the platform, and Stellaris is still in demand on consoles, the mods on Xbox are something we'll definitely look at. :)
@Lars76036682 1/2 The honest answer is "we want to, but we'll have to see". Now that the modding platform is out in the open, and we've received lots of valuable feedback, we want to build on it a bit.
@perv0n @StellarisGame They should be weighted to switch, depending on their traits. It may not be immediate though.
@Taharez (These are amazing creatures though! In general, we do hope to have more species in our game, and we know that aquatic lifeforms are a popular request :) )
@Taharez Oh. They're so there. They're just really tiny and you can't see them. :P
@Nebby2274 Hell yeah! The Kingdom of Yondarim never goes out of fashion. :)
@Kipi_GD How is the game going? And - more importantly - what are you snacking?
@FaithTwelve Not. :) We're doing a digital-only release, just like on PCs.
@perv0n @dmoregard There is a reason why pops get assigned the way they do. Maybe there is something that makes them less equipped for other job, or they have different species rights set?
If you suspect a bug however, you can report it on our forums.
@ChazLikesCake @Grurim2k @alexiskennedy @LordMune No promises at the moment. All we can say is that we do plan to have more story-oriented content in the game, in the future, but who will write it, remains to be seen.
@ScottA50636124 @PdxInteractive @PDX_Dev_Studio Hey o/
1. The Deluxe Edition includes a Season Pass. Those 3 DLCs will be releasing shortly and you'll download them automatically. 2. It's difficult to speculate about PS5 but we support our games for a long time. *Maybe* we'll end up being a cross-platform title. We'll see. :)
@TheSaruthi @JHensley55 @Cities_PDX It's the console edition. It starts at version 1.7. :)