

27 Mar

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you explain what you mean by this? I'm not quite understanding your picture just by glancing at it.

26 Mar

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It didn't involve Tier or choice of CV, it was just a % number of players which actually use them. I don't have a translation from the number I saw to a breakdown presented differently.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, the number I was referring to is just in regards to a basic play concept. "What percentage of players touch the class in any meaningful way?" It was surprisingly high.

It was interesting to know how much CVs have penetrated into the playerbase. I'd always assumed them to be quite fringe as a player.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The other issue is that you often point out how skilled play can subvert AA mechanics like Flak and (to an extent) Continuous through immunity windows. Reducing resource availability would just mean those who lose resources less will be more outlier than before and continue to present Reddit clips and forum narratives.

I personally think AA is likely the better place to look at as people tend to be angry about the core interaction as opposed to the damage numbers. Resources would restrain damage numbers, but do nothing for the interaction other than potentially lessen it.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You would prefer to leave AA as it is but simply try an approach which has less planes available? That's certainly a thought, though I think all the narratives about AA will continue to linger if AA is not changed, regardless if the system is considered healthier or not. That's a risky solution.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

According to what I understand, yes.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Research Bureau is for players that have seen and done it all. It allows a way to reset their finished content to get something extra while redo'ing something they've already done.

It's really not anything to worry about until you feel like you've "finished the game" in a sense.


If you want to read more about it, check out the wiki article.


    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you focus on winning everything and being the best in the world, sure. If you're just playing to sail some boats and have fun, you're allowed to do that too. If your ship sinks, you DO have more of them in port.

Nobody wins every game and this game is punishing and complex. Don't be afraid to take it less seriously and allow yourself the ability to make mistakes. Or sometimes to make no mistakes and still lose, because doing that is human.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

@AirCrewChiefI only just realized I forgot to tag you in my response. Please let me know if you found it useful at all.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got it. I didn't see that you had edited in spoilers to the original post.

Do me a favor and remind me about this on Monday. It's 11pm and I'm about to head home. My mind isn't sharp enough right now to review math in sharp detail.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's just that knowing there is "an additional outside source of tokens" means that our Monetization team would have more things to balance and figure around. It could be small, but it is a thing that's worth noting.

Also, Amazon Prime is paid to Amazon, not us, so the exclusivity of the ship is more of a "loss-lead" in terms of advertising as opposed to a tangible good that can be built upon.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please don't misunderstand me, this was not an invitation for you to design something for us. If you want to design a ship, you should apply for a job in game design.

You asked for a critique and I gave you the minimum of what I would need to give you a response on that. A list of pros and cons is nice, but I need:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

All hiring is currently on hiatus, but we still want to get a 4th CM and a Senior CM. Feel free to apply when the opening gets reposted.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

After taking a Flood from a single CV torpedo hit, you were hit by a Sonar ping at 17:58

You ended up getting pinged again which resulted in a Double Ping. I don't believe this actually increase accuracy on Battleships, though I might just be unaware of current "Homing Cutoff Ranges".

I'm not quite sure why you hard turned to Port so much that you are now sailing to Port on the screen. This is important because of how you force homing torpedoes to miss.

From the time of the screenshot above, the Homing Torpedoes were no longer homing. They were now so close to the "intercept point" of your battleship, that they had changed to go dumbfire.

I'll provide an explanation in Paint.

This is the concept of the Interaction Point and the where the Torps will stop homing at a distance from the intercept point.

Ideally, you lead the torpedoes on a...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I moved your post to its own thread. Quoting me in the other thread made no sense.

I'll have a look at the Replay now and see if there's anything I can offer in terms of feedback.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I realize this is only anecdotal, but I looked at an internal number which showed how many players play CVs with any sense of regularity. The number was startlingly high.

I did not research how actively they are played, but in terms of playerbase appeal they do actually have an appreciable amount of players which use them.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mathed out for a Lexington and it came to 63 Planes for a 13 minute Match. At 4 planes lost per attack in total (attack and retreat), that's approximately 15 attacks over the entire match.

This can be used as a basis for discerning expected damage of the CV. When that is figured, the question is if it's too high and where it could/should be adjusted to. Then you can find where the losses values can move to and try tweaking AA.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You may need to expand on this point with some form of picture or flow-chart because I'm not seeing where you're going with this.


A Random Battle needs 24 players.

The matchmaker receives a player to match, sifts them into corresponding buckets and then looks for 23 other players. If the original player was in a Div, then the Matchmaker looks for another 22 or 21 other players.

The Matchmaker is only able to choose from the random string of players that are living, human beings and happen to click the Battle button in ships that fall within the Type and Tier (and potentially division requirements, but an imbalance of 1 div per side is allowed meaning a solo div could exist in a game with no opposite div) requirements. The smattering of people that hit the Battle button is random and uncoordinated (outside of clans or groups of people trying to sync-drop anyway) and so the Matchmaker grabs a random assortment of what...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bottom-Tier should still be Bottom Tier. If the lowest Tier in the match is a Tier 9, it should qualify as a Bottom-Tier match.

I've heard folks say they've charted out 20 games and found inconsistencies with the % values listed for Top/Bottom Tier stuff, so there might be a Time-in-Queue override, though if there is I don't have any information regarding it. In general, it should aim for the target values of Bottom/Top assuming there's enough players to works with and avoid Queue Dump weirdness.