

28 Mar

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The smoked up yolo is a thing, sure, but the Italian DD guns are really very powerful. You can use your speed to force a fight onto a slower DD, and you can smoke-train out of that fight if you aren't winning or after getting a kill.

If the enemy DD fires back, you could also smoke up to shoot them freely if you have teammates close enough to keep them lit since they fired their guns.


As for the yolo-rushing, try to keep that trick in your back pocket as it's extremely dangerous. Maybe think of it more as a mid-late game tactic as anything early game usually results in you hitting some torps but getting taken out.

The torps you do have are slow but long range, so you can threaten with torpedo spam if there's no DD to hunt and it's too early to rush something.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

They matter quite a lot, but it'simportant to keep things in perspective. Just because it's repeated often on a forum doesn't mean it's "TRUTH", but it Does mean that it's a very passionately held opinion that should be noted and looked into. Being open to understanding why someone may disagree with your decisions is required in order to figure out what actions are best. Self-evaluation is very important and players help in pushing us to constantly look at what we're doing and have done to make sure we review our processes.


Randoms are 12 v 12, even without CVs and Subs. No ship lives long with 12 players shooting at it. This is why the first 7+ minutes of a battle are often just players splitting up to each flank and trading fire from safe positions. It's very easiy for a ship to get overwhelmed otherwise.

Brawling happens in the late game when the team sizes are smaller and people can throw their weight around more safely.

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The speed values aren't really problematic in game terms. The biggest complaint is that the speeds don't align with history.

We make a video game that is a not a simulator. Further, we time/distance compress to allow matches to happen in 10-20 minutes, so speed alterations are to allow players the ability to play the match as opposed to playing around where they started and then potentially being unable to get anywhere else.

Tier 6 and 8 are slower, but 10 is sped up. In general, Tier 10 gameplay is fairly fast and more intense in our game, so it keeps with that mold.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it's not in the best interest of a Destroyer to charge an enemy line and eating shellfire to run over a sub. We prefer to use the Air-Dropped Depth Charges so that DDs -don't- have to do that as DDs are busy enough as it is.

If a Sub slips behind enemy lines, however, a Destroyer can run them down safely.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I spend roughly 50 to 80 hours a week on these forums. I do this because the forums are important, the players here are important, and it is quite literally the job I was hired for to make sure these voices are understood and matter.

This doesn't mean that 150 people on this forum voting in a poll is rock-solid proof that all 5 WoWs Server Clusters across the face of the Earth are definitively of X position.


Further, we have access to polling and survey data which penetrates deeper into the playerbase because only a very small amount of players come here. Increasing the number of players which come here and interact is also part of my job, which is why I've spent so much effort trying to reduce toxicity so that newer folks can feel comfortable enough to speak up and take part.

Pretty much a lot of my job is forum relevant because we value the forums and the opinions expressed here highly.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I recently saw the video where that was said. It was a conciliatory tone, not an aggressive one. Basically, if we knew how to implement subs back then, I'm fairly sure we'd have done it from the launch of the game.

I've also learned internally how hard it was with the flood of requests for subs all the time. So again, hearing "There won't be subs!" wasn't so much a promise as a "Please, we can't make it happen. It's just not a thing to expect" sort of situation.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm being honest, I don't. That's why I asked you to just be direct.

People say some pretty blunt stuff here all the time, so it's not like it's strange for someone to be direct.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've never said that "anyone who hasn't said anything is an ardent fan of subs."

We have asked people, repeatedly, across many updates. There are those that want them, those that don't, and those that don't care. It is not one-sided.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct, I genuinely do believe that.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ignored is not the right word. We're very aware of player concerns and do what we can to alleviate them. The best way to do that is to make a good product, which is why we've spent so much time iterating on submarines.

The CV Rework hit Live Server and underwent some very large changes, but this was also after Tech Tree line were unlocked and premiums were sold. There's a lot of pressure in situations like that to not only address issues, but also be mindful of the product people purchased. Submarines have no Tech Tree or Premium investments, so iterations can be whatever they need to be while we hunt down the best form they can be. There's a LOT more freedom in that sense because there is no tie that exists and has to be factored.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


It's easiest to just ask. I'm not great at the wink-wink stuff.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm quite sure that was 10.6. The original "Sub Battle" was like like Update 9.3 or so? It was in Spring of 2020, I think.


Subs have not been great against Battleships since coming back to Live in 10.6, but they had Citadel possibilities for a while. Then that was moved to Dumbfire torps... sorta. Now it's just gone altogether. Testing can have a lot of changes in a small period of time.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

What in specific is the issue with Destroyers?

Some Destroyers out-detect Submarines that are on the Surface. When a Sub goes to Periscope depth, it can only see "Air Detect" ranges, which are quite small on DDs and fairly small on Cruisers.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can we get a screenshot of the Browser Console if there are errors existing?


    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Still being worked on. If you can, try to give us whatever data you can when you are trying to reach the site. It's not broken for everyone.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

On my introduction post someone said something like, "This one will be different. He's a CV Main. He's been forged in the fires of hate already, so our tactics won't stop him."

Not gonna lie, I laughed at that and still do.


As for the party line, it's easy when I understand the WHY something is happening. I enjoy studying game design and I can understand what the Designers are trying to do. If I don't understand, I can directly ask and get an answer that helps me understand. Then it's on me to try to help get the word out.

My belief is that the absence of information causes fear and conspiracy thinking. So, I try to provide information to help give folks a foundation to build on in terms of understanding we we're doing.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've heard one other player report this issue, but it does seem to be rare.

Can you provide replays to help us see what happened in the games that caused problems?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You already know how the Destroyers are set up. They've been in the same place since Subs came back to live server testing in 10.6?

The Depth Charges work, but it's dangerous to charge a sub if they have teammates that can shoot the Destroyer. So, Destroyers aren't an instant-win button which can help the player to feel ok with not yolo'ing the sub regardless of the peril it'd put them in.

If the sub sneaks behind enemy lines, though, they won't have teammates close enough to help against a Destroyer running down the sub.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The reality of the situation is I'm a guy that got sucked into this game about 3 years ago. It's an amazing game.

I lived it, I streamed it, I competed in it, and now I represent it.

Call me by title, or Ahskance, or whatever you do when you talk to someone while you talk to them. I'm just asking not to be actively insulted while having a conversation.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You need to understand the reasoning as to WHY they were saying that. Because the company was being slammed with "Why aren't there Submarines?!?!?!" from all different directions. As we didn't have a plan for how to execute them, we tried to let people understand not to expect them at all.

That doesn't mean that we didn't figure out how to do it later, though. We did, we started messing around with the concept, and now we have them in testing in our game. The populace may be split, but there are people that are absolutely excited about their inclusion.