

05 Mar


Originally posted by Loopman108

[BUG] sound is very off, guns are very loud and bradley sound is wrong, he can be next to you but sounds like he is all the way outside of launch

Thanks, we'll investigate this issue.

Update: We've released a client-side update to resolve this issue.


Originally posted by lankssssss

Has there been a change to audio? Gunshots sound super loud compared to normal. I normally play 0.9 audio but now down to 0.6. Really hard to hear anything around me while shooting in PvP

Thanks, we'll investigate this issue.

Update: We've released a client-side update to resolve this issue.


Originally posted by hl3official

[Bug/typo] The devblog says its 10 scrap to use the slot machine, but it's 2 scrap ingame

Thanks, I believe Jarryd has now corrected this typo.

04 Mar


Originally posted by yetzt

[BUG] Tunnel Dwellers in the corridors and stations seem to be 90° off in their aim. (Custom Map Server, not sure if the same issue happens on procgen) — Seems to happen when a tunnel corridor prefab was rotated.

[BUG] Tunnel under Launch Site has extreme radiation, Tunnel under Bandit Camp and Outpost are Safe Zones. When entering the Tunnels from inside a Safe Zone, the Safe Zone will remain active until another Safe Zone is entered and left again.

[Reminder] Mac Clients still getting regular FPS drops, a bug that hasn't been adressed for 11 updates.

Thanks, we're going explore the custom map issues later this month.

Re Mac - Unity has ported back a fix as shown here:

Unity has not released 2019.4.22f1 currently but should within the next few weeks. We'll update when we can.


Originally posted by shamzaDK

[BUG] Our team is able to run around everywhere with safe-zone, making us invulnerable to any damage, it can be fixed by suiciding. Don't know if it is server side, but i doubt that possibility.We found the bug while leaving outpost train station.In the video linked below, you can see us being shot by our teammate, while at train yard, not taking any damage + the safe zone banner in bottom right:

Thanks - we'll be releasing a server-side fix for this within the next hours.

Update - We've now released an optional server update to resolve this issue.


Originally posted by yetzt

This update appears to have made all NPC AI dormant.

Which server are you on?


Originally posted by RustiDome

client side or server side?

optional server update


Originally posted by guillotines4all

  • Fixed fridge excessively large prevent building volume

This was super annoying! Hope this also means we can place deployables tighter as well.

It should be better overall - if not let me know.


Originally posted by Impmaster82

"Puzzle Room Reset"

"All puzzle room loot is destroyed before respawning - no half looted boxs"

They heard you, Reddit.

We did it Reddit!


Originally posted by feonacl

[QoL] 3500 354898 Sulfur Quarry @ P20 - barricades and boxes floating something horrible. Next to train tunnel.

Thank you - Will take a look.


Originally posted by Parrothead1337

[BUG] All scientists on an oil rig i was watching including heavies just sat there and would not attack or move. Official server

We're currently looking into this and hope to address it as soon as possible.


Originally posted by Fucking_Dog_Shit

Currently every server is lagging, all the official ones anyways, everyone is rubberbanding everywhere

We've released an optional server update which has corrected this issue, apologies.


Originally posted by tekni5

[BUG] Just saw some streamers fall through the ground and die, is there an issue on some servers due to new tunnels?


This occurred on a custom map - there are no known issues with this on Vanilla maps.

22 Feb


Originally posted by fight_for_anything

How pissed would Alistair be if we hashtag #BringBackSlient?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

11 Feb


You're welcome!

10 Feb


Thanks for the heads up - we'll get that sorted ASAP.

09 Feb


Originally posted by lindstrom_55

Respawn glitch still isn’t fixed.

Server owners need to ensure they update their servers.

05 Feb


Originally posted by Le_Mocha

You can fall through the map at the southern convoy of the new hapis map.

We've not released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by ihavenoragret

If you get downed in softcore, and proceed to be (un)lucky enough to stand back up, your entire inventory will be greyed out. Can only fix this by dying.

Thanks - We've now released a server side fix for this issue.

04 Feb


Originally posted by _playboicarti_

I have a problem on Rusty NY 3x where whenever I respawn I have an error where I cant move, I have a glitched out sleeping body of myself under me, and whenever I die I get disconnected from the server. I tried verifying game files, and I can play on other servers. i also get a bunch of red text in the top left of my game saying "local player is being set up multiple times". Here's a picture:

We're currently aware of this issue and working on a fix.

Update: Thanks - We've now released a server-side fix for this issue.