
Stormgate Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Originally posted by botdsc

I doubt may people played/remember, much less are aware of, an MMORPG/RTS called Shattered Galaxy by Nexon. Released 2001 I believe but was in open beta a while before. It’s essentially StarCraft on an MMO scale. Your “hero” had stats that affected your units, and each unit had its own XP/level/equipment load out. Players were split into factions on a big map with territories, think Risk. Battles were around 10-20 players per side. Walking across the map to other territories obv takes real time, if you moved into an enemy territory it started a fight that anyone can join if they could get to the territory, attackers had control points to capture and defenders had to run out the timer or force a full retreat. Team comps mattered; lots of weaker players would just bring high dps units for kills and XP, better players had some pocket specialized squads to cover other needs. There were siege tank and liberator units, medics and repair droids, cloaking units, detectors, flying tran...

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I played sooooo much Shattered Galaxy. This game was my jam and gushing about it with the Frost Giant devs was one of the first things I did when I joined the team.


Originally posted by OnlyPakiOnReddit

Step on the peddle harder, we can't wait! >_0

The team is working on it, and I can’t wait to show you all how the game is shaping up. It’s already really fun to play, though we still have a lot of work ahead of us!

Thanks for the support! <3


Originally posted by n_slash_a

Been following you since the beginning and excited! I didn't catch that article, will give it a read when I get home.

Thanks for the support! Hope to see you in the beta. <3

04 Apr


Originally posted by Slarg232

Just a for fun question: have you guys been playing any "mods" of the game in house?

Obviously everything is still WIP so you don't have mods so to speak, but do you have something akin to DotA or a Tower Defense that isn't intended to be a shipped experience?

One of our engineers created a cool Tower Defense game for a hackathon!


Originally posted by GibFreelo

I'm interested. Especially after the disaster of Company of Heroes 3 (first game I've ever refunded). Really hoping for another good RTS.

Glad to have you on board! We appreciate the support.


Originally posted by Dirty_Mike97

I appreciate you reaching out!

To answer your question, i think for general audiences if someone says theyre F2P, they might wonder in the beginning, “Well whats the catch?”. Maybe that mindsets been changed since Fortnite and other F2P games that have come out such as Apex Legends, Warzone to name a few.

Starcraft 2 went F2P after it has been established with the expansion packs. BUT times have changed since then. As a kid growing up with Starcraft, warcraft 3, supreme commander, command and conquer, and many more RTS titles, I’m not saying thats a bad thing its just me personally i def want to see success and am willing to put in $60+ into a game to def help out the developers to keep creating future content.

Thats not the case for most people, which is their opinion and interest. For me though, i am so willing to spend however much to get my hands on it! As well as seeing cool custom skins and many more items! Even it a Collectors edition is available...

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Thanks for sharing your perspective! F2P earned its negative rep because of shady practices (largely in the mobile space), like pay-to-win business models, but we believe our approach is a good one. Many of the biggest games in the world today (including on PC) are F2P—as you identified.

For Stormgate, 1v1 will always be free and we refuse to sell players an IWIN button; pay-to-win and esports don’t make a good match and we want to foster a vibrant competitive scene for players of all skill levels.

You’ll be able to play some amount of content for all of our game modes for free. If, for example, you love the campaign, you can purchase additional chapters, which we’ll release seasonally, several times a year. We plan to actively support our game for years to come.

Same for our 3P co-op commanders-style mode. If you enjoy playing it, we hope you’ll purchase new leaders. Maybe some army skins too!

FYI, something like 75% of SC2 players didn’t play lad...

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Originally posted by Blutmilan

Thank you for the update! Even tho im personally not that interested in the editor i really appreciate that you are so open about how the development is going

Thanks for supporting our devs!


Originally posted by Cheapskate-DM

Thanks for the update!

Would it be safe to assume we'll learn more about gameplay (possibly hands-on) before a terrain editor release? Knowing what a good melee map looks like depends heavily on how Human/Infernal factions interact with the map in different ways, and how resources are "supposed" to be distributed.

Bonus question: is "doodad" still a technical term within the editor? 👀

I am fairly confident that you’ll learn quite a lot more about Stormgate gameplay before a terrain editor is released.


Originally posted by Dirty_Mike97

Depending if Stormgate does really well, starcraft 3 might happen due to pressure and interest, might not be right away but sooner and thats IF.

As much as im hyped for Stormgate im a bit skeptical on the F2P part. Gotta wait for gameplay to really give it a solid answer.

But lets say it doesnt do well then it wont be for a loooong time.

We really appreciate the support—what is it about F2P that you’re skeptical of? We see eliminating the paywall as the best way to grow the audience—it was very successful at attracting new players when our team transitioned SC2 from the box model to F2P.


Originally posted by 1mhotepp

I hadnt heard about it until today.. Checked it out and signed up for it :)

Thanks, we really appreciate it! Wishlisting our game on Steam (and telling your friends about us) are the best ways to support our team.

DM me your mailing info and I’ll send you a few stickers next time we do a print run!


Our team at Frost Giant Studios is making Stormgate, a spiritual successor to StarCraft II and Warcraft III.

Many of us quit our jobs on the StarCraft II team at Blizzard to follow our dream of making a new Blizzard-style RTS, one that would go all-in on co-op play (in addition to competitive play and esports) and be actively supported with ongoing story and content updates for years to come.

If you’re only just now hearing about us, the Washington Post recently published an in-depth feature about our team, our game, and our plans for the RTS genre here (no paywall):

02 Apr


Originally posted by Vaniellis

As a Frenchman, I approuve the use of bread as an important ressource. The Resistance needs baguettes to survive the apocalypse, and these nasty demons are here to stole our crunchy baguettes !

These Infernals are toast!


Originally posted by Dasheek

Any legacy bread jokes still remaining in the game?

We are still using bread as a placeholder resource while the game continues to bake.

01 Apr


Originally posted by Jescar1

Ok... I've waited over 19 years to mention about a game that is related to SC and RTS genre. This feels like the correct time for me to finally mention it, given the correlation to the mentioned news.

It is indeed Shattered Galaxy. I religiously worshipped and adored this game through out my whole life and haven't came across any other successor that could do the game justice. The game's server is "alive" but does no longer have an active community as of this moment. It really had its shine in the early 2000's and there is still die hard fans waiting for potential successor. Some of you may have heard about the game but I don't blame if you haven't since it was a VERY niche genre game that evolved from SC/RTS genre.

To explain the game briefly: 'Shattered Galaxy' is/was a Massive Community based MMORTS. In this game, within the 3 factions that all the players were divided into, you fight along with your faction players aga...

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I love you. We probably played against each other. I played the hell out of Shattered Galaxy back in the early 2000s. Loved completely covering the skies with air mines with my fleet of Albatrosses.

FYI, I’ve been singing Shattered Galaxy’s praises to the Frost Giant design team ever since I joined. I was also one of the folks in the article that was in the room helping decide on our name … maybe it’s just a coincidence that our game is also SG?


Originally posted by ExodusC

Lmao that's a good analogy

Highly competitive, high-APM, high-micro, high-macro, fast paced RTS are not for everyone, and will never be for everyone

You can dress it up to make it seem as accessible as you want, but let's be real, SC2, and SC2-like games are not going to capture mass audiences. It's going to possibly capture the small but devoted audience of people that like this kind of stress inducing high energy game

Most players never touch the ladder. The majority just play story, co-op vs AI, and custom games.


Originally posted by 0lazy0

One random thing I hope they put in stormagte is something analogous to SC2 Co-op commander mode. I loved that mode

We are doing 3-player co-op commanders (name of mode TBD). Co-op commander was added to SC2 after-the-fact, while we’re building Stormgate with co-op vs AI as a priority from the beginning.

It’s the mode I’m most looking forward to, right along with campaign.


Originally posted by FGS_Gerald

We hope you'll find something cool to read tomorrow!

Told you!


To be clear—this is from our prototype from ancient history (a year ago, before we announced the game).


Originally posted by PaulThreeSixty

At least we have context now :)

Let me repeat my criticism here: Out of the only two (2) screenshots of the game in the article, one is severely outdated yet shows the games logo and the only other one, the good one, doesnt show it. So if any of these two screenshots happens to make its way around the internet people will know which game to avoid when looking at the outdated one and wont know which game it is the good one belongs to.

I dont understand their marketing strategy if they have any at all.

This one's on me. That screenshot came in just hours before the Washington Post story went live. The original reporting happened in April of last year, but I wanted to provide them with a look at the game today. We rushed to capture something and missed the watermark step.

It should have been clear from the story that the original greybox assets were from our prototype and the game looks very different today.