Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

27 Jun

Hello Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for July 2023.


Daily Calendar: Visas Marr
Bonus Calendar: Rey (Scavenger)
Hello Holotable Heroes,

Today we have begun our rollout for our new Title Update to Android and iOS devices. This will continue to roll out to all players over the next 24 hours and will require you to update from your app store at the end of this period. You will see most of the changes to the game after the forced update tomorrow.

The upcoming Title Update introduces the new Zeffo Bonus Zone, Fleet Management, TB Stat Management, Turn Order Visualization, and Treasure Node Simming in Conquest!

23 Jun

Hello Holotable Heroes,

Today’s hotfix addresses an issue with the Captain Rex Marquee event - enemy units in certain tiers were being granted too much Protection. This change is live now and you will need to reboot your game to get the latest version.

This hotfix also address Captain Rex not assisting allies if he is placed in the 5th slot.
Hi folks,

CG_AaronBurrSir is streaming Thursdays on the CG Extra Life twitch channel to raise donation for this years charity event! I'm joining him today to chat as he plays Dark Forces! Stay tuned for the official kick off announcement for the big stream this year.

Come join us on twitch!

22 Jun

Hello Holotables Heroes,

We are interested in how you feel about the current cadence of the Krayt Dragon Raid and the time you spend on it. This is purely related to how often you hit the raid itself, not how often you get rewards.

21 Jun

Meathead, how are you doing today?
About to take some time off, so feeling REALLY good
Is Rex's omicron going to cost 20 mats? or will it cost more since there are multiple ways it works?
This will cost 20 Omicron materials
Why does captain rex not have an leader ability?
When we started thinking about the role that we wanted Captain Rex to fill, we zeroed in on existing factions and squads that were perhaps a bit older and in need of a lift. These squads already had Leaders, so Rex didn’t need to supply that for them. Instead of taking away from those existing Leader abilities, we focused on what those squads needed in order to feel competitive again.
Does Rex share all of his unique with other Phoenixes under a Hera lead? Including the omicron bits?
Yes, the Omicron portion will also be shared with Phoenix allies
If the blaster turret were to assist while the 3v3 omicron is active does it have a cha... Read more
Hello Heroes of the Holotable, here are today’s update notes!

  • Captain Rex Kit Reveal: CLICK ME
  • Bundles for Captain Rex and Bad Batch have entered the webstore
  • Added coming soon page for Leviathan's Journey Guide
  • TIE Dagger is now available in Fleet Data Cards, Fleet Packs, and Shipments.

  • Fixed a bug where Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle could remove Turn Meter from allies when battling Profundity
  • The max tier guild crate had it's Mk I and Mk 2 values increased to the intended amounts, those affected will be provided compensation in a future upda...
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15 Jun

Hello folks,

We recently made a change to the Conquest Pass and would love to hear your feedback about it

This survey should only take 5-minutes or less to fill out

09 Jun

Hey folks, first off, sorry about the delay on this, had a couple things pop up of the personal nature that delayed this a bit. Better late than never B)

Do the Devouring Swarm thresholds that say “above/below” a number of stacks include the exact value of those stacks? I.e. will the Mark VI get its instakill at exactly 40 stacks, or only 41 and up? (Also if it does instakill at 40 stacks does that kill the Mark VI as well?)

Below/above are not stated as inclusive. So, to gain 10 stacks on the basic, you need to have 9 or less stacks. “If above 40 stacks” means above 40, so to instakill you need to be at 41. The reason why it works that way is because of the -40 stacks. It would kill Mark VI in the process of killing another ship.
The basic says annihilate if above 40 stacks, and gain 30 for each ally sith reinforced. So if... Read more

07 Jun

Hello Heroes of the Holotable!
Here are today’s update notes!

  • Rogue actions in Territory War will no longer cause Error code 3.0
  • D...
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06 Jun

STATS i88xrc0lmfgk.png
ALIGNMENT p795u6w6u8q5.png
FACTION xchni3e2furk.png
CHARACTER 2zuihysmbt5k.png

24 May

What star level will it be unlocked at?
25 Def Penetration or 25%?
25 flat
Does the stacking defense penetration work while Dagger is on the bench? Or does it have to be active when an enemy falls below 100% health for it to trigger?
It has to be active when the enemy falls below 100%
Why is this part of the Sith Leviathan even tho it has nothing to do with Sith Empire?
Leviathan leads the Sith fleet overall, not just Sith Empire
How’s your day Meathead?
I had to delete my original answer, but I'll just say I'm doing great :)
Does TIE Dagger count as a TIE Fighter for TIE Defender, etc?
Why does ability 1 shoot lasers from the middle of the ship, while ability 2 clearly shoots from the tips of each wing?
The type of armament that t... Read more
Hello Heroes of the Holotable, here are today’s update notes!
  • Saw Gerrera is now available in Chromium Packs and Shipments.
  • Tarfful is now available in Chromium Packs and Shipments.
  • Cere Junda's shards are now farmable from Light Side 3-A (Hard). They replace Resistance Trooper shards, which move to Light Side 4-F (Hard) alongside Rose Tico shards.
  • Characters that are available for Guild Currency were added to the Guild Activity Shipment for Mk 1 Raid Tokens.
  • Characters were made purchasable for Mk 2 Raid Tokens in the Guild Activity Shipment.
  • TIE Dagger - For a limited time, TIE Dagger blueprints are available as bonus rewards on all Fleet Battle nodes. Fleet Battles are rewarding bonus drops from 5/26 through 6/3

  • General Skywalker has been working on his cardio game and will now correctly remove the Fatigue debuff from the "Dark Pursuit" m...
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Hello Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for June 2023.


Daily Calendar: Sith Assassin
Bonus Calendar: HK-47


Note: The Territory Battles and Wars during this time period will be shuffled a little but will have the same total number of events. Additionally, the Territory Battle starting 6/30 shorter SELECTION period due to an update that will be releasing. Please make a note of this for your Guilds and personal selves.

16 May

Hello Holotable Heroes,

There is currently an issue with the Krayt Dragon Hunt that allows players the ability to use 5 attempts per day instead of 5 Max attempts per Raid which is the intended interaction. This will be adjusted in a future update.

15 May

Hello Holotable Heroes,

We heard your feedback on the currency visuals and wanted to let you know that in a near update we will be adjusting the Mk III currency to be more distinguishable.

Mk I



As always we appreciate your feedback, thank you!

See you on the Holotable.
Hello Holotable Heroes,

There is a little over a week left for the New Player event surrounding some of our favorite new characters!

As a reminder, to be eligible, you must be at least level 20! Once you are level 20, you will see these Character’s Marquee Events for you to participate in:
  • Cere Junda
  • Cal Kestis
  • Merrin
  • Tarfful
  • Saw Garrera

New players will be accelerated to level 20 to earn access to these Marquees, so tell your friends to join up now for some sweet Jedi Survivor fun!

Also if you’re an existing player who missed or didn’t finish one of the above Marquees previously, you will have until May 24th, which will mark the end of this New Player Event.

10 May

Hello Heroes of the Holotable, here are today’s update notes!

  • NEWS
  • Raid Economy tuning
  • Added new consumables to the Conquest Pass+: Deployable Cooling Systems, Overprepared I, and Dread.
  • RoTE Saw TB Mission on Kashyyyk
  • Fixed "Size Matters Not" feat to look for Galactic Legends
  • Fixed a bug where Magnaguard could take infinite turns when there is No Confidence modifier active.
  • Fixed Sector 3 feat "Imperial ...
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09 May

Hello Holotable Heroes,

As we stated yesterday, we are going to make some adjustments to the Reward boxes to front load more rewards for Guilds.

A large quantity of tokens, especially Mk1 and Mk2, have been moved from individual milestones to early Guild milestones to allow a player’s efforts to better benefit their whole Guild.

The overall amount of rewards has not been changed, just when and where you get them.

We have also reduced the amount of points required to reach certain milestone boxes.

Thank you again for all your feedback, the team will continue monitoring the data and feedback and make more adjustments if necessary.

Here is a table to showcase the before and after adjustments:

Hello Holotable Heroes,

We're writing to update you on the recent changes to the Raid Economy. Upon release and through player feedback, we realize the initial attempt at the updated economy was not landing where we wanted it to and for that we apologize. We know how hard everyone works to get to where they are and to maintain their rosters. Needless to say, this wasn’t ideal.

We're committed to making the Raid Economy better, and we're working on a number of changes that we believe will improve your experience. These changes include:

Updated reward tracks - we are making a series of changes that target improving the value players can get earlier in the reward milestone tracks:
  • We will be moving Mk I, Mk 2, and Mk 3 tokens towards the front of the Guild reward track, with larger amounts of the total quantities available within the first three Guild reward boxes. Most notably, Mk 3 will be able to be earned starting from the first Guild rewar...
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