
Stormgate Dev Tracker

24 Apr


This is a compelling argument.

20 Apr


Originally posted by DanRileyCG

Sorry for asking if this is already known, but is this game going to have 3 different factions? I've been out of the loop, but I've only seen two mentioned last I checked. In the end, I'm hoping for 3 factions just because I think it makes the game way more interesting than 2.

We’ve said “more than two.” :)

19 Apr


Thanks for asking about us! We appreciate the support.

It’s funny that you asked about the coffee machine as ours was recently knocked out of commission. I’m proud to report that after a harrowing few caffeine-free days, we’ve completed repairs and are back online!

In all seriousness, progress on Stormgate is going well and we’re playtesting on a daily basis. We still have a lot of work ahead of us and the team is keeping busy. We are currently focused on getting the game ready for the first wave of external closed testing later this year. Work-life balance is still very important to us and we are doing our best to plan and schedule our sprints accordingly.

The team has grown in recent months and we’ve welcomed several new Yetis to FG, including more former colleagues from our StarCraft II days. We’ve added a QA manager, as well as more artists and engineers—I’d say we’re at around sixty in total now, spread out across our HQ and the remote team members a...

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07 Apr


Originally posted by psiANID3

Not espeicially fond of that...but ill just call it supply.

To be clear, this is just for fun—we’re not going to keep Bread. (Or will we???)


Originally posted by SorteKanin

Thanks a lot for the update, the editor is one of the most exciting things for me personally :D

Thank you for the great memes!


Originally posted by lemindhawk

I think you accidentally an extra dot in the link :)

Thanks! Fixed!


Hey, folks—we love and appreciate the excitement around modding and our Editor. I’m grateful to Ryan and James for taking the time away from their work to share so much information with us about what they’re building.

We’ll be updating you again on the Editor once we’re further along.

Please help us spread the word about Wishlisting Stormgate on Steam! It’s the best way to help the Frost Giant team.

Link to our Steam page:

Thank you for your support!


Originally posted by ToastOfTheToasted


Username checks out.


Should we keep bread permanently?

06 Apr


Originally posted by SnooDogs8141

What’s your win rate like?

.500 on a good day—some seasons were better than others.


Originally posted by Trident_True

Hope it is as successful as you guys deserve.

Will there be any micro quality-of-life included in the controls? I've recently been playing BAR and having a split army button, auto control groups, and a move-as-formation command is just divine. All things I would kill to have in SC2.

Appreciate the support. I think it's too early for us to dive too deep on our plans for controls/UX, but I think some members of the team are playing this game as well.


Originally posted by ralopd - only unofficial though and a community server. some devs are around though. disclaimer: founded in october 2020 by me.

Frost Giant intends to fire an official server up closer to the game being publicly playable.

I'm in this Discord pretty often, if that helps (or scares you away).


Our RTS in development, Stormgate, currently uses Bread as a placeholder resource (stand-in for supply).


Originally posted by DarthCakeN7

Agatha. Having an AI control your game is something only a digital card game can do. But really the fun is when she is revealed and your opponent learns they were playing against Agatha all along!

She's my favorite card. I've Infinity'd her nine times and working on two more.


Originally posted by vbergaaa

In a previous update, I believe I remember hearing that the scripting language was planned to be in AssemblyScript, which compiled into WebAssembly that the game would run.

Now you've mentioned the scripting will be done in "basically a constrained C++". Does this also compile down to WebAssembly? and will it be possible for advanced moders to write their own code in a language of their choice (say AssemblyScript) and have it compile to the same WebAssembly (or whatever the target is) and inject that into the map? Or will that be prevented because it could possibly bypass any "constraints" you've put in place that requires the C++ scripting to manage?

This comes from James Anhalt (Frost Giant's chief architect and creator of SnowPlay):

We ended up choosing C++ for our first internal scripting language over other contenders (Rust, Zig, Julia, Swift, AssemblyScript, and many more) largely because we are C++ experts and we know it will be performant on day one. AssemblyScript in particular lacked a way to handle the fixed point numbers and other types used by SnowPlay in an easy to use way without a performance penalty caused by dynamic allocation.

We compile our C++ scripts to WebAssembly, but we aren’t tied to C++. We have built up a language agnostic API that any language that compiles to WebAssembly can use to call into the SnowPlay engine. This allows us to iterate on scripts quickly without leaving the game and opens the door for modders to use their favorite language that compiles to WebAssembly. The only constraints on WebAssembly will likely be size and a limit on how “costly” (either time or “operation lim...

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Originally posted by Vaniellis

Honestly, we don't need the map editor at release. Stormgate is a new IP, so we'll all need a couple months to play the game and understand its mechanics.

Take all the time you need !

We appreciate the patience!


Missing vacuum cleaners and space hamsters.

05 Apr


Originally posted by botdsc

Shattered Galaxy = SG = Storm Gate

It's all coming together...
