[BUG] Tunnel Dwellers in the corridors and stations seem to be 90° off in their aim. (Custom Map Server, not sure if the same issue happens on procgen) — Seems to happen when a tunnel corridor prefab was rotated.
→ https://youtu.be/oN3NtI7eM6E
[BUG] Tunnel under Launch Site has extreme radiation, Tunnel under Bandit Camp and Outpost are Safe Zones. When entering the Tunnels from inside a Safe Zone, the Safe Zone will remain active until another Safe Zone is entered and left again.
→ https://youtu.be/pke0Rf0-nWc
[Reminder] Mac Clients still getting regular FPS drops, a bug that hasn't been adressed for 11 updates. https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/gfbxy5/bug_reporting_megathread_night_vision_update/fpteib0/