Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic Dev Tracker

16 Dec

    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your original sentiment remains true. Outside of posting in a forum setting, people in general respond to healthy interactions more often. This thread as whole did benefit with the information Dan responded with. We do moderate posts and enforce the Rules of Conduct when needed, and we encourage people to follow them so we have a healthy community here.

Bottom line, always continue to offer constructive feedback. It's greatly appreciated!

Hi all,

Thanks for your feedback concerning the Login Rewards window. Our team is currently looking into it.

To give more visibility to the workaround, I will also post it here:
  • If the claim button is not clickable, use the arrow to go back to the first page (Tier 1) to claim the rewards.
Hi folks,

You're right, Rass Ordo's companion influence should be at 25 in the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint.

I've transferred the information concerning this issue to our team. I'll update you when I have more information.

Edit: If Rass Ordo is not at level 25 during the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, try to reset the phase and quest.
Hi all,

If you still encounter the Quick Play issue, I invite you to follow the additional workaround I just added to the existing workarounds post of this thread: Stuck in "quick play mode" after patch. Download done, but I can't play my characters
Hi folks,

For those who are still encountering the Quick Play issue, we have an additional workaround to fix this issue. It was added in the main post of this conversation: Quick Play issue workarounds.

15 Dec

    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello! Just wanted to chime in and say that the team will be looking into this issue.

    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, everyone. The team is currently working on a fix for this lightsaber so it illuminates just like all the rest. This fix is currently targeting 6.2.1.
    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, everyone. The team is currently working on a fix for this lightsaber so it illuminates just like all the rest. This fix is currently targeting 6.2.1.
Hey everyone!

So there are a couple of things at play here that I will try to explain. First off, let's start with specific patch note from Game Update 6.2:

"The sound effect of the following items will now be correctly played:
  • Basilisk War Mount
  • Hoverturret Devastator
  • Payday Blaster Pistol
  • Amban JP Blaster Rifle
  • Sienar Drexl Mount
  • Desert Mudhorn Mount"

This was only an internal bug, not something that was ever live. In some of our internal environments certain audio effects were not working, so this internal bug report was created to flag and fix that. Unfortunately this got added in with our actual patch notes for live changes. We have now removed this errant patch note.

Coincidentally, at the same time an actual bug appeared for the Payday Blaster Pistol, changing its audio. These two events happening at once made it look like this w... Read more
    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi! As this has been covered in the Bug Reports Forum, I will be locking this thread and moving it over to the appropriate channel.

Hey everyone!

We love that this was created and appreciate what Discord communities are capable of, but we want to encourage the use of the forums. Encouraging community members to go off of our platform at the top of the General Discussion Forum does not match that goal. While this isn�t something we will sticky, we don�t have an issue with the thread existing in general. Additionally, a post like this is better suited for the Community Content Forum.


All SWTOR servers are once again available!

Thank you for your patience.
Hi DarkTergon,

Thank you for the report concerning the Snow-Covered Parcels bug.

I've transferred the information provided to our team. I'll update you in this thread when I know more.

For those who encounter the same issue, here is the workaround which helped DarkTergon to fix the bug:
  • Send the Snow-Covered by mail to an alt.
Hi all,

Thanks for your different feedback concerning the Redeemed Revan's Lightsaber.

I've transferred those to our team. I'll update you if I have any information concerning this item.
Hi all,

The bug you're reporting on Chapter V: Ascension of Knights of the Eternal Throne will normally be fixed with today's patch. I'll update you if something changes.

Thanks for your patience.
Hi folks,

Thanks for the different reports concerning the bug on the Valiant Defender's Dualsaber.

Our team is aware of the issue and is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information about this bug.
Hi Esra,

Our last Game Update 6.2 'Echoes of Vengeance' changed the Conquest reset timer, making it match the Weekly Mission reset timer.

Dan posted more information about that change in the following thread: December In-Game Event Schedule

Originally Posted by DanielSteed Hey...
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