
Stellaris Dev Tracker

18 Mar

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Stellaris Community!

The Stellaris 3.99 Open Beta is on-going. While we’ve seen a great number of players opt-ing in, and giving feedback on the open beta, we’ve seen a few issues crop up over the course of the open beta that are outside of our control, and as such we’ve put together a document to help those of you who are unaccustomed to opting-in to open betas on Steam, or are having issues with getting the latest and greatest version of the Stellaris 3.99.* open beta on Steam.

How do I opt-into/out of the Open Beta?
It is important to note that this open beta is only available on Steam.

1. In your Steam Library, Right-Click on Stellaris, then go to Properties

2. Click the Betas Tab, and then in the Beta Participation drop-down, choose “Stellaris_test - 3.99.0 Open Beta”. If you’re looking to opt-out of the Open Beta and return to the live version of the game, choose “None”.

3. After the game updates and downloads,... Read more

13 Mar

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Devs probably aren't monitoring these threads, but it's my job to, and I pass along what I see. As mentioned above, though, a proper bug report on the PDX forums will get faster eyes on issues.

06 Mar

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please do report this on the bug report forums so our Devs can take a look at it.

17 Feb

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you file a bug report so I can pass along to our team, please?


29 Nov

    Guraan on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I see that you already have ironed out the details so i am just gonna link the bug report with a potential workaround:

Sorry for the inconvenience!

27 Nov

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We're in touch with Steam to sort this out and make Rick available for you Cube Fiends.

30 Oct

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If the game is crashing on startup, it's likely the launcher has forgotten your video settings. In the launcher, go to settings, graphics, and choose borderless fullscreen or windowed mode (the opposite from what it currently is) and see if that resolves it.

There also have been several reports of crashing issues that feature mods not deactivating correctly.

To resolve this:
Go to your Steam Profile, Workshop items, and click unsubscribe from all:

We also recommend clearing your downloaded Steam workshop items, you can find the default install locations here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\281990
and here:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod

Hope this helps!
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Disable your mods, and start a new save. If this issue persists, you can make a bug report here:

25 Jul

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This sounds like a mod conflict.

Can you disable your mods and see if the issue persists? If it does, you will likely need to verify your game files:
Right click Stellaris, Properties, Local files and click Verify Game files. If that doesn't resolve your issue, opening a ticket at is your best bet.

Hope this helps!

30 May

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you check your error.log in documents/paradox interactive/stellaris/logs/ and the last line says:
virtualfilesystem_physfs.cpp:1202]: Could not open file: settings.txt, error: permission denied

Then try this:
On the drive where Stellaris is installed (C:\ in this case), create a new folder called stellarisdata. The path to this file (in this example) should be c:\stellarisdata.

Then, on Steam, right click Stellaris, Properties and in the launch options box, add:

and then load the game. After loading the game, you can move your user_empire_designs.txt and save games from documents/paradox interactive/stellaris into the new stellarisdata folder you've created
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by viirinsoftworks: Instead of a million people having to to tedious workarounds because you guys messed up your code, how about instead you have whoever's job it is fix it?

I can't even start a game, I just bought the Machine Age expansion (I have all of them now) and couldn't save even a bio empire without the game crashing. So even creating a new empire and trying to save it crashes everyone.

Such a great game just became 100% unplayable.
This issue has been added to our internal bug tracker, and will likely be addressed soon. In the meantime - if you don't want to wait for the fix - you can use my instructions above.
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alright, after talking with someone else who was experiencing this, and poking the tech lead we have identified the issue that is likely causing this, and a potential workaround:

This issue is caused by having non-US characters in the path to the user directory, and the game fails to save to the settings.txt file and then crashes.

The workaround:
On the drive that Stellaris is installed on, create a new folder called stellarisdata (I will be using C, but just substitute whatever drive you're using). the path to this folder in my example will be C:\stellarisdata.

Then, in Steam, right click Stellaris, go to Properties, and in the launch options, add this:

Then run the game, and see if the issue persists.

Hope this helps!
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello folks, we are seeing an increase in crashes in the crash reporter as well. Can someone who is experiencing this issue try running Steam as an admin, and see if the issue persists?

19 Apr

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've talked with the game designers about this extensively. I'm told that this is how it is supposed to work. If I recall correctly, we left off at making reference to the fact that it costs edict cap and monthly unity in the tooltip. I do not know when this will be included in a release, however.
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
With the vanilla outliner, muted notifications will appear at the bottom of the outliner, as long as you have that turned on in the outliner options.

Outliner options are a little cog wheel towards the top right of the outliner UI. No idea where that appears with tiny outliner though.

01 Apr

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've been locked in the server room for three days after Rick caught sight of me coming out of a marketing meeting and chased me in here.

Every few minutes it tries to break down the door, I havent even slept. I'm scared. Everyone is back to work tomorrow, I hope the door holds out.
    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey OP, today is April 1st. Montu's video was a joke and we currently have no plans to introduce seasonal content, stellaris bucks or lootboxes that I am aware of (apart from reliquaries).

27 Mar

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It sounds like one of you is running a mod, or editing your game files. If you're running mods, all players in a lobby have to be running mods in order to connect to each other.

It could also be a hard drive issue (eg. your hard drive is failing), or you have a virus that's editing game files.

You can go to and open a ticket if you need further support with this issue.

Hope this helps!

15 Mar

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by zil: top quality artwork from stellaris, my respect.
hard hitting intro. fathers get some shoutout for self sacrifice for idealism.
twas this quality that built human civilization.
Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll be sure to show this to our trailer producer, she loves feedback like this! <3

14 Mar

    MrFreake_PDX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try disabling v-sync. On some setups, disabling v-sync gives *massive* performance improvements.