Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic Dev Tracker

14 Dec

Hi Spartanator,

The issue you're reporting about the Jedi Consular's lightsaber is a known issue:
  • Jedi Consular doesn't receive a lightsaber after The Forge scene.
More information concerning the known issues: Game Update 6.2 - Known Issues.

I'll you in this main thread when I have more information: Help them out here. The Forge is B... Read more
Hi folks,

The issue you're reporting concerning the droid in Chapter V: Ascension is a known issue: Game Update 6.2 - Known Issues.
  • The cinematic after being in the Droid at the "Defend the Companions" step in Chapter V: Ascension is not triggering, preventing players from progressing in the Chapter.
As mentioned in the main thread: ... Read more
Hi KaimanaTOR,

The issue you encounter in the Bonus Chapter: Shroud of Memory is a known issue:
  • The cinematic at the "Speak to the Shroud" step in the Bonus Chapter: Shroud of Memory is not triggering, preventing players from progressing in the Chapter.
Our team is aware of the issue and working on it. I'll update you in this main thread when I know more: UG... Read more
Hi all,

The bug you're reporting concerning the cutscene of Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin is a known issue.
  • The cinematic at the �Speak to the Voss Commando� step in Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin does not play as intended, blocking the players from progressing in the Chapter.
Our team is currently working on it. I'll update you in this main thread when I have more information: KOTET : Chapter 1: Wrath and Ruin.
Hi Draiven_Sniper,

Sorry to read that you encounter an issue with your subscription. Your issue should now be fixed.

Players who encounter an issue with their subscription can directly contact the support team at this email address: [email protected] (they don't need to have a subscription) or post their issue on the SWTOR - Answer HQ forums.

If the subscription was purchased on Steam, they need to f... Read more

13 Dec

12 Dec

11 Dec

    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi EllieAnne,

Wanted to address a couple of points you made in your OP. First, a good majority of the changes made were to improve healthy play and reduce the toxicity that was increasing over time. "Lose farming" was a pretty big factor that we not only discouraged but also wanted to keep out of PVP as a whole.

Secondly, I�m Jackie, and I�m the newest addition to the community team. I�m still learning about the community culture here, so I�m spending a great deal of time in the forums. While I understand frustrations that players may have from time to time, I would like to encourage that posts made in the future are made with the intent to have a healthy conversation regardless if they are with staff or with other community members.

Given that I started with the team a week ago, I�m certain you did not know I even existed. So with this knowledge, I hope that our future interactions can start off on a better foot. I am working on improving the commu... Read more
Hi Estelindis,

Thanks for the report concerning Jace Malcolm's status.

I've transferred the information provided to our team. I'll update you when I have more information from them.
    JackieKo on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, hope you�re all having a happy Friday. For those who may not know, I�m Jackie, and I just recently joined the community team here!

The reason I am making this post is to get a feel for what parts of the forums I can help improve, check in on, etc� So I am asking for your feedback and guidance on that. I do already have a small list based off of what I saw in my intro post. That includes:

Updating stickies/older posts
Being more active in general
Giving the PVP side of the forums some love

Feel free to leave links here of threads I can check out as well! Lastly, please give me details. If you say �the forums need help�, I need to know additional info as to what you mean by that statement.

I will ask for your understanding in that these types of environment changes do not happen overnight, but part of my job is to understand community sentiment and help the community thrive as a whole. That takes time.

... Read more
Hi Eyvaera,

Thanks for the report concerning the bug with the line of your Smuggler in Echoes of Oblivion.

Our team is currently looking into it. Unfortunately, I don't have additional information to provide you, but I'll let you know when I know more.
Hi arturambros,

The bug you encounter in Chapter V: Ascension is a known issue:
  • The cinematic after being in the Droid at the "Defend the Companions" step in Chapter V: Ascension is not triggering, preventing players from progressing in the Chapter.
More information concerning the known issues here: Game Update 6.2 - Known Issues
Hi TrixxieTriss,

The bug you're reporting about the Walker bug in Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin is a known issue:
  • The cinematic of the �Speak to the Voss Commando� step in Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin does not play as intended, blocking the players from progressing in the Chapter.
Our team is aware of the issue and currently working on it. I'll let you know when I have more information.
Hi all,

Thanks for taking the time to report the bug you all encounter in the cutscene of Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw.

Our team is currently working on it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information from our team.
Hi folks,

Thanks for your different reports about the fact that players are not receiving a lightsaber from The Forge.

Our team is aware of the issue and currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information.

10 Dec

Hey folks,

Based on your reports we know that solo-mode of Spirit of Vengeance is definitely quite a bit harder than it should be. We were able to get some quick fixes in which are live now (no patch to download)! They are:
  • Bask Sunn�s Uppercut Ability has been disabled.
  • Rass Ordo's companion influence level has been increased from 1 to 25.
Additionally, we are actively working on a patch to address a number of other issues, look for more details on that tomorrow or Monday. Thanks!

Hi Rimeld,

BalckeN is right, the issue you're reporting is a known issue:
  • The cinematic of the �Speak to the Voss Commando� step in Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin does not play as intended, blocking the players from completing the Chapter.
Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information.