

01 Jul


Originally posted by Inseed

DLSS makes no difference to FPS for me at 1440p with a 3090...

If you have a high-end card @ 1440p then you're unlikely to benefit unless you play at high resolutions.


Originally posted by SmallRadComp

BUG whenever im in the dessert the screen goes to a yellow tint, in snow blue tint and also when i get hit my screen goes almost all red. while red it hard to see anything. please give fix

Thank you - We're taking on board the feedback and will be making changes and issuing some hotfixes.


Originally posted by Randomrabbitz1

what’s up with my whole screen being flashbanged red whenever i’m attacked

We're taking on board the feedback and will be making changes and issuing some hotfixes.


Originally posted by Basic_Grocery8046

This. Just this. Absolutely broken update. Was it even f**king play tested???

The issue was/is not on our end.


Originally posted by bongokhrusha

I am on rustacademy Battlefield server. I was wounded and the guy picked me up for 1 sec and then killed me. I spawned and am immediately down. Health is 100 but I am wounded and cannot move. Could be the server. Some guy spawned on me and is also glitched so we are glitched together. Health is not going down, just stuck.

This is due to a problem with the third party server mod Oxide, please make sure to contact the server owner.


Originally posted by ONIONXCORE1

server update is broke. RIP

This is an issue with Oxide, they've since released a fix.


Originally posted by FatBagOfCrack

was playing normally, died at some point and spawned down, not dying just in the down animation and cant move, multiple people in the server are also having the same issue

This appears to be from server which are running a third party - Oxide.

Which server are you playing on?


Originally posted by PigLord127

If you get downed and ride a horse simultaneously you can ride away while downed.

Thank you, we'll take a look into that.

Update: Fix is now out.


Originally posted by Silver-Sorbet-2233

Umod update is late?

Yeah, it'll be out shortly.

25 Jun

08 Jun


The benchmark demo needs updating, it lost compatibility with the last update.

It's on the to-do list

06 Jun


This was my mistake, no one was banned and everyone could rejoin immediately. No one was banned for building inside a rock, just me been an idiot entering an incorrect value.

04 Jun


Originally posted by iddk_

[BUG] teammate's nametags don't appear in alot of situations, full killed my teammate at mili tuns on accident and lost the entire thing because of this shitty bug

Is it that they're not displaying at all or is it the delay?

Edit - We plan to release a fix for this issue shortly.


Originally posted by mingoflemingo

[BUG] Animals are de-rendering at a super close distance. Ill tag it, it takes off like a bat out of hell and is out of render range in less than like half a tile, and just poof it's gone. My settings are the same as always with draw distance all the way up.

This is linked to your "Graphics Quality" setting. I agree, they do tend cull too early. We'll explore increasing their culled distance.


Originally posted by SGTShamShield

[BUG] Animals don't always register hit sound when shot, and often run at hyperspeed away from the shooter.

Thank you for the feedback, we'll look into the hit marker issue.


Originally posted by WatchScotch

Censorplayerlist now enabled by default on servers

Either it isn't, or it doesn't work because battlemetrics seems to be still reporting every name normally, using the steam playerlist also shows the names normally.

Edit: I just checked a facepunch server and it is enabled there, so maybe it didn't get pushed to all servers?

As /u/hunted5 has correctly pointed out. If server owners are using Battlemetrics paid service the list will not be censored due to they're grabbing the player lists from rcon.

We're exploring solutions for this.


Originally posted by hunted5

[BUG] Players banned with the centralized-banning are still able to access the server via rust+

[BUG] TAB in F1 menu no longer toggles tabs

[BUG] using aimanager.nav_disable 1 on your server will create massive amounts of spam in console and logs

Thanks for the reports.

1 - This is the current intentional behaviour and not a bug, something we can explore implementing in future.

2 - Thanks, we'll look into that.

3 - We'll have this resolved shortly.

26 May


Disable depth of field under image effects.

23 May


Originally posted by SarcasticGuessWork

The first person to demonstrate this on a Facepunch server with this exact method I'll give them $250 worth of skins.

The server the video was recorded on clearly has the server-side noclip protection disabled.

07 May


Originally posted by dsstrainer

[Bug] Hitting randomly spawned car chassis makes you aggro against bandits/outpost

[QoL] Should really make car chassis work like downed heli and let us mine it for metal and charcoal

This is the current intended behaviour - why are you hitting a car chassis? I'm not quite sure what the problem is here.