

02 Feb


Originally posted by AwpTicTech

Spotted at the bottom of bug fixes

Reduced brightness on initial visuals when blinded from flashes

Bet a lot of you are gonna be happy with this one

28 Jan


Originally posted by Quackas

Just rifles, not the spectre and stinger?

Focusing on the rifles for now - SMGs in general tend to have better run n gun capability as one of their relative strengths. We've considered expanding these accuracy changes to other weapon classes, but since we've been focusing primarily on the Rifles so far we're just going to do them first and see how everything lands.


Originally posted by Blaustoise

Coleman, I helped pitch the mmo

I know, I remember you talking about it awhile back! I’m mainly referring to that the idea of Riot making an MMO isn’t a new one, it’s been talked about internally for ages. I know you were involved with the pitch that actually got approved though, which is dope.


Originally posted by Indercarnive

So we have him to thank for the MMO?

People at Riot have wanted to make an MMO for ages. I’m sure Blau was one of them (alongside myself) but I’m pretty sure other people like Greg Street had probably thought of the idea before too lmao

20 Jan


Originally posted by bonokoot

No fix for omen’s nerf err bug to his hit box being bigger for his shroud step?

We’re working on it, hoping it’ll be out in next patch. This change was a consequence of a fix we shipped to stop Omen from glitching under the map with Sage walls + tp, so we’re working on a way to have the same TP functionality while also not allowing for him to break through the map.

Hoping for next patch, might be the patch after that though. Sorry for the pain in the interim

16 Jan


Originally posted by lordofmmo

so what happened to "we're ok with omen's power level and we're looking at brim and viper buffs to match it"?

Standard disclaimer: I'm not a designer. I'm insights, meaning I work with the balance team on curating data and our frameworks around how we use it. I'm part of the balance team, but not a designer myself, so keep that lens in mind!

For Omen, I think there were two primary things - pick rate and design goals. Omen's pick rate both in MM and First Strike heavily crowded out other controllers (more than double the pick rate of Viper and Brimstone combined) from being considered for the role. High pickrate by itself isn't a huge issue, but owning the vast majority of the pickrate within a given role across all levels of play was something worth investigating. As we started to work on controller updates and changes, the design team felt there were opportunities to further differentiate Omen from other controllers on the roster (and controllers we'll make in the future) and we wanted to further sharpen his identity. His kit also wasn't driving many economic decisions, as his si...

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15 Jan


Originally posted by RocketHops

It's honestly ridiculous how clunky and bad it feels now. They actually murdered him this update. My confidence in the balance team is really shaken by this patch if we don't see some reverts or number tuning in the near future.

Edit: confirmed unintentional! Omen is saved bois

This teleport change was not intended in our set of Omen nerfs, likely a result of a bug or something else that shipped in the patch. We're talking about it!

13 Jan


Originally posted by Maxi_Mouse

Great, thanks again for the reply and insight. I'm going to look forward to seeing it in action, and will be good to see Brim getting a lot of play at the very least as result of these changes.

Of course! Always happy to talk through this stuff, thanks for sharing your thoughts :) hoping we didn't troll too hard on the number tuning itself, but the next few days should give us a decent idea at least. Good luck in your games!


Originally posted by Maxi_Mouse

Thanks for the reply Altombre. I guess my concern is if Brim is now competing with Omen in terms of the range of his smokes, that takes away one of Omens advantages over Brim. If Omen has to take a mid position to offer global pressure, then you might as well just take Brim every time, as I feel like this patch really elevates Brim above Omen in the aspects that really matter such as his smoke duration, and ability to quickly execute on attack with up to 3 smokes on a site. Also the power of his molly and ultimate are very strong just in their own right. Don't get me wrong Omens kit is also nice, but where it really matters, I feel like Brim is now quite a bit better.

That being said I guess we will see how it plays out.

I think the key difference is that Omen still can provide global pressure, it's just a bit slower. This reduction often results in a second or less of a delay, except at very long ranges, and even so, being able to smoke nearly anywhere on the map is definitely valuable despite the delay. Brimstone just straight-up is not capable of that, and just smoking something gives the team some information about Brimstone's position.

I think it's good to have concerns about why you would pick Omen over Brim - I'm not a designer, but I think our hope would be that Brim is more of the go-to for explosive site takes, due to his triple smoke deploy and ult allowing for explosive takes and his stim's value getting multiplied when you have multiple allies nearby. Omen, on the other hand, should be much better at faking and exerting pressure, since he doesn't have to commit to any of his smoke casts (they recharge), and Omen is much more self-sufficient when working sites due to hi...

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Originally posted by Maxi_Mouse

If Omen is meant to now be the global pressuere agent, can you make his smokes travel the entire map. This is a problem especially on maps like icebox in which he can only viably control from mid.

He's actually not meant to be the global pressure agent. Omen's a controller who can exert a lot of local pressure and misinformation via his recharging smokes that don't give away his position. He also has out of combat mobility via his C and his ult, allowing him to boost, cross angles, and teleport around the map to break battle lines. Omen can still smoke across the map better than our controllers currently, but the speed reduction was meant to reduce his power in that area since he already brings a lot of other unique aspects to the controller role and we don't want him to be the "global controller" on top of everything else.

12 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]

Yeah i figured, but I wish we got maybe 1 buff/nerf every 2 patches instead of multiple every few months like in acts 1/2. Feels like content is slower :(

We've hired some new designers onboard in the new year, so hopefully we can pick up the pace a bit!


Originally posted by Mahoobel

I like the changes, especially for Brim, but what about the running accuracy nerf? I thought they said they were working on it, was I wrong in thinking it would be part of this patch?

We're working on it, just want to be sure we land it right since shooting accuracy is such a high-impact system. It's probably a patch or two out right now.


Originally posted by [deleted]

/u/Altombre I know Brim just got some love but I was wondering what your thoughts would be for a possible something like this in the future if his stim pack's usage remains low!

I think this an interesting idea for an ability at some point! In regards to Brim's stim, I personally think people are sleeping on it, especially after this patch. But maybe we'll add an agent in the future with some sort of trophy system mechanic, who knows!


Originally posted by zorastersab

I get the feeling, but personally I'd rather changes to a limited number of agents at a time. I don't really want to launch into a game today to find that every agent plays differently. I'd rather come to terms with a new agent + a couple of changes to other agents then a few weeks later get more changes to some more agents, etc.

This is the plan, for what it’s worth. We’ve got other changes we’re working on and testing right now, we just didn’t want to rush them all out without being confident in them.

11 Jan


Originally posted by speerme

Nothing is official yet as far as I know but from leaks...

Paranoia cost increased from 200 to 400

Dark Cover travel speed decreased from 4000 to 2800

Smoke regeneration time increased from 28 seconds to 40 seconds EDIT: this part is not true confirmed by devs!

I think the biggest nerf is the smoke regeneration time. Doubling paranoia cost really hurts too, 300 would have been a fine middle ground IMO

I still think he’s plenty viable but Omens will have to use their smokes a little more wisely than before

We're not nerfing his smoke regeneration time, just the Paranoia cost and travel speed. Leaks are often not credible, beware!

I think the travel speed looks a lot bigger on paper than it is in reality. In situations that aren't throwing smokes across the entire map, we're talking about a second or less of a difference. It's natural for folks to have hot takes when looking at balance changes, though, that's just how things go.

09 Jan


Originally posted by Tammu1000CP

thanks for the response, im just upset because i feel like i can impact games even lesser now. thats all. i just hope you guys can add some more naturally fun controllers to play, as of rn omen is the only one thats interesting to play, when i played brim i felt like i wasnt playing a game but performing a chore..

i just hope you guys prioritize interesting new initiators / controllers / controllers, specifically controllers because those are the most lacking in choice and versatility imo (less with the brim updates). it really really feels unfair that playing jett / reyna is the only reliable way to carry yourself out of a lower rank, and that controllers cant have as much impact as duelists can, whilst also have worse stats in game, and dont have the ability to make any innovative plays either...

I totally get where you're coming from, and just to be clear - it's perfectly healthy to question our decisions and levy criticism at us. We are definitely going to be wrong sometimes and are learning alongside you all. So don't feel the need to justify your skepticism! It's all good.

I think in general, Brim is a bit more straightforward and less of a playmaker than Omen for sure, and that's a future opportunity in Controllers as a role in general like you said. In regards to your other concerns - Yoru will be the last Duelist for a little bit, so the other roles will be getting some more agents soon, and ranked changes are underway (but I don't work on that side of the project, so I can't speak to anything there personally).


Originally posted by Tammu1000CP

why must they nerf omen just to make other agents viable? brim is deffo viable now, but this just hurts any players who dont play duelists in solo q alot worse now, like we didnt need any more incentives for people to f**king play duelists

Omen’s entire kit was not very economically demanding and his Q has proven to be incredibly strong on both offense and defense. In making balance changes, we also want to be future-facing and aim to carve out design space for what each controller is meant to provide - Omen having global smoke pressure, recharging smokes, a boost AND a powerful site taking/stalling tool with low ability costs was just making him a bit too good at everything.

If he ends up being too weak, we’ll buff him back - but hopefully these changes can help sharpen why you’d want to pick Omen or Brimstone more clearly.

We’re looking at Duelists in general right now for similar reasons, fwiw.


Originally posted by Wings_Of_Freeeedom

Can you shoot his teleport orb? As in lets say you put it somewhere, can the enemy see it? Does it have a radius like the killjoy alarm bot?

Yup! You can hear it and it’s stealthed, but you can see it if you’re close enough. You can shoot enemy Yoru beacons to destroy them.


Originally posted by -sunnu

this is so cool!

I have another question, when Yoru goes into another dimension is he completly invisible or can the enemies see footsteps?

Totally invis from range, there’s a radius around him up close where he fades into visibility. Footsteps are a separate ability entirely - some of the videos coming out soon I’m sure will explain all this stuff better than me!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Love how Yoru catches Cypher the intel king off guard, he's gonna be a pain for Cyphers. Wonder if his teleport allows him to teleport past trips like Omen can and also if his footsteps will break Cypher trips.

Correct on both counts, although the hitbox on Yoru footsteps is small so the trips would have to be low to the ground to hit them. Yoru footsteps also trigger Killjoy turret/alarmo and make noises when going through Cypher cages like a player would. He can definitely get into sentinel’s heads and bait out utility (or teleport past it)