
Stormgate Dev Tracker

19 May


Originally posted by OMG_Abaddon

IDK how I'm going to juggle all the games coming this summer. It's like... no good games for a couple years and BOOM now we got Stormgate, Diablo, Armored Core... Jesus I feel like a kid again, so much cool stuff around the corner.

We’re excited too, but please remember this is just the small first phase of closed testing (and most people will not get in for quite some time)—we still have a ways to go before our game is officially released!

18 May


Originally posted by PostScarcityHumanity

Will you be releasing a Mac OS build for closed and beta testing?

The closed beta is exclusively for Windows PC.


Originally posted by DeathSpank210

Is there a chance to see you guys at Gamescom this year?

Nothing to confirm yet, but that sounds like a cool idea.


Originally posted by The__Thoughtful__Guy

Oh hell yeah if I get in I'm exclusively doing whatever the closest equivalent to a cannon-rush is. My goal isn't to go pro, it's to get a line in an update dedicated to fixing cheese I found.

Love it


Originally posted by LLJKCicero

We plan to reveal what the team has been building this year

One month later:

Behold! Our nationally ranked rock climbing team!



Originally posted by avsbes

So is 2024 (as mentioned in the OP) the earliest we can hope for video material or might we get to see the game earlier from the perspectives of our favourite content creators?

(Basically what i want to know is if you are currently planning to run a no exception NDA until 2024 or even longer, or if you plan on a controlled release of video material still this year)

We plan to reveal what the team has been building this year . . . stay tuned.

17 May


Originally posted by mad_pony

The most disgusting one 🤢

That's definitely the Infernal Host.

(They won't be in until a later testing phase as they're still in development.)


Originally posted by Ttyybb_

What I'm hearing is that the humans will have 100% winrate, totally Imba

Sorry . . . but it's going to be exactly 50%.

    FrostGiantGerald on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Closed testing will begin in July!
    FrostGiantGerald on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It is! Please note that closed testing will start off VERY small, and we'll gradually let in more playtesters over time. We've already received more signups than we can let into closed testing, but we plan to give players some other opportunities to get into the playtest. Details to be shared later.

P.S. Wishlisting on Steam is one of the best things you can do to support the game!

Originally posted by kisscsaba182

I've been in different Betas and Alphas but this seems to be one of the biggest ones in recent years!

Congrats to the team for being efficient and following through the promises too!

I hope that you mean "most exciting" by "biggest"!

Our initial closed testing phases will be very small and we plan to steadily increase the number of invites as development continues.


Originally posted by iamlage89

Would you consider giving higher priority to people who commit in writing to playtest the game and provide feedback?

Maybe an essay contest? ;)


Originally posted by COOLIO5676

I just realized I wasn't signed up for the beta this whole time. NOOOOOOOoooooo

*I'm signed up now though*

Did you also wishlist Stormgate on Steam? That’s the best way you can support our game!


Originally posted by Agitated-Ad-9282

It would truely be a sin to not show some gameplay footage b4 this beta begins so atleast the mass public can get some snippets of gameplay .. else I believe leaks will be inevitable.

One internal show match like a battlereport would suffice

We plan to share a look at where we are in development “soon”! We are still early, so please bear that in mind!


Originally posted by CaptainCord

Will you guys show any gameplay footage during this first pre alpha? Even limited clips or something small??? lol



Originally posted by ReflectionNo3894

I’ve been hoping to wake up to these news for such a long time and I would wait twice as much if needed. I’m so hyped. Thank you guys.

Thank you for being patient with us and for supporting our team!


Originally posted by Karolus2001

Is this gonna be first throught test of snowplay? I pray for the little guy to grow up relatively painlessly.

This was a very wholesome comment. Thanks for wishing ‘lil SnowPlay well!


Originally posted by trevormooresoul

Can we get some kind of information about computer specs estimates? Now would probably be a good time. I dont want to take up a alpha spot if my computer cant even play the game.

Until we have our own system requirements to share, the hardware specs for Unreal Engine 5 might be a good starting point.