

10 Jan



Tune into twitch.tv/warframe on Thursday, January 11th for the first Prime Time of the new year! As always, the action begins at 6 p.m. ET and you can earn this week’s drop by watching for 45 minutes.

To kick off 2024, we’re offering a fully built Forma for watching our stream this week. 


Twitch Drop: Built Forma

Claim Time: 45 Minutes (Drop 1), 90 Minutes (Drop 2), and 120 Minutes (Drop 3)

**This Twitch Drop has a ...

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21 Dec


Hi, confirming that the Quest unlock issues from merging are known and fixed for future merges. If you're experiencing this bug, please make a support ticket!

1 hour ago, malicular said:

I am too locked out after i merged my account. DE SEND DM from loid for i can play :((((


On 2023-12-19 at 7:21 PM, Benito-Swagolini said:

Im also locked out and it happened after i did the account merge too with both quests done prior and still nothing



18 hours ago, RusOne said:

Same thing is happening to me. Any fix?


20 Dec

8 minutes ago, Count-Dracula said:

Ty for hotfix! But where is Tombstone Glaukus of Sevagoth Deluxe? And where is decorate tombstone like what you said from devestream? Pls fixed them! Thank you!

Couldn't fix it in time for today's hotfix but I can confirm this bug is on our radar for 2024. Added to known issues list!

1 hour ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

does this also fix acolytes not spawning more than 3 times in alchemy?

It does not -- it is on our radar, but unfortunately did not make it in time. Added to known issues!


51 minutes ago, Count-Dracula said:

Ty for hotfix! But where is Tombstone Glaukus of Sevagoth Deluxe? And where is decorate tombstone like what you said from devestream? Pls fixed them! Thank you!

Couldn't fix it in time for today's hotfix but I can confirm this bug is on our radar for 2024. Added to known issues list!

6 minutes ago, Badoxa said:

you didnt fix glaives+´secondary yet


This unfortunately requires a Code fix, and will be coming in our next Cert build. It's listed here: 


4 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Please consider adding slide-heavies to tennokai. You have a lot of melee weapons that use slide-heavy for their specials. 

This is a known issue, we tried to get it in for the end of the year but we couldn't manage it. I'll add it to Known Issues vis, we'll look at it for 2024. :) 


Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix #4

PlayStation Specific Notes: 

  • Fixed Phased Sigil not being available in the Arsenal.

Operation: Gargoyle’s Cry Changes and Fixes:

  • You can now access the Operation Store via Vigile Jahu Gargoyles in other players’ clans! 
    • Note: You cannot contribute to their Curse progress, but you’ll be able to purchase wares with Grotesque Splinters. 
  • Increased reward sorting importance for Curses and Grotesque Splinters so they now appear near the top of the list in the Mission Progress screen. 
  • The Fragmented Trio (Anchorite/Suzerain/Zelator) will now search out cloaked opponents if they sense a hiding enemy nearby, instead of just giving up.
    • Now, these enemies will use their area-of-effect attacks to find you if they sense you're hidden nearby!...
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19 Dec

3 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

EDIT: If you are a Clan who decreased your Rank with ongoing contributions and do not see your progress properly completing (i.e. there should be a check mark in the interface once the Curses' contributions are complete), please submit a support ticket. 

To clear up confusion, I have added this note to the bottom of the post at our support team's request. 

45 minutes ago, CyDuck.UA said:

Sorry for the bother, but I was just about to open a ticket.

I recently lowered our clan rank from Mountain to Storm to make things a bit easier for our smaller, active group during the operation. Then I noticed a hiccup, though—our curse counter for one of the curses was over 10 before the rank drop, and now it's acting a bit off. I'm concerned this might mess with our chances of getting the golden trophy and the new signa.

Before I fire off a ticket, any chance you could shed some light on this? Your insights would be a big help because I can't stop thinking I shouldn't have done it.

Thanks in advance!!


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5 minutes ago, Wheelhouser said:

Should I be worried that I deranked my clan yesterday (down to Ghost)?  I didn't know it wasn't a Ghost clan (I wasn't the founder or the builder of the Dojo, but I am one of only 2 to log in in the past month and the leader now), so when I saw the requirements of 6, but the announcement of 2, I looked into it and removed the barracks and deranked.  And the requirements changed to 2 each and I was able to complete this week.

Am I in for some sort of error next week?

I can't offer a concrete answer but if you do experience issues, make sure to submit a ticket!


We have identified an issue where decreasing your Clan Rank during Operation: Gargoyle’s Cry can lead to Clans being unable to progress in the event. To address this issue, we are temporarily removing the ability to decrease your Clan Rank. 

This restriction will remain until the end of the Operation -- we will update this PSA once lifted. We apologize for the abrupt change, but appreciate your understanding on the matter, Tenno!

NOTE: This should not impact your ability to invite new Clan members while the Operation is live or increase your Clan Rank should you choose.

EDIT: If you are a Clan who decreased your Rank with ongoing contributions and do not see your progress properly completing (i.e. there should be a check mark in the interface once the Curses' contributions are complete), please submit a support ticket....

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Tune into twitch.tv/warframe on Thursday, December 21st for the final Prime Time of 2023! With more hijinks, community highlights, and showcases than we know what to do with, you do not want to miss this. The action begins at 6 p.m. ET and you can earn this week’s drop by watching for 45 minutes.

To end off the year, one of the Cavia members has offered us some of their Shiny Treasures for our final Drops campaign! Wuk!

Twitch Drop: Shiny Treasures Grab Bag

image.png ...

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Thanks all for the reports -- QA reproduced this issue and it is on our radar once again. 


If it is not in the dojo decoration menu, it means it was already placed by a Clan member. Look for a Gargoyle head waypoint marker in your minimap, it'll take you to it. 

18 Dec

42 minutes ago, RoadCrewWorker said:

Still running into the voidblast operator loop today, i was really desperately hoping that had been fixed. :-(

This is on the team's radar but we're having a really hard time identifying the cause (and resulting fix). We know it's not a fun bug to run into and we are investigating a consistent repro for it. 

18 minutes ago, Zaghyr said:

????? This is a typo right? I don't recall Void Angels being present here.....

Hehe oops, sneaky fix related to the new Operation. 


Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix #3

Happy Monday, Tenno! Today’s Hotfix, alongside some great fixes and changes listed below, contains some prep for Operation: Gargoyle’s Cry, going live today at 2 PM ET.  LIVE NOW! A full “How To Play” will be posted alongside its launch to give you all the details on how to play, rewards, and more: 


  • A teleport portal will now appear after selecting a Bounty in the Sanctum Anatomica that will take you directly to the mission start waypoint (similarly to the Zariman Bounties). 

Heart Of Deimos Quest Changes: 
Seeing as Heart of Deimos is a requirement to unlock the Whispers in the Walls Quest, the following changes have been made to make it more newer player-friendly. 

  • “Locate Father Within the Cambion Drift” Stage: 
    • Reduce...
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15 Dec


Hi - confirming that "Secondary Crit Chance increasing with Heat Kills" is not currently working and is on our radar. Will add this to the known issues list and pass on other reports to QA for review. Thanks all!

6 minutes ago, Andvarja said:

I think they mean that the only rare reward being offered for any Cavia bounty right now happens to be the Mandonel BP.  This was the case a few hours ago on a different bounty rotation, too.  Is it intended to be the only rare tier reward available for these bounties?

Yep! Intended. 


Hi! This is intended. The main blueprint is from bounties, the components are from endless missions. :)

Here's the blurb from patch notes for reference:


Its Blueprint is rewarded in the Cavia Bounties and its Components are found in the drop tables for the new Endless Mission Nodes on Deimos (Persto, Munio, and Cambire).


14 Dec

18 minutes ago, Wheelhouser said:

The drop tables state that canticles and invocations drop from the mirror defense mission.  If that is not where they come from, then where?

Hi! The droptables site update is currently inaccurate. We've removed the note from our hotfix notes and we're working on getting it fixed for a future patch. Apologies for the confusion!