

11 Nov


Originally posted by HeikoWestermann4

But thats for all ranks probably? What are the highest winrates for like diamond+?

Reyna's winrate inversely scales with MMR (more effective in low ranks than high ranks), whereas Sage's winrate scales with MMR. In diamond, immortal, and Radiant, Sage is actually the highest winrate agent by a decent margin.

In the lowest MMRs like Iron, she's still quite good though - she never goes below #3 in any bracket, and jumps past Reyna to the #1 spot in high MMRs. People just tend to think she's weak because of the nerfs, she was just even more powerful before.


Originally posted by Andoitious

Do you guys have any incoming Viper buffs?

Not for a bit, we're holding back on big changes during First Strike. We still think she needs a bit of help but it'll probably be a few patches before we get Viper anything substantial.

10 Nov


Originally posted by Scrinwarrior

Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

I know my original comment was a bit of downer, so I do wanna say now that I did like quite a lot of the changes you guys made, specifically making Breach a solid Operator counter and the changes to the Op directly. They really did make a huge difference in game, and if getting flashed an extra time is the cost of not getting Op’d every single game without end, then that is a cost I am happy to pay. I won’t comment on the Sentinel changes, though, since I haven’t gotten as much of a chance to see how they shake out and what the outcome is.

I’m super glad to hear that you guys plan to take a look into the controllers in the relative near future. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for those changes, when they do make it to us.

You guys have done a really good job on this game so far, small issues notwithstanding, so keep up the good work, and thanks again for the reply.

Thank you, I appreciate it! And just to be super clear - it's totally fine to criticize us or express frustration, especially when you're doing it in a respectful way like you have. It's alright to enjoy the changes we've made and still be disappointed at the lack of Viper changes, and it's good for us to keep feedback like this in mind to make sure we don't get complacent and continue to be ambitious with the quality of patches we can ship here.

Thanks for being so open with us and sharing this, and please continue to do so!


Originally posted by IllumiMahdi

Can we have a list of all agents' winrates? If it isn't possible, that's all good too!

We're working on an insights blog post that'll give some insight into agent winrates (and specifically Sage) soon!


Originally posted by The_Bolenator

Have you guys thought about having certain patches for tournaments be on their own servers? That way you could roll out these buffs for the community and it wouldn’t effect tournament play

Yup, we're building that functionality right now. That's definitely our intent long-term!


Originally posted by Klemmenz

Who is #1 and 2?

Made a quick edit, Sage actually made it up to #2. Reyna was #1 this last patch, Killjoy and Sage are quite close but Sage beats KJ by a few fractions of a percent :)


Originally posted by icemansun

please buff sage

Sage is the #3 winrate agent on this patch and has been every patch since her nerf - what specifically do you feel needs to be buffed?

Edit: just double checked and she’s actually crested up to #2 on this last patch!


Originally posted by Scrinwarrior

I can appreciate Riot trying to stabilize the game. I appreciate them dealing with the back issues that the game suffers from, and trying to optimize a little bit and nail down mechanical issues the game has.

That said... can we please just do something about my girl? I understand that balance changes, especially the sort of overhaul Viper needs, take time. I don’t hold it against Riot that they wanted to take it slow. I get it, I really do. But it’s been 6 months or more since the community found out how bad Viper is. 6 months since they knew she needed substancial buffs to be viable. Every other agent has had their time in the limelight. Every other agent has seen the upper ends of the meta. Breach has seen considerable buffs to make him strong, and even got buffed last patch too. Riot wasn’t afraid to make a statement with Breach and firmly plant him in the meta. They likewise took a firm stance on nerfs to Sage (which might have been a bit aggressive) and nerfs to Cyph...

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We haven’t forgotten about Viper, she’s just got a lot more moving parts to manage compared to other agents. Our focus right now is stability for First Strike, but we want to look at the Controller role afterwards and see what improvements we can make there.

I know Viper hasn’t been in the best spot, despite our efforts thus far. We do still want to continue to work on her, we just had some higher level issues we felt needed tackling first (like the Operator, and changes to make Sentinels more interactive and healthy). She’s definitely still on our mind as an opportunity to improve.


Originally posted by engageddread

Yup. Brimstone imo needs a buff. The pick rate is low and omen is just way better than brim.

We agree! We’ve got some Brim buffs that we’re testing internally, but don’t want to release them and shake things up too badly during First Strike. Controllers are definitely on our mind, though!

27 Oct


Originally posted by Pachurick

Will turret still buzz and make noise when its on? A lurking enemy that can hear the turret will also gain info that KJ is within 40m radius.

Yup! Good call out here.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is also not true, Sage’s winrate is the highest in immortal+ actually, it trends up as mmr gets higher

We’re working on an insights blog post that’ll have this information, so stay tuned!


Originally posted by taintedllama

They also said sage is still really strong.

Yeah she's been a top 3 winrate agent from the launch of the game til now, nerfs just dropped her from indisputed #1 to moving around between 1-3 depending on the patch. Sage is very, very good still.


Originally posted by Pliskin14

The data is inherently biased, because the more an agent is popular and played, the more the players will be comfortable playing it and therefore perform better with it.

Take Sage and Raze for instance. Despite all Riot's attempts at nerfing them, their winrate is always off the chart, simply because they're the most played agents (maybe not the case anymore for Sage). They're at least a secondary agent (when not main) of most players, so when they're picked, players know how to perform well with them. If I pick Breach, of course I'll be terrible with it. Doesn't mean it's not an OP agent.

We look at mastery curve data too - we're not such data novices that we wouldn't be able to account for this. Breach players at the peak of his mastery curve (which is, admittedly, quite long - it takes longer to "master" Breach than most agents in the game) still sport winrates that are lower than many players' games 1-5 on agents like Reyna or Sage. Breach is just not that strong in matchmaking, full stop.

In terms of balancing between pro play and matchmaking, yeah that's a whole different discussion. We're still building out how exactly those should intersect, but it's a very frequent talking point for us and something we're actively working on. First Strike should be a big learning opportunity for us here, and we're communicating with pro teams semi regularly to get feedback from them on top of the data we analyze daily.


Originally posted by Four_Horse

u/Altombre whats the news on Viper?

She's doing a bit better, but still needs some help. We've had some spicier changes bouncing around for testing internally, but nothing we've wanted to ship yet, especially now with First Strike going on and this batch of Sentinel changes + Skye that we wanted to ship.

For controllers, we're looking at buffing Brimstone a bit first, since that's an easier case, but Viper is still on our radar. We just needed to shift around resources to clean up some other aspects of the game on the last patch or two, but we haven't forgotten about her, don't worry!


Originally posted by Solace1k

Breach has a very low pickrate. In free translation it means people dont play him. I don't think he is 'super strong' .

It’s less pickrate and more winrate, but yeah both are true. Few people play breach, those that do play breach are not very successful with him (lowest winrate in the game, right next to viper).

For those who will say it’s because people are inexperienced, even accounting for mastery curves breach is weak. Breach “mains” who play him a ton become more successful, but his peak winrate amongst the players who main him is often still below game 1-5 winrates on agents like Sage or Reyna.


Originally posted by Yellofishy

omen 100% pickrate brimstone 1% pickrate but Riot buffs breach flash instead.

We’re working on some Brimstone buffs right now, they just weren’t ready for this patch. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by Longdisc

And furthermore, if she’s dead, do they work?

Nope. Once KJ dies her alarmbot and turret deactivate.

14 Oct


Originally posted by Kosano

can't you just increase the odds of getting icebox like you did for ascent?

We did do this!

13 Oct


Originally posted by Hoffman9134

Exactly, whether it’s just for a day or two, add an icebox only playlist. I’ve had games where teams talk about surrendering ASAP because everyone is out of dodges.

This is something that we wanted to do, but we don't quite have the tech set up and clean now. It's one of the downsides of launching the map early, some of our "map launch" tech isn't quite set up. We're trying this version of launching Icebox, but are definitely taking notes for future map releases in terms of how to make this a better experience for you all.


Originally posted by Yash_swaraj

