

17 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not aware of an internal mention. Do me a favor and get back to me after the Patch drops and remind me if it's still an outlier.

Boggzy and I have today off (though I'm here anyway :D), so it'll be best to tap me on the shoulder during a workday when I'm in front of a work computer.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, the part that was quoted to you is the crux of the issue:

You made a response with:


As a company, we don't want to make a habit of stepping in and choosing successors for clans. This isn't about politics in your case, but this is to avoid being contacted by XOs that are looking to perform a takeover of a clan's management structure and using Customer Support to do it.

Please also understand that Customer Support has very direct limitations over what they can and cannot do, so please don't take their explanation that it's outside their power to be something nefarious.


Um... please reach out to me in Direct Messages with as much proof as you can muster that your Commander has passed away. Also, I'd need your Clan Leadership to reach out to me to let me know who they would want elevated to a leadership position.

If that information can be c...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

For those that follow the wide variety of token-awarding options, you can simply buy the Camo outright. For those that do not, a lesser Token option is available in the form of a mission-chain which awards the Camo on completion.

There are not enough Tokens to redeem both.

16 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Teams are chosen by players, not by the game client. As such, you could have players organize to pick a single team and play that team extensively around the clock.

I don't think most people are treating this event with anywhere near that level of competitive spirit, but it's still something that could happen.

Since the teams aren't distributed evenly, having the event occur during higher population times at least helps each team to have a showing during the event period.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You're referring to quotes that go empty. Those are Moderation edits, yes. There is an edit-log on individual posts that keeps records of all the times they were touched.

That happens when someone breaks a rule (Insult/Crazy-stuff/Etc) and other folks quote and respond to it before a Moderator can get to the situation. When the Violation gets Hidden, keeping it public in quotes would defeat that purpose and continue the drama moving forward, so the quotes tend to be edited. It can result in a disjointed conversation though, so sometimes the "response posts" are just Hidden as well should they have nothing to do outside of respond to the Violation.

Oftentimes Reporting posts is the easier fix to a situation. Responding with a verbal slapping might feel good, but it just leaves the problem sitting there unaddressed.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no part of the Ticket system that requires me to be in on it. I am requesting folks send me this information so I can A) Be sure of the results and that the system IS working, and B) Learn what areas need to be pushed further to make sure everything is the way it needs to be.

The entire purpose of this thread was to say, "This Legendary Issue still isn't handled." My responses in this thread are to say, "I'm looking to handle it. Help me by using the Ticket System, because that's how we make things happen."

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know there was an attempt to consolidate lesser-used forums. Some places wouldn't see a post a month.

Do me a favor and send me a message about that. We're out on Monday, but I can look into what happened during the consolidation pass and see if there's anything that can be moved back.

Disagree that posts are "Hidden" as opposed to "Deleted"? To a standard user, the effect would be the same as you wouldn't be able to see the post either way.

To Mods/Adman, the post is just highlighted a white-ish color to represent that it's been hidden from public view. The reason for keeping something as opposed to deleting it is for record-keeping. If you delete it, you don't have record of issues.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The missions are a Social Media campaign. It's a drive to increase interest and membership. If you're interest in the Camo is enough to interest you in joining us on Twitch or Discord, then there's a mission/reward associated with doing so.

As was pointed out, if you don't want to go through the Social Media side of the promotion, the camo will be available for purchase at a later time.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do me a favor and send me the Ticket# for the times you did that so I can look into it. It might have been that the Ticket was closed on our end, but the work in the backend of the system can take a few hours. I want to look into those.

Your "we all know" is wrong, though. Every single time I've been given a Ticket# to check into, actions HAVE been taken.

Saying that using the Ticket system doesn't do anything... Causes the Ticket System to not do anything. If people don't use it, then problem cases can't be corrected.

If you tell everyone that "The Firehose just puts your house on fire" and make people scared to call the Fire Department, then their house just stays on fire :\

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

On the specifics of Notification mechanics, I don't know. Maybe there was a software update at some point?

It might be because the entire thread was Hidden since it spiraled into an early grave. Perhaps you get Notified to an existing thread which is visible, even though a particular post is not. Whereas you might not get a Notification when the "Place" (ie: Thread) the notification is pointing to ceases to exist.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just for the sake of transparency, there was a thread calling for all people to have their real names shown. I responded in the thread that it's not a thing that's going to happen.

Mostly the thread was a wall of people saying "Yeah, no" in a variety of forms to the idea. I don't expect the thread will be missed.


As to the question of "Are threads/posts Deleted?", the answer is no. There's a "Hide" feature which allows the contents of the posts to remain available. Mostly, if a post or thread is hidden it's because of a rule violation or because it was just responding to a rule violation. When the source of the problem is Hidden, the other posts may no longer make sense.

Having things Hidden allows for better record-keeping in regards to Warnings and Suspensions and such.


For those curious how many things are Hidden on an average day, it's usually less then 5-10 posts. For t...

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15 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The statement itself was fairly direct. The USS Black will go through some balance adjustments, then she will be release for Coal when the sweet-spot is found.

There haven't been any changes announced yet, so the process can be expected to take some time.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The timer seems to be bugged. It's like it just adds 20ish hours to the actual time remaining, so it looks super strange.

The missions come available during normal hours, though.

14 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's called "Predropping". It's when you know you don't have enough plane HP for a second attack, so you drop the spares to bring only what you need. Less risk for the remainers.

Here's the concept in video format:

Direct Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I6t7Yu-KzE

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Captains!

A new Devblog has been posted here: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/264

Please leave any feedback you have here <3

Thank you!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do me a favor and send me the Ticket#. My initial assumption is that an Account Rollback would be required, but they might have some C.S. ninja tricks up their sleeve otherwise.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, there was a weird derail and a lot of disrespectful strangeness in this thread. Things have been pruned and the standouts addressed.

I'd like to remind folks to be kind. Have a discussion, not a brawl. Also, speaking for other people and tag-teaming insults... not ok.


OP would like PvE to be featured more in the game for reasons of game growth and story-esque experience. Let's keep it on that vein of topic.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Captains!

A new Devblog has been posted here: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/263

Please leave any feedback you have here <3

Thank you!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not something that we as a company have any interest in.


I've already nipped some personal attacks from this thread. Agree or Disagree, but Keep It Classy.