

06 Aug


Strange, the yellow submarine should not be spawning on land - We'll get that fixed ASAP.


Originally posted by seoulonfire

[BUG] Flickering textures from last patch still exist.

TSSAA | DLSS on - Water flickers

TSSAA & DLSS off - All other textures flicker

This has happened to me on both a 1080 and 3090

We'll be making improvements to this in the near future.


Originally posted by Narouv

[BUG] Can't shoot people in moonpool from inside the underwater monument. EVERY shot is invalid, can't remember the the exact info it shows in combatlog

Thanks, this is an older issue we still need to address. We'll resolve this shortly.


Originally posted by 2fun2quit

Green Card in Small oil rig never respawns it can be looted only first time server Wipe. Key Cards in Underwater Labs do not respawn either, can be looted only by the first person that goes there after server wipes.

Thanks, we're investigating this.


Originally posted by EXO_6458

[BUG] Seems like Red cards aren't respawning properly at some Underwater Labs.

Thanks, we're investigating this.

05 Aug


Originally posted by Charroma

[BUG] constant footsteps sound bug. if you’re inside a base, and someone runs outside for a bit, it will trigger a CONSTANT running audio sound

We have this in our bug tracker to be looked at, tracking it down has proven difficult.


Originally posted by LordSweetpants

[QOL] I want to release baby sharks in my swimming pool.

baby shark doo doo doo doo


Originally posted by Stunning-Ad5544

[BUG] My game has never crashed before. After this monthly update it crashes every 3-5 min ingame.

Update 2: Updated my graphic card and sound etc through Geforce Experience and that didnt work either. No idea what the issue can be.

Update: I've tried to restart the computer, done the verify through steam and so on and nothing seems to fix it. The crash just freezes everything 2-5 min into gameplay and i see my mouse cursor loading in the middle of the screen. then i have to shut down the game. No error message or anything.

Not used to having any problems in games, so dont really know what more info i need to provide :)


Troubleshooting crashes over Reddit is not the easiest. If you can please send a ticket to our support team who'll grab some logs that'll be a huge help.

02 Jul


Originally posted by xworfx

Speakers deteriorate waaaay too fast.

We'll be releasing an update later today to extend the decay condition.

Update: This update is now out


Originally posted by buzzdog115

Cassette recorder is not working correctly for me. When I try to play back what was recorded its like super slowed down and distorted sounding, but my friend on the same server can record things no problem so I have no idea what's going on. Also the laser lights are not working they just light up with whatever color I have selected but no lasers come out.

Thank you, we're investigating this issue.

01 Jul


Scammed is a strong word, I do not feel we've misled anyone. What is shown on Staging at early stages often changes and we've never officially said in any form we'd support the feature at release.

Going forward I'll have to think carefully about giving creators early previews.

Copy and paste below:

The DLC does allow internet radio streams but only from a prepicked list. Servers owners can add to this list and we'll likely add more in future.

We've never advertised this feature, it was on Staging for a short period of time for testing. The reason for the removal of the player-defined list was upon review and as pointed out by multiple community members it would leak all IP addresses of players within range of the radio (MITM) which opens it up to the abuse of players getting DOS'ed and had multiple other exploit vectors.

While these vectors can be fixed we'd have to masks everything, which breaks most radio stations ToS and we'd be streamin...

Read more

The DLC does allow internet radio streams but only from a prepicked list. Servers owners can add to this list and we'll likely add more in future.

We've never advertised this feature, it was on Staging for a short period of time for testing. The reason for the removal of the player-defined list was upon review and as pointed out by multiple community members it would leak all IP addresses of players within range of the radio (MITM) which opens it up to the abuse of players getting DOS'ed and had multiple other exploit vectors.

While these vectors can be fixed we'd have to masks everything, which breaks most radio stations ToS and we'd be streaming music ourselves which is a big no, and we're definitely not going to do that, we're not Spotify.

In short - It be cool to have, but for your safety, we're not and never will. If you've bought it purely for this functionally please refund.


Originally posted by itzlax

Please reply to this comment when the respawn bug is fixed.

Thanks :)

Should be fixed now depending on your server owner.


Originally posted by Inseed

DLSS makes no difference to FPS for me at 1440p with a 3090...

If you have a high-end card @ 1440p then you're unlikely to benefit unless you play at high resolutions.


Originally posted by SmallRadComp

BUG whenever im in the dessert the screen goes to a yellow tint, in snow blue tint and also when i get hit my screen goes almost all red. while red it hard to see anything. please give fix

Thank you - We're taking on board the feedback and will be making changes and issuing some hotfixes.


Originally posted by Randomrabbitz1

what’s up with my whole screen being flashbanged red whenever i’m attacked

We're taking on board the feedback and will be making changes and issuing some hotfixes.


Originally posted by Basic_Grocery8046

This. Just this. Absolutely broken update. Was it even f**king play tested???

The issue was/is not on our end.


Originally posted by bongokhrusha

I am on rustacademy Battlefield server. I was wounded and the guy picked me up for 1 sec and then killed me. I spawned and am immediately down. Health is 100 but I am wounded and cannot move. Could be the server. Some guy spawned on me and is also glitched so we are glitched together. Health is not going down, just stuck.

This is due to a problem with the third party server mod Oxide, please make sure to contact the server owner.


Originally posted by ONIONXCORE1

server update is broke. RIP

This is an issue with Oxide, they've since released a fix.


Originally posted by FatBagOfCrack

was playing normally, died at some point and spawned down, not dying just in the down animation and cant move, multiple people in the server are also having the same issue

This appears to be from server which are running a third party - Oxide.

Which server are you playing on?