

14 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the spirit of fairness, no team is gaining progress during the downtime. It's only once the population is high enough to give a good general account of each team that they can compete with each other on an even footing.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Remarkably enough, WarGaming is extremely open to individuals speaking up and reaching out to other members in the organization. This has happened and the support has been enthusiastic.

As I have said before and will continue to repeat ad nauseum, Customer Support Tickets are very important to our system. This is how our Disciplinary Path is structured and we NEED players to actively utilize it when genuine issues occur. If there is an issue with is particularly egregious, please also send me the Ticket# and Replay so I make extra sure that it gets the treatment is requires.

Thank you for doing your due diligence in the past. I'm not excited to hear that you were only rewarded with a sense of frustration and helplessness.

I am actively working on this because this is the Disciplinary Path in our game. It must function in order to allow players to keep their Community healthy. Right now, the Path is working but ...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would suggest the use of "Collusion" for acts which aid the enemy team. This could include sailing to a random corner of the map, choosing not to use their weapons at all while actively playing, and other such notable choices which are discernably premeditated. Some players are still learning the game, so it's possible to misinterpret poor play as "Intentional", so please be careful to look at the situation from the viewpoint of a Customer Support agent that wasn't in the battle. The C.S. agent is going to have to have enough of a situation to work with that they can clearly see the problem.

If a player uses the damage feedback mechanic to destroy their own ship... or does a seemingly intentional ram to force a player into oncoming fire... these could be filed under "Damage to/Destruction of Allies". However, as Friendly Fire was removed, that will most likely involve an automated response informing you that Team Damage was removed. You could elect to reopen t...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to dispell this narrative, I hopped in game and hit Escape while in Port. That can show you current player numbers on the top-left of your screen.

14k Players are on right now.

While I can't find the public player numbers source, I did have a picture from an old forum thread:

This is back from October/November 2020, so over a year ago.

Daily peaks later in the year (after the COVID bump) was 13-15k, which 14k is within.


Old thread where I got the picture:

13 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There might be a "closest enemy ship" interaction. Enemy CVs seem to have a bearing for the nearest ship on their side even when they are undetected. It's possible this also happens for ships in general and causes bot movement behaviors to be impacted.

I'll see about checking into this.

As AI Tools are being worked on, it's also possible that this is something that could be addressed by them. If that's the case, it's likely any fix would be done at that time as opposed to try to open up the hood and tinker with an engine while it's in the middle of being replaced.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The reduced Aiming Accuracy has been noted. There were changes done on our end that were implemented into 0.10.11, but those changes still seem to have a way to go to meet the satisfaction of many Co-Op mains. We are working on AI Tools which should assist us once we have them finished.


"Why according to the developers is PVP considered World of Warships' main mode of play?"

Because Random Battles IS the primary mode played by the majority of our players. This is where most of the games are played, so this is where the ship concepting, balance, and iteration is done. While we have additional modes of play that are both PvP and PvE in nature, Random Battles is the method by with most players interact with our game.

"Other than what 'the data says' I'm having difficulty understanding why there needs to be a 'main mode' at all."

It's not about Designers arbitrarily deciding that one thing i...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There isn't "lowered earning" when there are same number of bots on the field to be shot at. While the economic rewards of Co-Op aren't as high as in other modes, bot pathing isn't related to that in any way.

This is correct.

It's very possible that a player's ship is being spotted early enough that there are bots attempting to path to it instead of simply charging forward on their side. To alleviate this issue, don't be afraid to fire off a few rounds before you can see any enemies. This should increase your detection range and allow for nearby bots to "latch" onto you and stay on your flank.


As mentioned in a different thread, we are continuing to work on AI Tools which will aid us in general. Those tools will allow us to return Operations that have been removed, and will make working with these situations more easy once they are finished.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've trimmed a Personal Attack and the posts the spawned off of it.

Keep it classy folks.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You will notice that the enemy Cossack and Kidd were in a div. It's not uncommon to see players that group up and play with friends at a similar skill level to their own.

Our Matchmaker is Random. The only things the Matchmaker sees are:

the Ship Nation

the Ship Type

the Ship Tier

It's grouped together with other players based off of that information and that information only. Another way to look at this is: The Matchmaker is not designed to understand what winning is. This provides for a truly Random experience which can allow for players to have a wildly varied experience from one match to the next. This assists in the longevity of the game and ecourages people to still have new experiences after thousands and tens-of-thousands of battles.


If you'd prefer a more exclusive matchmaker, Ranked has 3 different Queues. By moving from Br...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, this seems to have been a busy thread I got to wake up to.

Let me put my Mod-hat on.

It's not fun to experience stuff like this.

Some folks will take accusations of cheating to be a badge of honor... because it's a sign someone thought you were too good to be true!

However, most people don't like to be yelled at :\ Especially when they don't deserve it. MORE especially when the game is over and some random guy follows you to port just to yell at you.

Thank you for submitting a Customer Support Ticket on this, it's something that Must happen because that's how things like this are seen and tracked and handled.


For the future, I know your screenshot was intended as a Public Service Announcement, but keeping the name of the player in it falls under the "Name & Shame" rule. Basically, that you Named the person, in order to Shame the person.

... Read more

12 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you're looking for information on how to play Aircraft Carriers, feel free to check out the Lessons and Coaching in my Compendium

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've trimmed some posts Personal Attacks, so I'd like to remind everyone to please keep it classy~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's not something that we're allowed to disclose. Rather than repeat a conversation I just had on the topic, please head over and read this in this thread.

The topic of "Why can't we be told what happens?" starts a bit earlier on, but this should drop you in at a relevant point to start reading and receive the info you're looking for.

11 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just confirmed with contest runner that 10 out of 10 is the Best <3

Scale is 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest rating.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have to admit the same confusion that the others are voicing. You're referencing stuff, but not actually saying what you're talking about.

In the example shown, you did have control over what you showed. The second time bombs came, you showed broadside in the correct way. The first time the rockets came, you showed no broadside in the correct way.

While a more talented CV player might have spent more time setting up their strikes, the CV was on a clock. You were shelling him and he lost over half his health. If your shells had landed more consistently, the CV was dead before you were.

I don't understand how you can say that the CV held all the cards when I literally explained where you gave the CV better shots than you should have. You should have won that fight.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, this is why I do Anti-CV Tactic videos. I have thousands of hours both playing the CV and observing what enemies have done to make the CV's job harder. Without having the background info, it's a much different world for a player trying to deal with a CV strikes.

I do Anti-CV Tactic Replays for free, so just let me know the next time you have one. The information benefits the community.


As for the AA mounts being invulnerable, I'm going to be honest... CV players are rarely going to notice "lessened" AA outside of a Kremlin that's been mauled. Ships don't lose as much as you'd think, and with Adrenaline Rush now buffing AA damage when your health goes down the interaction feels fairly similar throughout. Even El2aZeR has stated the AA Breakage isn't very noticable.

A ship is going to have an expectation of killing X numbers of planes per attack. It could be 1 plane, or 1.5 planes, or whatever the math end...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Of course~ At your service~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

He's right. I'm one of the managers of this establishment~

I hope your enjoyed your meal and your time with us over the Holidays~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was an issue with the 0.10.11 patch which has made Secondaries and AA Mounts unbreakable. It should be fixed in 0.11.0, but that's what he's referring to.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alright, YouTube takes a while to render it's HD version, but it'll happen at some point.

This is the Replay Review:

Direct Video Link: https://youtu.be/vviPHUwt2Xw