Could you provide any insight as to why this is happening? Or if you could help by passing on the message?
Could you provide any insight as to why this is happening? Or if you could help by passing on the message?
I have no visibility on the issue, I'm trying to gather more information so that I can pass those to the developers.
Hey everyone,
In order to ease the investigation process, would it be possible for you to provide some more details such as:
- Does the issue happen in a specific scenario? (Mission/Raid/DZ/Open World)
- Did you notice any common pattern before losing the vibration? (it happens after x amount of minutes/hours || it happens when you change weapons etc)
- Any other details you can provide.
Thank you!
PS4 user.
- When does it happen (what were you doing before the audio issue occurred, what specific activity)
No specific activity, usually happens.
- How often it happens
Frequently, a lot better after the patch but the problem still exists.
- If restarting the client fixes the issues
Yes, restarting the application fixes the issue until it happens again. Usually after 15minutes to 2hrs after running the game.
Thank you for your support.
Perfect, thank you!
Yes, if you notice any common trends while you start losing the sound (I don't know, after a boss fight or after repeating the same mission, or after teleporting etc) feel free to let me know :)
Spectacular :O